Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
TV-14 | 24 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews

    This is How Movies Should Be Made

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    The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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    Leoni Haney

    Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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    Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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    The one thing I truly love about this show is how it never leaves a plot point hanging. Everything is there for a reason and the writers know that. You know that everything will get put together at the end of a story arc but the real puzzle is about how they'll fit it together to win. Some plot points are left sitting there for quite a while so always remember what's been there before as it will get used!

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    This review is 100% opinion based. I'm spit balling on theories. I will admit that this show drags for a lot of season 1. It's a lot of talking on a plane, and the occasional bad guy. I barely made it to episode 14, and only did because I'm stuck in bed and I'm out of movies/t.v. shows I normally watch. Feel bored and unattached in season 1? That's normal. It's all character personality development, and trying to establish relationships. And they take their sweet time doing it. But I'm taking the time to write this review because I experienced excitement for the first time watching this series in Episode 14, Season 1. Why? Because of G.H. They finally reveal something worth mentioning.For people who aren't familiar with the comics, the Avengers and The Fantastic 4 cross paths quite often. With that comes the Silver Surfer, Galactus, Thanos, etc... but the movies completely failed the Fantastic 4, so they've been ignored, which means they're also ignoring the Silver Surfer. With the Infinity Wars happening now, and the movies expanding out into the universe, it will be harder to explain away the absence of characters that can rival the Avengers, and even overshadow them. But with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. they have chance to redeem the Fantastic 4, and herald in (get it?) Galactus, and other characters that the movies can't get to (or aren't focused on yet). No, they don't need to remake Fantastic 4 (please don't, it's just not working out), but they can recapture them (or at least Reed Richards) and infuse life back into the characters without making yet another awful movie. And hell, if they can manage to bring a little Reed Richards in here, and allude to a Herald of Galactus there, maybe then they can implant them into future Marvel movies without trying to get them to go stand-alone. Then again, it's only a t.v. show, so who knows what they'll pull from it. I can say though, they have a unique opportunity to introduce characters in the t.v show, and then tie them into the movies later, without all the overhead and risk of releasing a full blown movie. Question is... will they do it?

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    For all of those tv shows last many year, there's a common problem, new watcher can not follow, and those old watchers maybe busy on something else can not watch it always. but i dont think its means that show are not good. i like it very much, but anyway i start to follow it since 2013....

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    Loved the first 4 seasons, riveted. Then there was season 5. Dark. Not good, different writers maybe? Lost all the fun.

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