American Gothic
American Gothic
TV-PG | 22 September 1995 (USA)

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    Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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    At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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    A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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    Calum Hutton

    It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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    This show was great. Really great. This was Gary Cole's best performance in his career. No disrespect to Gary, but nothing ahead is likely to match the subtlety and grace and sheer raw menace of his character here. It was also Lucas Black's best role, but for different reasons. In this show, Black literally delivers dialogue with facial expression. Not a figure of speech. He actually does it. Problem is, he was a "child star" here and when the series was deep-sixed he had to try to reboot his career first as a teenager (and now an adult) and so far the results are not especially promising. He deserved better. Ditto for Brenda Blake. Playing the major vamp in the show, she was able to walk across a gymnasium floor in heels, and get more pizazz from that simple move than most current actresses can get from an entire scene. But the real crime is the way evil in this show was suggested not demonstrated. To this reviewer the real horror is that a show like this could manage only one year whereas a show like American Horror Story, which leaves so little to the imagination, just keeps on going. I am not sure what this says about the world we live in. But that scares me more than any show could possibly manage.

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    Bob Graner

    I first saw this amazing series midway through the season in 1995. It is now 2010. It was hard to keep up with the storyline then, now I know it was CBS who really screwed this one up, and I have never been able to catch it again in re-runs anywhere since. It has always been in the back of my mind "what ever happened to such a tremendous and dynamic show"? especially seeing as how there is more than enough crap on TV as it is. I thought maybe it was Gary who got greedy and wanted more money until I realized that that isn't the Gary Cole I know of. A man with such great talent and range who can go right from playing uncannily familiar Mike Brady to the best character you love to hate Sheriff Lucas Buck, he would know when he has another hit on his hands. I finally learned here by reading the comments that it was another CBS idiot who lost out on what is now a cult classic. It has taken me up to today to find the show in a watchable format again with my Netflix account. Sadly I could only watch 15 out of the 22 episodes online. I promise you this though. I am not much of a collector of DVD's but this series I am going to buy the set. In my humble TV and Movie viewing opinion American Gothic is the best written, finely produced, intimately intriguing story and of course excellently acted Television Program I have ever watched. And I watch a lot, mostly crap. To the entire cast and crew, Well Done and Thank You.

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    I see a lot of folks on this site wishing AG would come out on DVD. Well, I bought it on DVD. (From Borders, no less!) While it is great to have this terrific show in a boxed DVD form, I am upset by the fact that they added very few in the way of "extra's" (A director commentary from Shaun Cassidy on the Pilot episode) and the episodes are shown in the same order they were put out on TV. The missing episodes that were never shown prior to being run on Sci Fi channel are in the box set, but are tacked on the final DVD. If you buy the DVD set, get the actual order they are to be viewed and you will be happier. (You will need to swap DVD's in and out of your player to see them in order, but you will be glad you did.)S

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    This was an absolutely spellbinding series and was sorry that I was only able to catch a few shows way back when it aired late night in the UK. The style of it was so different from others of its kind and the whole thing had an unnerving air of stylish dread to it. All you have to do is read all the positive comments (not a single negative that I can see) to realise what a really innovative series this was and how it caught at the imagination. I now understand from reading the comments it got CANCELLED that's just so unbelievable. What a bunch of 'headless overpaid suited turkeys' there must have been (or just maybe still are) running around to do that.

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