Hamish Macbeth
Hamish Macbeth
| 26 March 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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    I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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    This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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    Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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    I agree with other reviewers that this is a charming programme showing the absolutely beautiful scenery found in Scotland. It stands on it's own as a TV show "based" on the characters from MC Beaton's novels. Hamish Macbeth is played beautifully and Shirley Henderson also stands out as the great actors they have both since proved to be, in numerous films and on TV.However, I think if you have read and enjoyed the books, this programme is a bit of a mystery as it has a whole host of totally different characters. I'm unsure why when the ones in the books carried the novels along just fine in both the plot for each individual book and back stories running in the background.I'm not surprised they couldn't run with a murder each week as there would quite literally be no- one left to murder and if it's always the "incomer", then half the guessing is a bit too easy. But I wish there was a little more of the humour and village stories kept on the TV show.

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    Just finished (I think its over) watching the last of the series on BBC America. I looked forward to every Monday night, even though they stupidly put it on at 11 pm making my Tuesdays at work a bit of a drag. I especially liked the pagan influences and the realistic portrayal of a psychic. Of course some would argue that it was not pagan, but what do they know - only us conscious observers who have studied our ancient ways will agree.The writing was very good, as was the scenery and filming. I don't know how to talk like a Hollywood pro but I enjoyed being captivated by the little village each week. The only sad thing that I picked up on were a few minute details. Whenever they shot scenes in the village there were always these pesky tourists in the background. As they were not also in character or native dress, they were a constant nuisance and check in to reality. The last show that I watched Isobel was not dressed properly for her hike. It bugged me, especially when she got caught in a snowstorm. I think she had a thin summer flannel jacket on. The problem was that her character was aware that there was going to be a storm and had time to prepare. Bad Costume Department person. Of course she could have taken some responsibility as an actress too.I doubt there will be more episodes because the UK is famous for doing novella type stories like the Spanish. Rather than us goofy Americans who need to drag out scripts for years and years until the actors are so bored stiff and their lines get really dumb.I agree with the earlier comment that this show has elements of Northern Exposure, but I think Hamish MacBeth was much better x10. I will take foreign exposure over Hollywood exposure any day of the week!!

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    Hamish Macbeth is a charming comedy/drama filled with excellent acting and engaging storylines. Robert Carlyle is excellent as the title character and constable of the town, who's managed to arrest very few people. Hamish has two women in his life, the beautiful novelist Alex and the plain local newswoman Isobel...my desire to see Hamish end up with a certain one of them kept me on the edge of my seat for months as I caught reruns on BBCAmerica.One of the best episodes was a hilarious ode to Romeo and Juliet, in which the townspeople put on a production of West Side Story while the two lovers playing the leads struggled to be together and the same four men played both the Sharks and the Jets. By far my favorite episode is the two-part season finale "Destiny", featuring a complicated plot that involved the "Stone of Destiny" and a tryst in a cave...for those of you who love charming shows with twists and turns that can't ever be expected, watch Hamish Macbeth.

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    This program reminds me a great deal of "Northern Exposure", a compliment since N. E. was a particular favourite of mine. How could you not like a small community where the natives sit around the local pub reading philosophy and arguing the relative merits of existentialism vs. scientific determinism, or where the local constable poaches salmon and the doctor smokes questionable substances in his pipe. Too bad Robert Carlyle is becoming such a celebrity. I suspect we've seen the last new episodes of this charming show.

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