R | 01 November 1972 (USA)
Superbeast Trailers

A doctor finds a jungle laboratory, complete with mad scientist and genetic engineering experiments


I love this movie so much

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Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Don't listen to the negative reviews

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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I once saw a pigeon walking around on the sidewalk with a twig in its beak. I thought it was kind of funny but nothing spectacular. Now that I've seen this film, the pigeon looks like the freaking messiah reborn in comparison.

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YOU WILL BE AMAZED WHEN...the airplane leaves from 1 airport and lands at another.village ppl,from an village plaqued by evil spirits,WALK (yes walk not run)out of said village.the 2 doctors take an canoe trip down the river,then land the canoe to spend the night on the bank. THEN,after waking up,finish their canoe trip.both doctors go over an waterfall, killing the male doctor.after being rescued,the female doctor gets dressed. THEN comes out of her room,IMHO the most interesting part of the movie, WEARING the same clothes as the doctor in the clinic she woke up in.the superbeast is just an guy that according to his face has an bad case of gas.

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You know the score: Low budget 70's flick, tight jeans, side burns, bad hair, flute music with tones of echo. But there was none of the ordinary stuff that makes us laugh or titillates us due to its overt cheesiness. This one is just plain bad!! This is strictly a PG fair: no nudity, very little violence, no gore, no bad language, so why it was given an R-rating is beyond me. The lead actress, Antoinette Bower, has been in other 70's sexploitation/prison chick flicks before, but is the main character of this movie, how or why she got this part is a total mystery. She looks to be around 40 in this flick, wears the same white jeans during the entire duration in the jungle that never get soiled. She has zero expression in the entire film- no laughing, smiling, reactions of any type even when she is told she is to be killed or discovers that the doctor on this jungle island invented a serum that makes humans revert to a "prehistoric" state. The scenery and music are surprisingly effective in this movie, but the rest plods so slowly the whole story could have been told in 10 minutes- we are talking slooooowww.

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An unbelievably awful movie, potentially the worst thing I have ever seen. I can´t believe I actually took the time to comment on it. Perhaps I am in a state of shock. I would advise potential viewers to give this a definite miss.

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