The Story of O
The Story of O
NC-17 | 14 November 1975 (USA)
The Story of O Trailers

The beautiful O is taken by her boyfriend, Rene, to a bizarre retreat, where she is trained in bondage and sexual perversion...


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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Please don't spend money on this.

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Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Benedito Dias Rodrigues

The old France gave us a lot of good things,even in that field,Moulin Rouge,the french burlesque,the first lingerie and so on,but this movie just made to sick minds and uneven sexually only,to find a pleasure whippings a woman is something bad and no make sense at all,some scenes are really sexy,but mostly are amoral oriented,Corinne Cléry is enough gorgeous to make happy everybody without use those stupid things....but not those sick men in their sick roles...maybe l was outdated or didn't understood this self called art movie...high recommended for sadistic guys only!! Resume: First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5

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"Story of O" is luxuriant, nicely photographed, and Corinne Clery is quite appealing as a sensual actress… The film is an adaptation of Pauline Reage's novel about a young girl called O and her entry into the art of loving… The special philosophy here is that women, by nature, are inferior to men and should therefore submit to their every emotion and desire. This is the only way for a woman to find ecstasy… O falls in love with a practitioner of this doctrine, and is forced to go through quite a lot before he will take her in… The treatment of eroticism is slow and careful… O is initiated into a house of bondage where the women are playthings for the male clientele… No talking or complaining is permitted... If the rules are broken, they are "punished" in the collar with whips and chains...One can call this film a lot of things, but "subtle" isn't one of them… Still, it's not overly offensive either, despite its extremely one-sided view of femininity... It does have a seductive quality, and we are attracted into its exotic fact or assumption largely because of Corinne Clery's beauty and sensuality

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maurizio (migbox)

I am commenting this movie after 32 years lol. (and please forgive my bad English and try to understand me..) I saw it first in 1976, but recently I had the opportunity to see it again, and a lot of particulars I didn't noticed in my boyhood jumped out of the screen today.At first, don't look at the trial O has to face.. the story is about the relationship and the power.. if you think that O was the weak one, you didn't noticed how the story ends..I call this behaviour "topping from the bottom" Every relationship has a balance of power, and usually is not in equilibrium.Going back to the movie (please, remember was filmed in 1975!)superb photography, appropriate music.A detail I noticed after 32 yrs.. when O is bringed into the room, at the beginning, the other girl guide her having a hand over her shoulder.. first act of submission.Of course, the argument is not for all..

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In Leigh Hunt's classic poem, "The Glove and the Lions", a noblewoman casts her glove into a lion's den and expects her brave knight to fetch it as a sign of love for her. He does but, when he returns, he flings it in her face. The King remarks that he has done the right thing: "No love, quoth he, but vanity, sets love a task like that." "Story of O", a classic in its own genre, explores the nature of love in a very different milieu but can be said to arrive at much the same conclusion. The men -- and, to be fair, the women -- in this film seem to define love as the willingness to be and do whatever the (male) lover wants, even if this involves suffering physical pain and sexual degradation. This definition of love curiously goes even further to include having sex with men the woman does not love, to please the man she does.The tables are eventually turned as the story evolves, since O conquers the affections of Sir Stephen, who initially views women (including O) as no more important or valuable than a pebble found on the beach.In the final scene, O asks Sir Stefan whether he would be willing to endure even a little of what she has suffered for his sake. It is safe to bet that the answer would be no."Story of O" embodies the worst possible stereotypes, not of only the inequality between women and men, but even of BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadomasochism).The women are always young and nubile, with firm, supple breasts and derrières, kept exposed and available for the pleasure of any man who wants them. This implies that "love" cannot accept anything less than perfection.O is told several times that she can refuse to submit to the desires of her Master and others, and leave any time she wants. But, in reality, she has only one choice, the initial choice to become a slave. Once she has made that choice, she loses any claim to freedom and a will of her own. This may have been acceptable in an earlier era, but it is certainly contrary to the more modern philosophy of BDSM practitioners that such relationships must be "safe, sane, and consensual", and must be an exchange of power, not an imbalance."Story of O" is beautiful to look at, of course. Quite aside from the obvious charms of its female protagonist and her cohorts, there is the quaint rustic elegance of the manor of Roissy where O is kept, and the softly lit, almost air-brushed quality of the photography.But, like the forbidden fruit of Eden, this lovely outward appearance conceals a pernicious poison: the false doctrine that love cannot be freely given, but only taken.

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