The Man Who Saved the World
The Man Who Saved the World
NR | 04 November 1982 (USA)
The Man Who Saved the World Trailers

Two space cadets crash-land on a desert planet, where an evil wizard seeks the ultimate power to take over the world. Although the movie borrows some background footage from Star Wars, the plot is mostly unrelated.


Am I Missing Something?

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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It's laugh-a-minute time with this unintentionally hilarious Turkish classic which shows just how much fun can be had on a (very) low budget. Although I saw the movie in its original undubbed Turkish, you don't really need to understand the dialogue to know what's going on, as the film is taken up with pure action. There's a bad guy with lots of followers and monsters under his control, and a pair of heroes have to stop them. Yes, you've seen the plot a zillion times, but I can assure you that you've never quite seen it like THIS before. You see, they don't have any copyright laws in Turkey which means that the producers didn't need to fork out any money for special effects or a composer - instead, the music is ripped off from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (the stirring bit that everybody remembers too) and every single frame of the outer-space footage is openly stolen from STAR WARS, which gives the film its bootleg title Turkish STAR WARS.To make matters more amusing, the footage is edited together in a very frenetic way and constantly repeated, so we get to see the same shot of a planet exploding about six different times during the course of the movie and the same piece of music over and over again in the poorly-filmed action scenes, which are plentiful throughout the film's running time. Shots of the two Turkish "heroes" of this film flying through space were achieved by donning the actors with motorbike helmets and sitting them in front of a screen again showing clips from STAR WARS. The effect is awful and terribly unrealistic with it, but for bad movie lovers it's a must. The non-existent production values of this film are a riot, from the exceptionally cheesy costumes to the sub standard effects, but these are the things that make this a classic for all the wrong reasons. THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD - one of the best worst films you'll ever witness! From the opening credits - painted on a black cloth and waved shoddily in front of the camera - you just know that no expense was made in the creation of this movie masterpiece. Two of Turkey's finest actors - Aytekin Akkaya and Cuneyt Arkin - portray the film's dashing heroes with more than a touch of Han Solo about them, and the brightly coloured silk shirts they occasionally wear are most fetching. And even if they can't act to save their lives, at least they can run around and do athletic things without getting tired. Much of the new footage has been filmed in a Turkish desert somewhere, inhabited by villagers, Muslims and the Sphinx! So now you know what an alien planet looks like...Highlights include an evil wizard Darth Vader rip-off in a brightly-coloured mask who gets split in two at the film's conclusion and a giant cardboard robot which goes around and squashes small children to death! I certainly didn't see that in George Lucas' kiddie-friendly film. The evil minions include furry red and black monsters, a giant growling Chewbacca-type creature with no discernible head, mummies, zombies, robot soldiers, and old-fashioned skeleton horsemen. Elsewhere we have a blonde Princess Leia clone who keeps on smiling inanely, unexplained hieroglyphics and corpses which magically transform into mummies. The fun doesn't end there either: guys tie rocks to their legs and practice running and jumping to the Indiana Jones theme, rocks are kicked through the air like in a cheesy GODZILLA film and they even occasionally explode too. There's a bar-room brawl which rips off the canteen scene in STAR WARS yet again and a gang of guys in rubber monster masks who run around and leer at the camera.Arkin finds a mysterious golden temple and a gold sword and heart (!). After beating two golden guards he uses the spiked sword to kick backside against some tin-helmeted kung fu warriors in the desert (yes, kung fu too: no stone is left unturned in this all-out crazy style movie). Later on, in the film's coolest and most imaginative moment, he melts down the sword and dips his hand into the molten gold to form powerful golden gloves. This leads to the fantastic action-packed finale with a full fifteen minutes of incredible fighting prowess as Arkin takes on the forces of evil, single-handed, and wins; monsters are ruthlessly chopped in half, have their arms and legs and heads torn off with the power of Arkin's gloves. A mummy's head explodes, robots attack using laser beams which are scratched onto the film itself, and a series of cheap explosions enliven the action-spectacular.Arkin also seems to be auditioning for the world trampolining championship as endless shots of him jumping up and down through the desert (while people occasionally throw sand (!) and cardboard discs at him) in a heroic manner. All this topped off by a brief smattering of gore too. Action, stunts, fights, romance, tragedy, and a heroic good vs. evil plot, THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD has it all in spades. One of the most insane, bizarre, and just plain off beat (not to mention incredibly tacky) adventure yarns you'll ever see, this is startling entertainment from start to finish, an enthusiastic B-movie which is impossible not to love and gets the big (golden) thumbs up from me.

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"Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam", otherwise known as "Turkish Star Wars" is a complete ripoff of the American classic but it is so amateurishly made and stupid that the audience for it is limited mostly for groups of drunk friends to watch it and make fun of the dopey production. The entire first portion is taken right from "Star Wars" and features a couple Turkish actors sitting in front on a screen where the film is being projected and then pretending they are piloting a space craft! This looks stupid but the images behind them are so random and it comes off as one of the cheapest and crappiest segments in film history...though blatantly ripping off American films was very popular in Turkey at the time--with copyright infringing versions of Captain America, Spiderman and many others from the 70s and 80s. Could this portion of the movie get any worse...yes, when the Indiana Jones theme begins blaring periodically.Eventually and with no real explanation, our two Turkish intergalactic heroes now find themselves on a desert planet. There they encounter some of the crappiest robots in film history and the film becomes rather campy and dull....but at least it's not using film footage from "Star Wars"! Overall, this is a dull mess of a film featuring karate kicking heroes and dopey villains and it's sure to bore most anyone watching. If you are curious and want to see it anyway, it's available on YouTube with English subtitles. I doubt if anyone will press the issue as to whether or not this is a case of copyright infringement! By the way, this film is brought to us by Kunt Pictures...I kid you not.

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Plan 9 has been dethroned! For bad movie connoisseurs THIS is the bad movie of bad movie badness. It is the Babe Ruth baseball card of bad movie collections.The first time I saw it I was utterly amazed by the shameless thievery of other classic movies. But this doesn't take away from the experience, it adds to the laughter and utter enjoyment one can get from a bad movie without 3 silhouettes at the bottom of the screen.If you have a taste for bad movies then you will be left fully satiated by the corn and cheese this thing brings to the table. It is a must see!

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Kaiser Naito

This is one of the few movies, which despite the fact of being a movie that seemed to be done by boneheads (X-wing dogfighting in the TV screen, basic Special Effects, and spoofed soundtracks, and many more things...) it's in my favorite movie list for some reason I still can't think about.I just had to drop my jaw at the display of "Fake Fu" and the Turkey sized plot holes which plagued at this movie, but still love this production.Worth some time if you're in the need of wasting your time in bad movies. Watch it at your own discretion if you're a Jedi.

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