The Graveyard
The Graveyard
R | 27 June 2006 (USA)
The Graveyard Trailers

Six friends go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. When a "harmless" prank ends in the accidental death of one of the group, the prankster goes to prison. Five years later the friends meet up in the cemetery again to resolve the issues of that fatal night. When members of the group start getting murdered one at a time, they realize that this time it's no prank.



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Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Very amateur, student-film quality.Maybe Christopher Pike or RL Stine wrote this as a practice exercise.Inconsistent plot, full of holes and bad transitions.People who are supposed to pass for college? possibly HS students play a most unconvincingly lame and tedious game of hiding in a cemetery.Yawn for several minutes as each of 6 enters through the iron-staked broken gates as what passes for character introduction.Despite the fact that someone is tragically impaled there (in a very transparent practical joke gone wrong), when the movie cuts to 5 years later, no one has repaired the obviously dangerous and previously fatal ironwork.Bobby, who did time for this accidental manslaughter, acts stand-offishly cold. SO why is he there for this stupid closure/ reunion, anyway?Oh, to play a joke on someone. Not even a good one. 5 yrs in prison, and still a one-act cornball.People are dying... (yawn)You can figure out who's shady.Meanwhile there are a few Goosebumps- type red herrings, which are more annoying distracting than remotely convincing.Some convoluted sex along the way, just to make sure you're paying attention, and remind you that anyone who gets laid in a horror movie ends up dying. Some sideplots that you wouldn't care about, except that the main plot is so basic you'll want to divert yourself into thinking this is one of those movies where the tangents all come together.It's not.The ending is very Christopher Pike/ RL Stine.I was able to rent this for free, and I got my money's worth.

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Claudio Carvalho

The friends Jack (Leif Lillehaugen), Allie (Trish Coren), Sarah (Erin Lokitz), Charlie (Chris Stewart), Michelle (Lindsay Ballew) and Eric (Mark Salling) go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. Meanwhile their friend Bobby (Patrick Scott Lewis) dresses like a masked killer to play a prank with Eric. However, the scared Eric runs trying to escape and stumbles, dying impaled over sharp bars. Bobby takes the blame alone for the deadly accident and spends five year in prison. When he goes to his parole hearing, Michelle testifies and he gets his probation. Michelle drives with Bobby to a camp nearby the graveyard where the tragedy happened to reunite their friends and resolve their issues. They are welcomed by the gentle grounds-keeper and cook Peter Bishop (Markus Potter). Along the next hours, Jack's girlfriend Veronica (Eva Derrek) is killed by a mysterious masked killer; then Sarah's former girlfriend Zoey (Natalie Denise Sperl) is also murdered. When the group realizes what is happening, they find that they are trapped in the spot."The Graveyard" is another weak and predictable ripoff of "Friday 13th". The story has a promising beginning, but unfortunately the silly screenplay is badly developed and the characters are absolutely inconsistent and some of them annoying. Jack, for example, is a stupid imbecile; Allie and Veronica are sluts; Michelle is amazing, seeing all her friends dead but still having love to give to Peter Bishop in the most inappropriate romantic moment; Charlie is a freak, as defined by his friends (why did they invite him?); the lesbian Zoey appears just to be killed; the redneck Sheriff is shamefully ridiculous. Further, how could Bobby be blamed alone in a collective sick joke? Is the name of the cemetery "Placid Pines Cemetery" (as written in the front gate) or "Pleasant Pines Graveyard" (as called by Jack?). The conclusion of this slash movie is awful. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "O Cemitério - O Mal Não Descansa" ("The Cemetery - Evil does not Rest")

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this was one of the funniest movies i've seen in a while. i laughed sooo hard! when Allie was being chased by a ravenous murderer, she was simply jogging up the stairs. i could actually imagine her going: "one, two, one, two, three... and... once more, ladies: one, two..." and the killer simply and quite dully slashed her leg with the knife. but, honestly... this killer must have had a speed hack(and counter-striker's know what i'm talking about): he kept playing with his victims (as an example, in the "chasing Allie" scene, he jumped up the stairs, wounded her, disappeared, somehow climbed to the top of the stairs - the path he used is a secret which is yet to be reveled - and reappeared, waiting for the terrified girl to walk into his arms... and then ,he disappeared once more, without even touching the poor girl. what kind of a psycho would do that??? )... later on , it was obvious to me that he also had a wall-hack, as wherever his victims went, he just KNEW. the graveyard was full of... well, what could a graveyard be full of?! tombstones, burial vaults were all around. Sarah found the perfect one for her to hide in and.. what does the killer do?! goes right in after her. then, at the very end, the killer gets stabbed and shot in the head. what do you think he's next move will be? obviously, he manages to get in the car the survivors entered and drive them... to another, better place. he had the invincibility hack turned on as well. that's not fair, man. i hate the freaking cheaters!but, to be completely honest, i think we are dealing with a wide range of human types: we have the sex-obsessed guy; the nerd the entire group hated(but he was accepted, obviously, thanks to those charming eyes of his); the murderer that has spent 5 years in a prison convinced that it wasn't (entirely) his fault; the retarded sheriff; the cool guy that gets scared so easily that he gladly throws himself into death's open arms; the innocent boy that was turned into a mass-murderer because his brother died and his family couldn't get over it; the sex-obsessed girl who became a teacher; the "i'm so smart i can't have fun" girl who gets to survive(why??? why does she always survive???); the lesbian obsessed with her friend; and i could go on forever. what other movie that you know has managed to portray so beautifully these human types? obviously, none.let's get back to the point, though: it was a funny movie, if you were in the mood for a bad horror movie(and, luckily enough, i was. otherwise, i would have turned off the TV as soon as the action turned... the way it did.). i must tell you the truth: stay away from this movie. it was funny, but it's not supposed to be so. if a friend tells you that it was great, he's lying - say no. if someone stops you on the street and asks you to watch the movie - say no. if someone offers you money to watch this movie - say no. unless he promises you big bucks. then ,you could give it a try. you might have to stay in bed a couple of days to recover, and only you will be able to tell if it was worth it...

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A teenage prank at a cemetery results in the death of a friend. Five years later, the group reunites at the camp near the cemetery after their ringleader is paroled from prison in an attempt to put the past behind them. Unfortunately, a (surprise!) masked killer arrives to make sure that doesn't happen. On the plus side, the film has decent production values. It looks okay, and the direction is smooth and professional, as evidenced by the simple but adequate shot selection. There is also enough gore and gratuitous nudity to satisfy fans of the genre. However, the script dooms the production. As a mystery, the film has the complexity of an episode of "Scooby Doo." What we're left with is a boring "Friday the 13th" ripoff, but without the thrill of discovery we experienced when the first cycle of masked killer films arrived. That said, there is always room for good ripoff, but this isn't one. The problem is the writing. I never believed any of the characters for a second. Their only bond, other than the accidental killing, seemed to be their antipathy for each other. I don't believe these people would have gotten together for a reunion to "help" their "friend" who went to jail. Their motivations were inconsistent at best. And, boy oh boy, were they stupid. Not one of them exhibited even a modicum of common sense. Worse still, the characters were so bland that I could hardly tell them apart. By the end of the film, I could only associate names with one or two of the characters. If the writing exhibited the professionalism of the cinematography, this film would have had potential, but alas....I was also disappointed by the box art. I picked this film up because I was in the mood for a creepy cemetery film, but so little of the film took place in the cemetery that I felt ripped off.I was disappointed. I expect a little more from Lion's Gate. This film had a decent look, but, overall, it had the script and mentality of a York or Maverick release.

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