Blood Stalkers
Blood Stalkers
R | 01 November 1976 (USA)
Blood Stalkers Trailers

Two couples – Mike (Jerry Albert) and Jeri (Celea Ann Cole), Daniel (Kenny Miller) and Kim (Toni Crabtree) – go out to a hunting lodge that Mike inherited from his father and find the locals a little less than welcoming….


Very best movie i ever watch

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I'll tell you why so serious

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Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Two couples -- rugged, traumatized Vietnam war veteran Mike (an excellent performance by Jerry Albert), his sweet wife Kim (nicely played by the lovely Toni Crabtree), jolly goofball Daniel (a solid and likable portrayal by Ken Miller), and Daniel's sassy spouse Jeri (a delightfully spunky Cisse Cameron) -- vacationing in a remote cabin in the Florida Everglades run afoul of vicious local redneck psycho poachers. Writer/director Robert W. Morgan relates the gripping story at a steady pace, develops a considerable amount of suspense (a sequence with Mike running through the woods trying to get back to his friends is an absolute tour-de-force of nerve-wracking tension that makes inspired use of strenuous slow motion and snappy crosscutting with a gospel tune acting as ironic counterpoint to the harrowing on-screen action), and really piles on the brutal graphic carnage with a rousing last reel slaughter spree. Moreover, Morgan smartly explores such provocative themes as heroism, cowardice, revenge, and man's indifference and inhumanity to his fellow man. The main characters are well-drawn and engaging. Herb Goldstein as a creepy old gas station proprietor, John R. Meyer as the coarse, mean Lester, David Faris Legge as the ornery Pip, and Morgan as the bald, knife-wielding Jarvis are all genuinely menacing as the nasty hillbilly villains. The lush sylvan location projects a profoundly unsettling sense of dread, isolation, and vulnerability. Irv Rudley's cinematography is rather plain, but overall effective. Stan Webb's shivery score further enhances the eerie atmosphere. Recommended to fans of regional low-budget fright fare.

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The other reviews here give a pretty accurate view of the story and how it plays out so won't rehash any of it here. In presenting a review I would only add the filmmakers appeared to have a distinct vision of the film they wanted to make. Once a hardcore horror film viewer I've sat thru a lot of low budget dreck, so while some horror fans may describe Blood Stalkers as a bad and poorly made film, I would strongly disagree. Certainly not on par with say Sam Raimi's early work (The Evil Dead trilogy), it is an entertaining and sometimes scary film. The actors are not the buff and pretty people found in today's slasher films and Chainsaw remakes, but instead ordinary looking middle aged folk. And within the context of a low budget horror story they give rather good performances. The film has a terrificly crude visual style, and makes nice use of it's locations. Not as polished as much of today's low budget fare but worth seeing if you can find it.

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I give it 8 out of 10 because it is a cult classic. Also it is directed by legendary sasquatch hunter Robert W Morgan who also plays the part of Jarvis in the film. In listening to recent blogtalkradio show called the AARF show(Robert Morgan is a co-host)he tells that because it has become such a cult classic and does well at movie conventions and such,there are plans to maybe do a sequel to this film. I think he said that two of the original stars have signed on and he hopes to have a few more. Robert is a good man and I hope it does well. He has devoted 50+ years of tireless work as a Sassquatch Researcher(which is also one of my interests)and author. Check out his show on the paranormal and maybe look for Blood Stalkers II sometime in the near future.

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This is a pretty obscure, dumb horror movie set in the 1970s Everglades. It is really stupid and lame for the first half, then it actually starts to get good for the last half. There is a scene with the hero running to save his friends interspersed with shots of a church group singing, I don't know. It is mesmerizing. I was impressed with the night time scenes, because it actually looked like night, unlike most low budget horror films where it still looks like daytime. I feel like the director was really talented but was working with a miniscule budget and a tough schedule. There are a few scenes towards the end, the one mentioned above and also the end credits that are extremely cool. This movie could have been a genuine classic if it left its Scooby Doo conventions behind and went straight for the throat. I was surprised at how good this movie turned out to be. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, and I had to ask myself "why?"

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