King of the Hill
King of the Hill
TV-PG | 12 January 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    the audience applauded

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    That was an excellent one.

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    Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.

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    Admirable film.

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    Just finishing the "King of the Hill" series which produced 259 episodes over 13 seasons from 1997-2010. I only saw a few episodes when it began and never really took to it, but watching it now, older and wiser to the various conservative and liberal attitudes expressed in America, this Texas-based comedy, which lacks the comic stylings of "The Simpsons" or the crassness of "South Park", doesn't aim to express social commentary in every episode yet remains a fairly realistic take on life. A very small cast of central characters plus intelligent subtle comedy makes this series a pleasure to watch, barely a bad episode and many good ones!

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    I have loved King of the Hill since it first came out in the late 90's. I remember watching this show when I was a kid. That was back when it was still being aired on the FOX channel and not Adult Swim. And now all these years later you can bet at 8 o' clock every night I navigate my way over to Adult Swim and watch the two episodes they show. (It's 8 my time because I'm in the Central Time Zone for those wondering). I also respect the show, because it does not rely on vulgar humor like most other cartoon-comedy shows. King of the Hill is actually one of the very few cartoon-comedy shows that I feel comfortable to watch with the kids. Sure, the show does say the words "*ss", "b*tch", and "d*mn" a couple of times, but the kids are mature enough to handle it and know not to repeat those words in front of their elders. Overall, the show does maintain a family-oriented atmosphere.

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    I never really could get into this show as for the most part I found it very unfunny. I only watch it now occasionally because it comes on adult swim and my girlfriend and I usually watch it on that channel when there is absolutely nothing else on television. Why if I do not care for the show you ask? Well there is the once in a while chuckle to be had from the show so it is not all bad. However, for the most part I find it rather boring and the jokes just sputter and die. I would say I am glad the show finally got taken off the air, but I do not really have that view of it as plenty of shows I enjoy are long gone now so I actually hate to see this one go as it is one more non reality television show that is off the air leaving more space for another trash show about swapping children, singing badly or whatever else comes on a show these days. The basic premise of the show revolves around a father just like in other animated television shows from "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons" to the later hits "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" (granted the Simpsons really started out being more focused on son Bart). The dad works at a propane company and the fact that he works at this propane company and really enjoys his job and propane is a source of jokes for the entire run of the series. After awhile you think they could just dispense with jokes about his boring job. His wife is a substitute teacher and their son is not really everything his father would hope he is. From time to time you would think this show was taking place in the 1950's as wife Peggy looks like that is where she got that hairstyle. However, it has to be taking place in the present as they have many shows based on current trends in technology and stuff. They have a niece who lives with them and causes them much grief and Hank (the father) has a strange assortment of friends. One of which has another one of those gags that keep on going to long as a husband has a cheating wife and he is obviously raising the other man's son as his own. Just not a show I really care for, I did like Beavis and Butthead, but that is because their show was less structured and random than King of the Hill is. At times you could say that it might as well not be animated.

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    This review is 13 seasons in the making. For 12 years, I was a faithful viewer of King of the Hill. It started out as a wonderful addition to a great Sunday evening lineup on Fox, it ended as the saving grace to a boring and vulgar Sunday evening lineup. This show was forgotten by Fox for five years, they cut its marketing down to nothing and then wondered why it didn't deliver the numbers they wanted.Hank Hill, a responsible husband, son, and father lives his life in a rapidly changing world. He's comforted by his small Texas town, "Arlen", and the friends he's made there, although sometimes, they offer more headache than anything else! The satire was biting right to the end. This show successfully balanced many different ideas without crushing them and did so without beating up on one of the other. Hank Hill is a Reagan conservative, or even a LBJ democrat, his aging dog is aptly named Ladybird.Hank's ideas are often challenged by a growing wave of Liberal viewpoints around Arlen, and simply put, the show never makes fun of any ideology, it makes fun of the behavior intertwined with it, and shows that both ideologies have their problems and their good points. Conservatism is never made fun of and liberalism is never made fun of, except by the main characters.The show follows the daily life of the Hill family and their neighborhood. Peggy is his loving wife with an inflated ego, Bobby is Hank's son, Hank worries that "that boy ain't right" because he's a little different and dreams of being a professional comedian, Hank would prefer he be High School football quarterback and then work at Strickland Propane with Hank. The ensemble cast is great and all of them are funny.This show has everything going for it, well thought out plots, great voice acting, and pleasing animation.This is a 10/10 excellent show. Give it a try if you haven't already.

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