Cyborg Cop III
Cyborg Cop III
R | 17 May 1995 (USA)
Cyborg Cop III Trailers

A cop tries to stop a scientist's experiments to turn students into cyborg-mercenaries.

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Best movie of this year hands down!

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Admirable film.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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In the world of low budget, independent action films, it is very possible that a third movie is the crappiest. What we have here is a story that has no relations to the first two movies. We have two cops Max and Saint, and they are real jerks. Their mission, in the film, is to stop a mad scientist to turn students into a cyborgs… what a hell? Who came up with that idea? Now… the characters, the script, silly, silly music… I mean everything is bad. Check out our two heroes for example Max and Saint (played by Bryan Genesse and Frank Zagarino, the usual low budget, bad actors, athletes and martial artists), they were so badly written that director obviously said "just act like jerks", and they are two comedian jerks. They are serious only when they are alone. Bryan looks like little funny, angry guy who acts tough… while Frank is a little more calmer, but he looks like a tiny version of Dolph Lundgren and he has that wooden expression on his face. When it comes to the cyborgs… I guess that the title "cyborg cop" has no longer meaning here… well, the alternative title is "Terminal Impact", so… which one is it? There's nothing more to say about this film except a few more things… the cyborgs… they don't even look like cyborgs, only because they are blasted with various weapons, they just can't fall down, and hence, they are cyborgs! Oh really? And can I see some metal under that skin? No! They all have the same uniforms, same face expressions and deep, metallic voices… ridiculous. My advice… avoid this. Better stick to the first two films.

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A new director, Yossi Wein and a new main lead Bryan Genesse as Max means that something is wrong. And indeed. It has nothing to do with the earlier entries and the cyborg only pops up a few times so in fact it's a misleading title. Terminal Impact was it's other name and they should have left it that way.It has long car chases and again dummies are seen in cars as passengers. There's also a lot of shooting going on and it bored me sometimes. The twist at the end didn't work also. I can't say that I liked this even as I can dig action B-flicks but place it at it's time made, 1995, it had more a 1985 look. Although it had the best looking cyborg of the trilogy, simple, it was just a human without any metal parts...Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5

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The first Cyborg Cop I didn't find great, but it was reasonably entertaining and had John Rhys Davies, but I didn't care at all for the second one. But it was Cyborg Cop III that proved to be the worst of the series. As soon as you realise that it not only has a misleading title but it has no connection whatsoever to the first two(the second one had little connection to the first either but at least it had the same lead), you know there's something wrong. The acting is very poor with the lead uncharismatic and the rest ranging from hammy to bored-looking. But they are not helped by their stock characters or their stilted script with humour attempts that don't work at all. Nor by the derivative and dully paced story, choppy editing and action sequences that don't excite in any way. Overall, a poor movie, you may want to see it if you did by any chance like the two previous Cyborg Cop series, otherwise this entry is best avoided. 1/10 Bethany Cox

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Karthik Abhiram

A corporation called Deltatech Inc. is manufacturing cyborgs- when a reporter starts snooping around they decide to silence her. She asks Max and Saint- two federal marshals- to help. Doesn't sound so bad, does it? Maybe not, but this really is a bad movie. The acting and plot are poor. There are plenty of failed attempts at humour in this movie- the so-called "federal marshals" are two jokers who survive all the gunfire and explosions. We have to survive the bad jokes and incredibly dumb lines in the screenplay like the "discussion" about putting insect DNA into humans so that they can withstand radioactivity. The title "Cyborg Cop III" is totally meaningless- none of the cops in this movie is a cyborg. There are one or two moderately interesting action scenes, but they're nothing special. Don't waste time on this.

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