Winter Passing
Winter Passing
R | 07 February 2006 (USA)
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Actress Reese Holden has been offered a small fortune by a book editor if she can secure for publication the love letters that her father, a reclusive novelist, wrote to her mother, who has since passed away. Returning to Michigan, Reese finds that an ex-grad student and a would-be musician have moved in with her father, who cares more about his new friends than he does about his own health and well-being.

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That was an excellent one.

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Charming and brutal

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Often a very brooding film with characters who appear lifeless and just reciting their lines.Basically, it's the story of a writer who finds inspiration to continue his work after a visit from his daughter. Of course, she has a motive for visiting-collecting money if she can secure the love letters her dad wrote to her now deceased mother.The films just feels depressing and to me all the characters were stilted including Will Ferrell, who for a change acts in a dramatic role.dEd Harris is completely unrecognizable as the father. He looks like a flower child out of the 1960s with that long-white hair.Just like the winter, you will be glad when this wintry film passes.

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Good, but could have been great. Solid plot, well directed. Heavy on emotion, relationships and character-based drama. Does overdo the kookiness though. Plus, it leaves a lot of things unresolved, though maybe that's the point.Zooey Deschanel is solid in the lead role. Good to see her in an edgy role for once. She usually plays sweet innocent characters (not that I am complaining though - I loved her in 500 Days of Summer). Here she is a selfish, chain-smoking, cocaine-snorting, foul-mouthed bitch.Ed Harris is superb in the role of the father, though this is to be expected. (He seems to revel in portraying sick/depressed/emotionally scarred characters). Interesting to see Will Ferrell in a dramatic role, and he does OK in it.

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This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, despite touting a cast that I adore. Painfully aware of itself and desperate to fit the "indie" mold, this film is the pits. You know those girls in college that brood and "secretly" cut themselves but then go out in tank tops because they want you to know how deep they are? That's basically the same thing this movie is trying to do: prove that it's naturally deep when it's just a calculated genre film (sad that indie is now a genre instead of a means of producing something via independent financing). If you're that eager to waste your time I suggest taking a nap over watching this movie.

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It was in focus. It had intelligible sound. It wasn't too long. Main character kills a kitten by putting it in a gym bag and throwing said bag into the Hudson river (in winter!). Strange choice. Too bad it went downhill from there. Let's see, downtown, kind-of-hot junkie girl goes back home to rescue JD Saling- oops, I mean her fictional recluse author Dad. Turns out Dad's been writing in secret, buried his book in the ground. Junkie girl digs up book, sells it for lots of money - oh, no, that's would have happened in real life - she read said book, likes it, blah, blah, blah.Boooooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnngggggg. After 45 minutes, I started using the fast forward button. It was much less boring 1) at 4x speed and 2) without dialog.

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