Son of the Dragon
Son of the Dragon
| 02 April 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Best movie of this year hands down!

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    How sad is this?

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    Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    Tom Swartzbaugh

    Easy-going movie. Good for younger viewers.I have nothing against David Caradine, but I howled with laughter at the following scene...David Carradine and his younger protégé are captured by the evil warlord. In a take-off from the end of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, they are left each trying to balance on a wobbly wooden post with a noose around their neck. Also, there is only one rope looped over some overhead anchor point so that if one falls they both die.They start bickering over who is at fault for getting them captured. Fed up with being lectured, the younger man finally says, "Well, if you're so wise, what are you doing hanging from a rope!" ...

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    This mini-series is actually more entertaining than some others with much bigger budgets and grander aspirations. SOTD falls somewhere between "Kung-Fu" and "H R Pufnstuff" on the entertainment spectrum. If it weren't so long (nearly 3 hours) I think that kids would like it quite a bit. It's got adventure, action, "cliffhanger scenes", and not too much romance or other "icky" stuff. When you're young, you're not too critical of flexing rubber swords, campy acting, and scenes that are repeated. (At least two scenes are repeated identically in the movie, just as was done in old-time serials in order to bring the audience up to speed.) Finally, kids are usually more accepting of American English dialogue coming out of the mouths of Asian actors. (Not to mention the fact that several of the leading roles are played by non-Asian actors.) I was going to give this movie three stars, but I felt like the director, producers, and cast deserved some extra credit for at least carrying through on the project. This movie is not art, but, like painting your house, it actually took some time, effort, and discipline to get it made.Overall, not a recommended use for your time, but it might keep the kids entertained while traveling in the mini-van.Oh, yeah...hey, IMDb! "Dialogue" is the preferred and traditional spelling. Your spell-checking seems to think that "dialog" is the proper spelling. While "dialog" is acceptable, both Webster's and the OED consider it an alternative form.

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    I was in such high hopes of seeing an adaptation of a classic story like the Arabian Nights. Instead i was disappointed in a film that failed to keep my attention from the very beginning, even though i tried watching it twice!! It was a bonus that Caradine was in this movie but it didn't amount to much as the actors lacked likability. For something a little similar Zorro with Anthony Hopkins and Bandaras is much better for action, comic moments and overall enjoyability.OK, so Son of the Dragon has many possible fans out there, but if your looking for something to wow about in terms of martial arts and plot line you wont get it. If you just want the kids to settle down on a Sunday afternoon then maybe this it for you along with the 3 ninjas.

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    fernanda monteiro

    The princess of a Chinese-style shogunate has to choose a husband for her wedding between a variety of prince's from neighboring nations. One of them is an elegant handsome white man who looks like an American from the East Coast. He has to compete with other tough men, but obviously he wins the Princess' heart.But in fact he is not a prince but a fake! He wants to steal a valorous gem from the inside of the castle. With the help of Ting Ting he goes to success and fall in love. Ting Ting is beautiful and very pretty. She looks like an American from San Mateo County, California. The diversity of America is so great.Americans of Asian ancestry are improving the country and making it even more interesting and fascinating.David Carradine is another great American Actor from California. He is specially good in his role and I like him a lot for his talent of acting.I recommend this movie for action, drama and pretty girls who fall in love with a handsome tall white man. But also for brave and strong Asian men who are making America great.

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