Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon
TV-MA | 02 February 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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    Ella-May O'Brien

    Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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    Billy Ollie

    Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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    But just as I'm about to turn it off, Joel Kinnaman takes his shirt off and my interest returns. Whether I'm too stupid, distracted or not invested enough to completely follow the story remains to be seen but I can go for long stretches without watching an episode and have no hesitation in leaving the room without pausing it so... I know there are far more engaging shows on Netflix but as long as he keeps baring the bod I may finish a season. Eventually.

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    Of course Tak isn't a billionaire his patron Lauren is. I've only seen 2 episodes but I'm guessing Ortega becomes at least a partial ally. Besides doesn't Batman have some friction with the authorities? And Tak and Ortega seem to be sharing the Batman back story. I'm not a comic fanboy but I'm not an idiot. Cyberpunk my ass. Is the black guy going to be Robin? E3 is just beginning. The cinematography is good but so far the action scenes are average. Oh wait he's getting deadly utility belt gadgets. None of the critical reviews I scanned mentioned the Batman copy. But the too perfect, too pat, too cool, too much explanation was mentioned. So will it be a Maltese Falcon/Chinatown lie fest or revive Monk to add some schtick? Oh wait Monk wouldn't be cyberpunk. Question for comic fanboys. Back in the day, didn't superheroes have regular people problems? How can people relate or care about this stuff? I forgot this is junkie nation, of course supercool is the new normal

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    I think this show is very poignant to our times. It does start out very confusingly but hang in there the twists and confusions eventually work themselves out. The writers so far have done an excellent job of showing how if the rich just keep getting richer and think of everyone else as disposable things can really go way, way over board and totally out of control. The upperclassmen have gone so far as to live in the clouds above everyone. I really hope this show gets renewed. Next year though writers let's not have quite so much confusion because you're gonna loose viewers that are now hooked if you do that again. Other shows have made that mistake and quickly gone down the drain. The writing was better in the second half of the season. Hope you guys pick up right where you left off.

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    First two episodes are really impressive. You are getting ever more convinced the real cinematic experience moved to the tv shows. It looks solid, expensive and conceptual to some extent. This is however beginning to fade away with each following episode. You never reach the point you become sympathetic with any of the characters and their motives. They look pointless and predictable. The plot twists are predictable and it feels like they are strictly following a manual or a textbook without actually changing the examples. I am not familiar with the source but it seems it is not a very good one. Dialogues are rushing but they lack any real philosophy. Since the show is pretty gory and sexually explicit it is obviously not aimed at kids but it has no depth for adults. The "deus ex machina" touch is overused and it makes the whole tv show naive and boring. And the final blow comes with the forced samurai saga in the last few episodes. All in all a decent show but not a great one.

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