Lipstick Jungle
Lipstick Jungle
TV-14 | 07 February 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews

    not as good as all the hype

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    An action-packed slog

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    A different way of telling a story

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    Mathilde the Guild

    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    All in all, Lipstick Jungle was a pretty good show, I would place it in my top ten, but I really enjoyed the show because it was relate able to normal people. I loved Season 1 but I wasn't into Season 2 very much. Wendy: I thought that Wendy was the person that most people would understand. I felt like she was trying to hard to be a mother and a business women, I wanted to tell her that she had a husband who was a stay at home dad for a reason, she didn't need to give up hours at a job that needed her for things that the house-father should have handled. I also felt like her marriage was falling apart, she loved him but she treated him like he worked for her.Nico: Most people dislike Nico because she was cheating on her husband, in her defense her husband was cheating on her with a college girl, whom he knocked up, and he was going to sue her for money for cheating when he had been for years, if it was like 4 years of cheating he must have started when his lover was barley 18. I really loved Nico myself. I understood her, she loved work and it was her passion and her life. I'm a woman like that, my work comes first and everything and everyone else comes second and they know it. I think her dating a younger man was just what she needed, her worshiped her, understood the importance of her work, and he was there for her for just what she needed in a relationship, distance but romance. I think she was the best friend, what she did to defend Wendy over and over, how she tried to help Victory with her own business. I would love to be around someone like Nico, it would great to have a friend who was like me.Victory: I felt like the story could have done better if she would have just toned it down. I mean she was all over the place, kind of a hypo- critic, a real drama queen, and she acted like a spoiled child. I'm sorry but if I was failing money wise and a millionaire wanted to help me I would let him, even if he was my boyfriend because business and pleasure are different and I've dated people I work for and with and it never becomes a problem, Victory is just throwing a typical Victory fit.

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    I'd rather kill myself than watch Lipstick Jungle. The acting is TERRIBLE and there is NO humor in any episode at any minute at any second. Boring story-lines, really the story changes every episode. It is just like the twenty minute series, where the story changes in every episode. From the first episode I was a little impressed. Though it wasn't funny, they produced a fine 'Pilot'. But then- when we get to 'Pink Poison'. BOR--------ING------------!!!!!!!! Cannot believe these producers want to make a series like 'Sex And The City'. And now there's Cashmere Mafia. Oh God! Brooke Shields wasn't the best actor, Kim Raver was pathetic and Linsday Price acted like an over-excited child. Her voice just makes me want to rip her throat out... I beg you, all of you who haven't watch Dipshit Jungle yet, Don't WASTE YOUR TIME.

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    I am in Greece Europe and watching EVERY episode, I am a strong woman with a career, I'm 34, about to get married and FINALLY a show SHOWS how it is for a woman, and the way she has to deal with things.FINALLY something that does not betray my intelligence as sex in the city did, of which i maybe ever saw 3 episodes- couldn't stand it. (it was a ridiculous show... such as desperate housewives is)FINALLY something that feels real and not from a different world. It is VERY natural, I love Brooke Shields and Lindsay Price and Raver, they are just ... one of a kind, EACH of them. The photography,...real, perfect, inspired.. I hate Brooke's husband in the show but again,(his character is pictured somehow like having a low IQ, which of course is something that can happen in life and shows her making a compromise - am sure she somehow is wishing deep inside shed have a husband that is more active from the start and not this "sorry", "shyish" boy-man that wakes up suddenly to realize he wasn't taking care of himself and blaming everybody else!.THIS is the first time i think this has been portrayed by a man in a sitcom, i mean in this honest way - a man, in the position a woman usually is/or was, after her kids grew up and shes there suddenly having no plans in life, being angry that she didn't foresee this day coming - because she didn't take time to work or achieve her personal goals, in order to take care the rest of the family. So convenient for men to look away from this wonderful story. Oh Lindseys man, he is also in this difficult situation. finally men with feelings, but like they are in reality. not all the same and flat like in other sitcom or movies. the casting Couldn't be better..... (again except Brookes husband which every time i see him somehow, i feel he is overacting the role.. but it might also be that i hate whiny men/roles and this is maybe the point in his role)so many feelings... it would be TOTALLY be a shame to cut the show.thanks for reading my thoughts... I love lipstick jungle couldn't live without it.oh ,. and Lindsey price in her role..... the most beautiful charismatic role / woman / visual.. replaces all the fake and empty Barbie dreams i maybe once had as a little girl.KEEP THIS SHOW ALIVE PLEASE!!! I love it. ..

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    mona patel

    I watched season 1 and the beginning of season 2 in a weekend, and now I am addicted. Could Nico and Kirby together be any hotter??? They have amazing chemistry! I am in awe of the two of them together, it is crazy. I hope the writers of this show keep them together because it is hot! All three women are strong women who I can totally relate to because of my own career. This show is real good and I can't wait to watch it again. I think everyone who loved sex and the city would love this show. My friends have talked about this show since it was on, but I figured since i missed the first season it would be hard to get into it, but I was wrong. It is a great show!

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