Cyborg Cop II
Cyborg Cop II
R | 13 March 1995 (USA)
Cyborg Cop II Trailers

Jack, a cop, loses his partner to a crazed terrorist during a hostage rescue sending the man to death row. What Jack doesn't know is that the terrorist will be taken and turned into a cyborg for the "Anti-Terrorist Group".


Awesome Movie

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I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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Frank Markland

David Bradley has his second go around as Jack Ryan, an FBI agent or something who takes on a cybernetic terrorist, who is turned made into a robot for some reason. Cyborg Soldier is one of those movies that sort of just happens as you watch it. I didn't hate it, because to hate it would indicate that I had an opinion of it. Basically, it's Robocop, Terminator, Universal Soldier and Nemesis rolled into one. I loved the first two movies I mentioned, I liked the third and found some merit in the last, so you would think a movie that could mix and match elements from each would be a winner. It's not. David Bradley is blah in the lead role although the best thing about the movie, he's not nearly as terrible of a presence of say Lorenzo Lamas or Don "The Dragon" Wilson, but he definitely has less charisma than your Van Dammes, Seagals,Lundgrens and Dudikoffs. The main problem though is that it's really flatly directed. None of the action crackles, it should as the choreography is pretty good, there looks to be somewhat of a budget given the numerous explosions and yet nothing rises above the uninspired. Cyborg Cop wasn't very good either, but that one had a sort of distinctive charm, this sequel lacks even that and the film is dreary and unexciting. Die hard fans of 90s B.movies may find something worthwhile here, but for me, I found it dreary and unexciting. A mindless thing to watch on TV when you can't fall asleep, I still recommend sleeping pills. *1/2 Out of 4 -(Poor)

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Barry Smith

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of b-movies, I don't know that I can really say it earned my generous 8/10... While the movie was definitely something during which I spent a lot of time laughing, it was also one during which I spent numerous moments exclaiming comments like, "Oh now they're just being silly." I appreciate bad movies as much as the next person. Hey I'm a Full Moon Entertainment (Dollman, Puppetmaster, etc.) fan, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but roll with me on this one. 1) These are highly sophisticated pieces of cybernetic machinery with the most advanced weapons known to man. I'd think they'd have been given a better targeting system, consider they fired an total of 7,500 rounds of ammo they only killed one human directly. Amazingly enough, Starkraven (oh there's something I'll get to later) was a better shot as a human! 2) "Starkraven"? I suppose he was "Starkraven" mad! Please, if the Crow couldn't pull it off with Eric Draven (D. Raven), what made Sam think he could? 3) Why is it that with all the gunfire nobody ever thought to aim for flesh?? 4) I place this on the bad side, but I found it rather amusing. I could write a cliché dictionary from this movie. The top of the list was when Ryan was referred to as a "loose cannon" 5) Did anyone notice that at one scene towards the end Ryan managed to ignite a liquid CLEARLY marked as INFLAMMABLE? This alone made me laugh so hard I nearly shot milk out my nose... And I hadn't been drinking any milk.6) Now I know I'm about to tick someone off if I haven't already. I'm really picking on this one, but I would have probably enjoyed this movie a little better if the soundtrack had changed once in a while, other than changing tempo. But no, 2 hours of the same darned song...7) And while I'm thinking about it, in the gas station scene.. So you're trying to tell me these cyborgs are so powerful they can withstand a pointblank shotgun blast to the chest without so much as a backwards step, but a "loose cannon" cop driving by on his motorcycle can knock one over by kicking him in the belly? And one to grow on 8) I just think really bad child actors need to be fired out of principle and shipped off to Saturn before they're allowed to grow up and grow worse...Ultimately, the best two uses for this movie: a) when you're really feeling down (let's say you just made a movie and someone said it was bad, watch this movie and then you'll really understand what a bad movie is) b) when you have a date and you have no intention of watching it, but be prepared it will draw your attention back in (in that you will glance back up at the screen with a confused "Excuse me?" expression) Still I give it 8/10 just because I haven't laughed this hard at what I felt was a POORLY executed attempt at a serious movie. I didn't see any REAL attempts at being campy, and yet, 2 hours of one seriously campy movie...

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I just watched this movie 2 days ago and i was tempted to see the reviews. In a nutshell, this movie sucks. The voice of the cyborgs are beyond ridiculous and the special effects the product of what you'd learn in a semester at Heald College.The whole film was laced with unreal fights and the worst dialogue i have ever seen in a movie... and i've seen a lot. The writer/director obviously made a pathetic attempt to add some intellectual value to the movie by having a scientist explain the anatomy of the cyborg "Spraticus" in one seen, but all it did was make me laugh even more.The "key" scene in this movie was when the good cop, called out Sparticus for a fight. It was a pathetic attempt at a serious dramatic scene. Whats worse is that Sparticus responds with " YOU..LOSE..HUMAN" --- how cheesy is that? The last fight was ridiculous beyond belief when i saw the cyborg jump 30 feet in the air... 30 FEET! Then i knew the movie had just gone too far.Did the cast and crew of this movie actually think it was going to be a success? I hope they all found new jobs after this failure. You want cyborgs? Watch Jean Clause Van Dammes movie "Cyborg".

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Sic Coyote

This is a really fun action movie! Sure the plot is stupid, the acting is bad, and the special effects arn't special, but it's all done in such a superbly bad way! Jack is back! David Bradley is great at playing the cliche renegade cop out for revenge! In fact he is the best actor in the movie and the best at kicking a**! You just can't stop laughing at the texan who lapses into cockney, the hobbling cyborgs with one leg bigger that the other, the over the top heroics of Jack giving it to the cyborgs with both barrels! Also see the great locations they have for shoot-outs, all those places to fall from! Oh yeah and virtually nobody dies without it being in slow motion and totally over the top! It's tough to judge which is better Cyborg Cop or Cyborg Cop II, they are just both so chock a block with cliches and hilarious.9/10

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