| 01 October 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews


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    I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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    At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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    Sammy-Jo Cervantes

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    This show is as vile as it gets. Colmes is very weak and was a virtual unknown until, he "sold out" to become Hannity's whipping boy. No self respecting politician of any stripe would appear on Fox; the voice of the growing neo-fascist movement in this country. For the scoop on Hannity and Colmes and Fox and the now almost totally right-wing media in this country; see "Orwell Rolls in his Grave" and "OutFoxed" Rupert Murcoch's War on Journalism. Jefferson said "Eternal vigilance is the price of Democracy". The founding fathers never envisioned the event of the entire communications media and the press falling into the hands of the rich and powerful few. There are no checks and balances for this, as the right wing media continues to stifle true dissent and replace it with faux debate forums such as this. This show is professional wrestling, bull fighting, the Harlem Globetrotters vs. Washington. It ain't news, and the sad sacks it trots out to represent the opposition are not true competitors. Give us Buckley vs. Vidal if you want a real heavyweight title bout. I know, Bill Buckley, hardly seems fair, but despite his uncontrollable twitching he is the best they've got and perhaps the best mind of 8th century.

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    I absolutely love this show. There is none other like it. Sean Hannity is a truth teller, unlike some people I know. I listen to his daily talk show, and I watch his one-hour program.I see so many things on this show, it's shocking that no other news program talks about as well. Why don't they? It's because they are afraid to tell the real truth.There's no reason not to like this show if you are a Conservative. Conservatives do just what their name says: Conserves. Liberals don't do that.Sean Hannity is a great American. If people even bother to watch this show every day as I have, they will soon learn the truth about American values. 10/10.

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    Alright, a debate show! Oh goody goo! I should probably mention at this point that I love debate shows. And that means that Hannity and Colmes is no exception. But I should mention right now that I am in no way a Republican. In fact, I'm center-left and I've lived in the Commonwealth my entire life. But Hannity and Colmes, no matter how way you slice it, is entertaining...much like the other dozens of biased bloated news shows on FOX.If you've never heard of this show before, Hannity and Colmes is a FOX debate show starring jack-sprat and his wife, Alan Colmes and Sean Hannity, respectively. Then, they interview people. Then they debate. And then, things get worse...Alan Colmes, in short, is a dweeb. With huge glasses and a face only a mother could love, Colmes is routinely harassed and barely gets any talk time. He's like the little annoying kid that gets picked last for basketball; not matter how loud he talks or high he jumps, he gets drowned out by just about everyone.The man on the other side of the coin is Sean Hannity, who is the polar opposite of Colmes both physically and politically. Sean is louder, more obnoxious, smug (Don't worry Bill O'Reilly, you still have the lead) and has a neck like an Easter ham. Hannity is basically the boss of this show. Anything that the guests say in interviews can't be said without his approval. Because of this, Sean comes off as someone who adores the sound of his own voice and is very unpleasant.Because of this totally lopsided bias, Hannity and Colmes is not the best debate show on TV. "Crossfire" is (or shall I say "was") superior to this joke but nothing - NOTHING - can ever replace Hannity and Colmes. Why? Because it's one of the few shows that no matter how much to hate it's guts or despise it's political beliefs, it's impossible to turn away. Hannity and Colmes will grab your attention from the start and unfortunately, it won't let go. That's probably why it's so popular and has many news shows in it's time slot running for cover.Hannity and Colmes is one of the better shows on FOX but that really not saying much. It's biased, obnoxious, and sometimes, you just can't stand it. But it's ridiculously entertaining and I guess that's all that matters.

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    Soon to beat-out CNN's Larry King for the 9:00 slot on cable, Fox News Channel's "Hannity and Colmes" is easily the best political debate show - bar none. Alan Colmes, although extremely knowledgeable and a worthy combatant for the liberal viewpoint, is overshadowed by the brilliant, up-and-coming voice of conservatism, Sean Hannity, who also hosts his own radio talk show on WABC.

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