TV-14 | 16 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    This is How Movies Should Be Made

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    The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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    Rio Hayward

    All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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    Lachlan Coulson

    This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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    This Anime Inuyasha,While I was watching in my school days prime time on Animax (now aniplex) Used to think that was gory and has some badass fighting moments with big demon bosses with lots of forest fires and destruction.With inuyasha carrying a heavy sword every one will think like that.Now after 12 years or more i guess watched whole series felt the nostalgia from the start. I know that there are haters on internet saying dragging story line unwanted fillers etc., but what u have to see is the main theme of the anime is to draw out the nostalgia for fans of all ages.It does have regular fashion shonen anime villains for each episodes and battles will end with in that episode or some takes two episodes.The more the episodes pass the greater u involve to enjoy. Coming towards the characters inuyasha may be rough and funny he is not just a fighter for something there is a reason for him to fight unlike naruto or bleach no trash involvement with villain sentiments its all the way romance and protection.. Kagume and inuyasha story drags with same to villain naraku anyway it deepens lately. Coming to my favorite romance in this anime is between miroku and sanji these are the moments that really refresh the characters and fun to watch.Seshomoru is coolest character.Shippo is very fun with gadgets and bravery stuff.Kagou a wolf character reminds me twilight saga. My suggestion is there are plenty of lot of anime and there are people who are reluctant to enjoy this classic Inuyasha has to offer they just partaway in the middle of anime.There are short animes like deathnote,full metal alchemist etc., fast paced and logical which inuyasha haters compare to them.I suggest this is a kind of anime requires hope of enjoyment to rejoice the environment inside the anime that it offers.So there are people who like naruto even though it has a lot more fillers than this,keep the fillers aside.Keep in mind that fillers are there in inuyasha only to imagine the environment.If u feel the fighting with demons are repetitive to watch u can seek them and watch.The true aim of this anime is enticement,romance,action & true feel of each episode with peace.

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    I would like to see all of those who were complaining about how Inuyasha is a bad show and how no one should see it, create an anime/manga, publish it and see if it becomes popular or not. This show happens to be popular in many countries. You all have your opinions and I respect that, but when it comes to things like this, you shouldn't even be complaining at all because it's not like you're being forced to watch it. If you don't like this show, then move on to the next anime. It's your problem if you can't see why there are fans that actually do like the anime. So sue us if we think it's great. I'm not afraid to admit it. Inuyasha is my all time favorite anime. If you have a problem with that, I don't care. Nothing you can all say or do will change that fact. You all have your favorite shows and I have mine. We're all entitled to our opinion here and I know that. Every anime has different character designs. You can't really expect every anime to have the same character design in all of the episodes. It's bound to change somehow.

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    Don't kill me fans but I have something to say about this.Pros: Well, the most mildly interesting season that I've watched out of all the seasons that are out there of Inuyasha just has tobe the Shichinintai arc. Unlike the rest of the seasons, I personally think that this one has more of a real plot line and those mercenaries; good god they're such likable characters. Shame they were killed off. Of course, I would write a 15 page essay one why I like the Shichinintai so much but that would be boring for some of you. So this series actually does have some likable characters. I'll miss Bankotsu... poor, poor psycho little boy.Cons: Outside of Shichinintai arc, the series was overall boring, repetitive and some of the characters are extremely irritating. Kagome for example: She overreacts too much to my taste; she acts like Yuka from Elfen Lied. Inuyasha: He's a loud mouth dog demon with a huge sword. What's so unique about him? He has ADORABLE DOG EARS! Tch. Sesshomaru is all talk, no action and very cocky. Naraku has just got to be the wimpiest villain that ever existed in the anime world. Miroku and Sango... they have some color but they just seem to stand on the sidelines too much. But what bugs me the most if the fact that they have absolutely no COMMON SENSE at all. Rumiko Takahashi has done a LOT better then this. I've seen it before.If you like series with a lot of action, no annoying love triangle, no over repetitiveness, this is not for you then.

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    Let me state this right from the start. I do NOT hate this show. I actually quite like some aspects of it. In fact, when i first started to watch it, I quickly became hooked. I was just starting to come out of the whole "anime is for kids" stereotype, and the mature elements of the show had me intrigued.Unfortunately, after seeing the whole series through and a few of the films, I can say that my overall disposition has changed, and it falls into almost all of the pitfalls that plague "bad" anime. Seven or eight friends and myself started watching this series on TV. By the end, only one friend and I were still watching and neither of us liked it.Allow me to explain the plot for you. You can skip this paragraph if you don't want to know. Kagome is an average high school student, who one day falls into a magical well near her family run shrine. When kagome comes out of the well again, she has been transported back in time to the feudal era of japan. She meets up with many other characters and they form a group of five or so companions who set off on a journey of revenge/justice/groping in one characters case =). Overall, they are trying to recover the pieces of the sacred jewel shard which enhances the power of demons who use it.While there are many, MANY side stories and story arcs, there is no were near enough material to occupy 167 episodes. The only story arc that is interesting enough to watch is still sort of dull (the band of seven). After the half way mark in the series or maybe even before, it becomes painfully obvious that the plot is frozen in place and whoever made the series decided instead to put in dozens and dozens of filler episodes. These episodes have little to no impact on the story, and rarely even on the characters. In some cases, some characters who had an important role in the story will disappear for dozens of episodes at a time. Many episodes follow the exact same cookie cutter patterns as the stories before it. Inuyasha shoots wind-scar at enemy. Windscar deflects. Characters gasp in horror. Enemy turns out to have barrier. Characters spent three episodes trying to kill enemy before Kagome finally fires sacred arrow at him and he turns to dust. Also **MAJOR SPOILER: THE CONCLUSION WILL BE REVEALED** the lack of any conclusion makes it seem like you have waisted 83 hours. **MAJOR SPOILER OVER**The animation itself is above average, and in some cases excellent. Even so, reused animation cells plague most action scenes, and it is very hard to ignore them when it is clear that the exact same boulder has flown past a character five or six times in a row.On the brighter side however, all of the characters are very well developed and the romances between some of the characters were truly captivating. Also, the character designs (appearences) were brilliant and at times among the best I have seen, particularly with the band of seven. There is definitely no shortage of Cosplay opportunities here. Even so, I found myself hoping that a character would die just so there would be some sort of movement in the plot. And some of the humour in the show between characters is used again and again. One particular joke (sit boy) is found within the first five episodes, and you can literally expect it to be used again and again for the remaining 162 episodes.Although there are some good aspects of the show and it is easy to see why it has a huge following, the series seems to be dominated by obsessed fan girls who drool over Sesshomiru and InuYasha.Bottom line: Definitely worth checking out, but not worth watching the whole series. The first 30 episodes are very clever, original and enjoyable for anybody. But after that, it simply becomes dull and tedious. Watching a TV show should never feel like a chore, but somehow this series accomplishes just that. Don't expect much from "InuYasha", because you will only feel let down.

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