My Ghost Story
My Ghost Story
TV-PG | 17 July 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    People are voting emotionally.

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    The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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    It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    So, please let me know if anyone else found this odd. During the section on the haunted hotel (Hotel Palomar) sp? There is the photographer who shoots the models in period clothing. Anyway he shows a picture of the model heading up the stairs and in it is a blurred figure of a man in period clothing. The man says he can't explain it and that he believes the figure moved a stack of brochures. But my problem is it looks like two pictures together. I cannot remember the exact term for this, something with exposure. I believe he snapped a photo whether accidentally or on purpose of the model moving the brochure stack or he snapped a photo of the man picking up the prop gun off the table. It sure looks like the prop gun and the figure sure looks like the model. Now I am a believer but I have a healthy dose of skepticism saved for fakers. It annoys me when people try to fake things. It makes the paranormal seem as wacky as it once was instead of a serious and newly explored realm of science.

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    Since 2010, the Biography channel documentary series "My Ghost Story" (apparantly renamed this most recent season as "My Ghost Story: Caught on Camera", and based on two specials from 2008 called "My Ghost Story: Hauntings Revealed") is a fiendish, frightening and compelling reality- series for believers in the paranormal. It is one of several paranormal- themed reality/documentary series on the channel, and is arguably the best. Not only does it thrill audiences, but it also is quite comprehensive, and will often go into theories about ghosts/how they function/potential evidence, etc.Each episode is broken down into a few segments, generally lasting 5-10 minutes each. Each story provides interviews with the ones who experience the paranormal activity, in addition to dramatic re- creations. However, most of the stories also give us good amounts of the back-story of each allegedly-haunted location and who has lived there, and almost always, we are given photographic, audio or even video evidence from the witnesses. This is part of what makes this series so compelling, especially for believers like myself.The production is also very strong. Re-creations are well-made, the editing is top-notch. The atmosphere and music are first-rate. This is a very competently put-together series.However, even as a believer, I have to seriously question some of the things on this show. Particularly, some of the evidence presented as fact on the show is highly debatable. (I'll vomit if I see another "orb" photos, because they are so easy to fake or confuse with dust in the air) Also, there is some stretching of evidence, and some severe pseudo-science that drives me nuts. This is a problem with most paranormal-themed shows- because paranormal is not definable by modern science, there has to be a certain amount of conjecture and theory, and it's sometimes hard to take some ideas seriously, even as a believer.All that being said, though, "My Ghost Story" is an incredibly eerie and unsettling series. While it will be hard for skeptics to take seriously, I'd highly recommend this series to my fellow believers. It gets a very strong 9 out of 10 from me. Check it out, preferably in the dark, by yourself or with someone you can nestle up to when the chills run down your spine...

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