A Young Doctor's Notebook
A Young Doctor's Notebook
TV-MA | 06 December 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews

    Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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    I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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    The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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    This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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    I found the show to be much more enjoyable than I thought I would. This show is hilarious in great places, and makes you really want to get the doctor out of the weather. A Young Doctor's Notebook is very different than other shows, and I am looking forward to season two! It's as addicting as morphine! I wish that the seasons were longer than four episodes a piece, and only being 20-25 minutes long. I almost feel like the show should be a movie instead. However, it's still a great show that will leave your mouth hanging open in all the right places. Daniel Radcliffe is spectacular as the young doctor, and John Hamm delivers a performance that seems so natural to him. I recommend this to anyone who is into dark humor.

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    I read a few of these stories years ago, and I don't recall that they had much in common with the later work, full of outrageous black humor and demonic fantasy, for which Bulgakov's remembered today. In this 4-ep UK series, three comedy writers attempt a seriocomic mashup of the two, plus a back-from-the-future framing tale in which an older (and much taller!) version of the protagonist, now a cynical, drug-addicted burnout, turns up as a sort of shady mentor to his younger self. Daniel Radcliffe displays fine comic timing as the younger doc; Jon Hamm seems uncomfortable at times with the accent (British, not Russian) but gets off some great line readings as the older one. Series hits its stride in the second episode, but our interest started to wane as things get darker and more chaotic in the last two. Seems kind of pointless to be satirizing the monotony and bleakness of rural Russian life in 1917— Bulgakov and his compatriots were about to endure much worse than bad weather and a cigarette shortage. Good supporting cast, esp. Adam Godley as an overly friendly paramedic ("Feldsher" is the term; until I looked at the cast list I though they were saying "the felcher"). I understand why the Russian reviewer who weighed in below was unimpressed, but when the second series turns up on 'flix, we'll prob'ly give it another chance. FYI, snarky guy from the Netherlands, this series was an Anglo-Japanese co-production

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    A young doctor's notebook is based on the book with the same title by Mikhail Bulgakov. It tells the story of a young doctor from Moscow who is send to a village a day's ride from 'the middle of nowhere in 1917's Russia. First of all, I really loved the atmosphere of the series and it's the main reason why I gave it an 8 out of 10. On the other hand, I cared little for the personal problems of the main protagonist. They seemed a bit forced but nevertheless added some depth to the story. I don't share the problem that most people seemed to have with the difference in appearance of Daniel Radcliff and John Hamm. For me those could be seen as the director taking artistic liberties with the story. Both actors do a fine job in communicating to the audience the distinctions that could be made between a young doctor fresh out of medical school and a more seasoned practitioner with his fair share of personal problems.

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    Having watched all the 4 episodes have to at this one was superbly made. The story itself is quite a simple one but wonderfully narrated , hence the most accolade should go to the author.Mostly dark humour but will be liked by most and hopefully will have a sense of humour to laugh about some medical topics. The editing is good too especially considering the number of episodes they were aiming for. The direction does justice to the story and the story and plots essence is never lost. Radcliffe is almost made for his role with the boyish looks and is very well supported by Jon Hamm. All the the supporting actors are very good and offer comic support just with their superb expressions.The half hour episodes make it quite easy to watch too . An easy watch but very entertaining.

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