Sons of Guns
Sons of Guns
| 26 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Simply Perfect

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    Simply A Masterpiece

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    Keeley Coleman

    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    Mandeep Tyson

    The acting in this movie is really good.

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    A show about a poorly managed, cry baby gun shop, with guys with little dicks, and big guns and cheap pyrotechnic explosions at the end. Other reviewers say this is a soap opera, they are too kind. The owner of the failing shop is an egotistical jerk who like to tell "us" that he is the luckiest guy on the planet because he can shoot a car or bale of hay or whatever, but we the "untrained" should never attempt anything that he does or we will die! "It is far to dangerous for us to have Hollywood come in and rig explosions and watch them go off. I thought this POS was off the air. I managed to make it through 4 minutes of the show, until sad little Willy (the boss) shows up and barfs out his lines. He is too emotionally upset to carry on. We could only hope. Don't waste your time.

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    I have been watching this show since it came out and it has kept me entertained ever since. They are good at their jobs, but some of it seems like just MacGyver random guns with pointless stuff. like a silenced shot gun and the desert AR. The shotgun was as loud as a normal rifle or handgun so it seemed kinda silly. Cool but silly. Same with the desert AR they made. They basically took a design that already exists and took credit for it. But it is fun to watch them make the guns so it makes up for their lack of creativity. If you like guns then this show is for you. Even if you think some of their ideas are dumb like i do. Its still a great show.

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    bunch of gun-crazy lovers including the daughter of the red jacket owner. this series, well, just lack of almost everything except guns, bullets, target shootings, destroying the targets. there's nothing really deep enough to keep you interested, really. watching these people in this series only gives me some sick feeling. i used to be interested in guns and all other kinds of weaponry, but not any more since after watched several episodes of this series, those characters in it just sickened so much. what are they doing? this series looked more like a NRA promotional marketing commercial. although these people know how to redesign guns, they got the know-hows, but what they have showed us episode after episode were using the killing machines to destroy lot of stuff other than dummies, paper targets. they are like a bunch of kids who got peter pan syndrome, never gave themselves a chance to grow up. their toys were guns, nothing but guns. there is no deeper thoughts about modern weaponry but shallow red-neck like Hillie-billy shallow thinking. this series is the most bored-me-death series i've ever encountered so far, very hollow and shallow. a total shame the western civilization. gun culture? give me a break!

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    The other reviewer had all bad things to say about the show. It's a reality show that's as he mentioned 30 minutes long so of course they aren't going to go into a lot of history. That's what all the documentary shows are for. This is about this gun shop in Louisiana. I like the fact that the editing isn't absolutely horrid like most reality shows(the ones that could be decent on history and discovery like "axemen", or top shot). What I mean is almost all "reality shows" over edit the shows and make it look like more serious drama is coming up after the commercial etc and focus way too much on BS and that kind of stuff. This show doesn't do that so it gets bonus points from me. Overall its less annoying than most shows and is decently entertaining so far. It's about a gun shop so if your into guns its entertaining and better than shows like top shot that are more about the BS survivor like charades and "drama between participants. Bottom line as with any show don't take much stock in reviews(even mine) and just watch it and make your own decision. Don't let a reviewer that says it's horrid keep you from trying it out.

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