Outer Space Astronauts
Outer Space Astronauts
| 08 December 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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    Casey Duggan

    It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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    Brennan Camacho

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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    The creativity and imagination involved in this show is above and beyond! The comedic talents alone are genius. It takes a bit of getting used to if you've allowed yourself to be inundated and insinuated into the "norm" of network comedy. This show is not for the faint-of-laughter or the humorless.This show makes fun of every aspect of a space-related series whether it be comedy or serious. From chain-of-command to personal life to first-contact interaction, nothing is sane or sacred. Such a refreshing and irreverent approach to entertainment that has not been seen since "House".The script is fresh and unhindered by social norm. Impudence and imprudence run rampant and free and make no apologies. The human condition is cloaked in the raiment of cheek.It doesn't take a huge budget or top names to make great entertainment and "Outerspace Astronauts" proves it.Way to go, guys! Put this show back on the air!

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    James (jamesharmer-1)

    I am normally extremely generous in my opinions of TV shows and to say that this show was the single worst show ever made would be flattering.So strongly did I hate this show, I was forced to review it in the hope that my review can help just one person in the world avoid certain disappointment.The animation which was a combination of real heads on animated bodies started out weird and ended up annoying.I did not find humor in one single joke and I strongly advise that no person ever watch this show.This show is a shocker!!!! 1/10

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    This show is great and really creative.It plays off the fact that it's low budget and relishes in it. The writing is amazing and the comedy is intentionally silly, smart, and irreverent.The only way to describe it is Sealab 2021 (adult swim) with a Star Trek setting... but since Sealab is a little obscure another way to put it is South Park meets Star Trek, as the story lines revolve around poking fun at the star trek themes.If you were a fan of Sealab 2021, or the home made adult swim comedy shows you will absolutely love this show. The majority of reviews on this new show are great but every once in a while you get some who is way to serious and comes in and complains about the production value... while letting it go way over there head that it was intentionally made this way and that it's unique artistic flare adds to the punch line of the show.

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    Unlike the previous reviewer I kinda like this. It is a combination of lower-budget CGI backgrounds and bodies with live action heads. The effect is a little odd at first, but the actors do a pretty good job given that they probably didn't know what their bodies were going to be doing when they recorded their parts.Basically, a crew of not-the-cream-of-any-crop explorers are in deep space doing something (not really explained). In episode one they encounter an alien ship filled with macho red males bent on domination and a cutesy red female liaison person. Our crew blithely shows their crew everything about our ship, including weaponry and shielding, while they refuse to show any of theirs. In the end, we beat them, there is a little implied alien sex, and the Captain's treasured liquor storage unit get destroyed. Bummer!Is it derivative? Absolutely. Take two parts "Tripping The Rift," add another three parts of the BBC series "Hyperdrive" and toss in a little "fart" humor from National Lampoon movies and you have the idea. The plot of the first episode is easy to follow (read that: sort of shallow and easy to guess how it will end up) but the handling of the presentation — animation and faces, remember? – help it move right along. Even the juvenile humor can be ignored/enjoyed a bit.. As I said at the top, you should give this a try, perhaps at least 2 or 3 episodes before making up your mind. I'm not sure how long a run this is scheduled to have, but I think the writers/producers could easily get 20-24 shows out of this before it might grow a little weary.Oh, and careful viewers will spot things that casual viewers may miss.i've given the show a 7 based on the first episode; I may change my opinion up or down based on the next several of them. Watch with me, won't you?

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