The Girl from Mexico
The Girl from Mexico
NR | 01 June 1939 (USA)
The Girl from Mexico Trailers

Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.


What a waste of my time!!!

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Let's be realistic.

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Dreadfully Boring

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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"Jumpin Butterballs!"... that's what Donald MacBride always said in the Marx Brother films. Here, he's Renner, show biz agent, trying to track down new acts and stars. Co-stars Leon Errol and Donald Woods. This was the original film, turned into a series of films starring Lupez Velez. Audiences just loved the silliness, and "Carmelita" would mix up her english and spanish sayings to turn a phrase. and the six day bicycle races! w.c. fields talked about them in "international house". who knew they were such a big deal?? although there wasn't much else to do in those days. the plot kind of goes all over the place, Carmelita comes to the U.S. and experiences everything there is. and her man-friend get so jealous. She'll make it big in radio if she doesn't get sent back to Mexico! Fun adventure.

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Wooden American publicity agent Dennis Lindsay (Donald Woods) meets loud and feisty Mexican singer Carmelita Fuentes (Lupe Velez) and brings her to the States. Carmelita quickly falls for Dennis but he only seems to have business on his mind. Plus he's engaged to a snobby socialite (Linda Hayes). So Carmelita conspires with Dennis' uncle (Leon Errol) to make Dennis jealous and win his affections. The first movie in the Mexican Spitfire series, although it wasn't intended as such. This was a surprise hit which led to the sequels. It's not a series I particularly love but I think this is my favorite of the bunch, primarily because it feels less formulaic and it's the only one where Lupe Velez actually feels like the star. In the subsequent movies Leon Errol's role would increase where he would basically become the real star, often playing more than one role in each film. Velez would just go through the motions in the subplot, which was usually a variation of the same thing: Carmelita gets angry and leaves Dennis but eventually the two reunite.Velez is an acquired taste for sure. She's basically a combination of Ricky and Lucy Ricardo (predating I Love Lucy, of course). I like her in this movie, though. Maybe it's because in the sequels she seemed to be repeating lines and routines in every movie but here she hadn't perfected her persona yet so it feels a bit more natural. She also sings and dances in this one, which is a nice plus. For his part Donald Woods plays to his strengths (?) as a stiff wooden leading man. It somehow works contrasted with Velez screaming half her lines. Leon Errol's Uncle Matt is fun and easily the most likable person in the movie. Linda Hayes and Elisabeth Risdon round out the main cast. Hayes is OK playing a villainess but Risdon is a tough pill to swallow. Her character is just the worst. Ward Bond has a small role as a wrestler named Mexican Pete.It's an enjoyable lightweight B comedy. I can see why they thought it would make a good series but it really didn't. They had no ideas and basically repeated plots and relied heavily on vaudevillian Errol to provide laughs. This first one is the best because it feels the most fresh. Still nothing exceptional.

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When I was 9 or 10 I received a book, 'Immortals of the Screen,' which had photos and short bios of some 30 A-list and B-list stars and some major supporting actors from the 1920s through the 1950s. It was apparently done by a former Hollywood crew hand of some sort, picking and choosing either the stars he had actually worked with or those whose royalty fees he could afford to pay. In any case, I dug it out during the past year to see if there were still any actors I didn't know, my knowledge of classic cinema having grown exponentially during the past decade. One who captured my attention was Lupe Velez. It had stills from four or five of her "Mexican Spitfire" movies. I tried finding her on Netflix (usually a good source for older movies and TV shows), but came up empty. Recently I happened to find a four-DVD set on with all eight Spitfire movies. This one, of course, is the film that launched the series. I opted to grab it, although I must admit I had some trepidation. I know Ms. Velez wasn't an A-list star and had no idea what level of acting, directing, writing, etc. her films might contain. Just like many movies today are dogs, films from Hollywood's golden age obviously had clinkers, too. I was absolutely delighted today when I watched the brief 71-minute 'The Girl From Mexico.' It is a totally charming little film. Ms. Velez is adorable and also quite enticing as "spitfire" Carmelita Fuentes, sort of a cross between Ricky and Lucy Ricardo. In this film she meets New York ad executive Dennis Lindsay (Donald Woods), who is in Mexico seeking singing talent. He takes her back to NYC, getting much more than he bargained for. She breaks up his impending marriage, nearly gets him fired and gets into all sorts of Lucy-like mischief with Lindsay's eccentric uncle Matt (Leon Errol), whom she quickly wraps around her little finger. In the end, Lindsay's wedding takes place as planned, only with Carmelita as the bride, thus setting up the next seven films. Obviously films' pacing were different in 1939 than they are today. Yet I never found the film to be dragging. It had a handful of laugh-out-loud (at least for me) moments and lots of wholesome cuteness. It was a very enjoyable little film and I look forward to viewing 'The Mexican Spitfire' (its sequel) and the rest of the series.

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This is a film which shows that good things come in small packages. A rather short "B" comedy from RKO released in the greatest year that Hollywood had ever seen, "The Girl From Mexico" was the first of 8 films surrounding the hot-tempered yet loving character played by Lupe Velez. Velez had been around Hollywood for over a decade, and was in a career slump when she made this film. It rejuvenated her career, and for the next five years, she made over half a dozen films surrounding Carmelita, the "Girl From Mexico", later known as the "Mexican Spitfire". It was a title that Velez had been given in the early 30's, and now RKO hoped to take advantage of that to give her some much-needed box-office. "The Girl From Mexico" is the first and best of these films, although it was apparent that this was not meant originally to be a series. Well-crafted and fast-moving, the film takes advantage of the chemistry between rubber legged Leon Errol and hot-tempered Velez, and sends them soaring with loads of gags. Sad to say, Velez had more chemistry with Errol than any of the actors in the series who played her husband, Dennis Lindsey.The story finds Dennis (Donald Woods in this outing) going to Mexico to find a singer for a radio show, and meets firecracker Carmelita. He brings her back, and almost immediately, chaos ensues. Carmelita and his Uncle Matt (Errol) hit it off, and head out for a night on the town where she gets publicity by getting into a boxing ring in the middle of the fight. Dennis is not too pleased by the publicity, and Uncle Matt's shrew of a wife, Aunt Della (Elisabeth Risdon) and fioncee (Linda Hayes) have good reason to be suspicious of Dennis's interest in Carmelita. I need say no more of the ensuing events that bring Carmelita and Dennis together by the end, but there are loads and loads of gags, funny lines, and just pure outrageousness. One of the funniest moments comes when Carmelita and Uncle Matt first meet, and begin to sing at the piano; The scene is classic comedy at its finest.As the series continued, the plots got more contrived, dealing with Uncle Matt's constant pretending to be Dennis's boss, Lord Epping. However, for the first few films, the fast-pacing and chemistry between Errol and Velez made the "Mexican Spitfire" series a fun-filled hour or so of pure laughter.

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