Underdog Kids
Underdog Kids
PG | 07 June 2015 (USA)
Underdog Kids Trailers

Inner city kids from a poor neighborhood go up against the undefeated Beverly Hills Junior National Karate Team.


For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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Beulah Bram

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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These bad reviews are the problem with critics. Everything is about what they personally like and not an unbiased review. Is this movie The Godfather? No. But it's not meant to be. This is a kids movie and as such, it is very enjoyable.That's not to say there wasn't some things that could have been done much better, and the directing was not all it could be. But it was very sweet with a good message and the talents of the kids were incredible.Corny? Yes? Simplistic at times? Also yes. A fun time with your little ones? Yes, unless you're a cynic who wants their kids to be a hard and ugly as the adult world can be.Fun little kids movie. Nothing more and nothing less and that's OK.

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Imagine my delight when I found out that taekwondo maestro Phillip Rhee was returning to movies after a 17-year hiatus. The fact that it was for a family film only lightly dampened my enthusiasm, but that thudding noise you heard earlier today was the sound of my crest falling when I saw just how stinky of a picture this turned out to be. UNDERDOG KIDS is clearly Rhee's passion project, and while I like the idea of a positive coming-of-age karate flick, it does far too many things wrong to endear anyone but very tolerant viewers.The story: An ex-MMA champ (Rhee) coaches troubled inner-city youths en-route to a tournament which will pit them against the nefarious Beverly Hills Junior National Team.Other reviewers have called it before me, and I concur that this a pretty obvious melding of THE KARATE KID and Rhee's own BEST OF THE BEST. I don't mind the mix, but the filmmakers have disappointingly decided to go the sappiest and most juvenile route with it that they could have. Whatever the movie has to offer in the way of inspirational life lessons has been dipped in schmaltz and covered in cheese, because one of the few things that can halt the pitiful sob stories of the kids and the hammy character-building of Captain Rhee is the asinine comedy, the highlight of which involves the designated fat kid of the group winning a match by farting in an opponent's face.To their credit, almost all of the featured children have some serious moves, and if placed in the hands of more ambitious directors, they could probably make one heck of an action movie. Most of the fights here aren't bad, but aside from the overuse of slow motion and occasionally choppy editing, the tone of the movie ensures that the importance of these scenes never rises above that of a bunch of kids fighting each other – not even with the gravity of THE HUNGER GAMES. Richard Norton, Don Wilson, Dan Inosanto, Benny Urquidez, and Jun Chong pop up briefly, but not only do they not fight, they don't even have any dialogue. Phillip Rhee himself only has one match, and I am 90% sure that he's been considerably stunt-doubled.I'm all for martial arts in the family medium, even when it goes against my expectations, but even if there are some kids over the age of eight who are up to sitting through this, I don't think their parents will be. As both a filmmaker and veteran of the golden era of low-budget karate movies, Phillip Rhee represents one of our best chances of seeing the style of yesteryear revived in the new millennium, but if UNDERDOG KIDS is a taste of what Rhee is interested in doing with his experience, I will be less interested in any future features he directs. Skip it.

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Phillip Rhee is a man of many talents. I've watched all his Movies since I was a Kid. Every Movie has a positive story & message, Underdog Kids is no exception. This Movie delivers the true meaning of Martial Arts, self-discipline, courage, friendship, love, respect and honor. Important parts to Martial Arts & Life that I see disappearing, over run with brutality & violence to make money or have a Gold Belt. This Movie shows that there is more value to life. It's a heart warming story, with many challenges young kids face on a daily basis & show's how these particular characters overcome the obstacles. It's an inspiring independent Movie to watch, that I think all ages would like, although its aimed toward a Family orientated genre. It doesn't have all the glitz and glamor you'd get from a blockbuster Movie with massive funding. It somewhat lacks post production and fancy editing, however the story surpasses that. For me thats what a good movie is all about. So go in with an open mind, sit back with some popcorn & enjoy Underdog Kids.

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ralph aouad

I watched this movie because I am a big fan of the Phillips Rhee's Best of the Best series. As an adult I still managed to enjoy the movie even though it was aimed for kids, however its best to watch it with you kids or nephews.For the criticism this movie is getting with regards to acting, and camera editing, we should keep in mind that Rhee directed, wrote, and produced it so the budget isn't high. His movies have always served to deliver a good message to martial arts learners, and that's what he does here. Kids can learn a lot of lessons from this which they wont find in any of the karate kids for example, and that's what this movie is all about. For those expecting a triple A movie don't watch this or you'l be missing the point.The only complaint I have was that the movie felt too rushed and I agree with the review saying perhaps they tried to fit in too much into 1 hour and a half. there wasn't enough time for the characters to develop.Its very good to see Phillip Rhee, a master martial artist, acting again and hopefully he continues making more movies. 30 years after Best of the Best, his new movie is still pushing forward positive messages and showing how passionate he is about delivering his message. We need more from this man and less from the mindless violence of Hollywood action star clones.

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