Darker Than Black: Gemini of the Meteor
Darker Than Black: Gemini of the Meteor
| 08 October 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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    I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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    Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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    This anime series has a brilliant premise, interesting characters, great animation, music and sound effects, engaging action scenes and well written dialogue. It would seem that those would constitute a great anime show. Well, Darker than Black is good but it could have been a lot better, if one thing wasn't missing: Character development. With the exception of episode 13 and 14 (the best ones, in my opinion) where we see a subtle, yet clear enlightenment of the side character Yin, there is very little character development in this series. The great titles like Death Note, Elfen Lied, Time of Eve or even the lighthearted Black Lagoon, always feature an emotional arc of one or more characters. They learn, they react, they change their attitude or moral stance because of the circumstances. We root for the characters, we empathise with them and we get closure when their character arc completes. This is missing in Darker than Black. The main character is conflicted but his attitude and behaviour stays almost constant throughout.If not for the above, this would have been an outstanding series. As it is, it's still worth watching, but don't expect the thoughtful and emotional involvement that the best anime give.

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    Jim Fess

    The first few episodes are a bit, wtf is going on but it does explain more in depth after several episodes. This show is basically about emotionless people with abilities that have to pay a price to use those abilities and vary greatly person to person. This show is a sorta dark show, i guess compared to what everyone these days thinks of a "normal" anime then yeah it is dark, but to me I've seen much darker lol. There is lots of blood, action, and excitement. My only complaint with season 1 was the last episode(26). I believe it was an OVA but none the less it just didn't match the series at all, for example episode 1-25 is pure logical thinking, no emotion to killing a person for what ever reason they have to kill them. In episode 26(it also takes place before episode 25 id say 23-24)the group of contractors(basically assassins) are all OMG BUDDY YOU CAN'T KILL THAT PERSON YOU COULD GET HURT!?! Its far to dangerous, don't do that, Oh my goodness thank god your OK. It basically just changes there personalities 100% of what they've been for 25 episodes and doesn't make cents lol Other wise season 1 was very good.Now onto season 2, right off the bat i'd say its far less dark, theirs still tons of violence and blood but unlike in season 1 there is a lot of hesitant killing or mercy for the opponents which doesn't really match up with season 1 but it's still very good overall. When i was a little over half i felt i liked season 1 better but after i got finished(includes the 4 OVA episodes, this basically wraps up a ton of questions and explains the gist of season 2) i definitely like season 2 a little bit better. Overall review: 4.5/5 Why not a 5/5, well there are some serious questions that could have been given at least a vague detail.(like payments, and what happens when there not made. Or how they even know what there payments are). There are plenty other questions but this is just one example. I also think there is plenty of room for a 3rd season, because with all the things they left blank theirs more then enough room to do another season possibly two, i really hope they do i wouldn't mind at all! But don't misinterpret what i said about blanks, the series ends very good with a lot of questions but not enough that it makes the show not make cents or bad in anyway.The show is worth the watch :)

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    I got into Darker Than Black because of its creators- Tensai Okamura has made some real nice works before, notably Wolf's Rain. In that series, he also worked with Yoko Kanno, the composer of some of the best soundtracks I have heard in my life, most importantly Cowboy Bebop. However, this series isn't as good as those mentioned earlier, but it is still good.The problem with DTB is that it starts bad. It's just confusing, we don't know what's going on and we don't know the characters, so it's hard to care about them. Not only that- what I expected that would save the series, the music (I believe that music is as fundamental as anything else) wasn't that great either. Kanno's music just didn't stand out, and even the opening and closing themes weren't hers.However, if you have patience, there's a point where we get to know the characters. Some story arcs get really interesting and when a episode ends, you will want to see the other to know what is going to happen. And it gets fun and turns out to be a nice experience. However, I would only recommend it to anime fans- not the general public. There's still a lot more series in the same vein of DTB that are much better and you should see them before this one.

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    When I started watching this series on Funimation's YouTube Channel I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not but by the time I'd watched half a dozen episodes I was hooked, indeed I liked it enough to buy the series on DVD; at no point while watching the remaining episodes did I regret my purchase.The world of 'Darker than Black' is different to our own; two meteorites have struck Earth, one in South America and the other in Tokyo. Around the impact sites two areas knows as Heaven's Gate and Hell's Gate appeared. Fives years previously something happened in South America and Heaven's Gate disappeared along with the surrounding land; people are worried that the same will happen in Tokyo. The Gates aren't the only strange things; some people have become 'contractors', people with strange powers who kill each other and other people. There is however a price to pay, each time a contractor uses his power he must pay a price; one must smoke despite hating cigarettes, another must eat and one must break a finger. The story follows one of these; a Chinese student called Hei, he is part of an organisation called the Syndicate. He was somehow involved in the Heaven's Gate incident and the authorities fear that something similar will happen in Tokyo.There is an interesting array of characters besides Hei; he frequently works with Yin, an enigmatic and apparently emotionless girl; Huang, the human member of the team and Mao who is trapped in the body of a cat. As well as the Syndicate there is a policewoman who is investigating the contractors and a group from MI6 whose motives are unknown at first. The series is not as dark as the series suggests but it is a lot of fun; combining mystery, action and a touch of humour in an entertaining way. The animation looks good with good character designs and flowing movement. While it isn't too violent there is some which is quite bloody making it unsuitable for younger viewers although I doubt it would appeal to them anyway.

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