Super Cyclone
Super Cyclone
NR | 18 September 2012 (USA)
Super Cyclone Trailers

When a super cyclone threatens the entire American eastern seaboard, a lone meteorologist and a petroleum engineer must battle the elements to stop the threat.


Well Deserved Praise

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A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action

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Kodie Bird

True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Usually, even the worst of the SyFi movies are relatively watchable for their comedic value if for no other reason, but this one is clearly one of the exceptions! Any budget in excess of $25.00 was a gross waste of money. I gave it one star only because negative stars are not offered... had they been, I'd have gone with a -3 stars.The few recognizable actors clearly mailed in their "performances" and the special effects are so bad that in many cases they would've been more credible if shot with a hand-held camera and the camera had been jerked around periodically... so many shots of explosions and high seas, yet in most of the interior shots on both the boat and the oil rig showed no movement at all.Even had they resorted to the typical SyFi expedient of throwing in a handful of bikini-clad Playmate wannabes in danger, it couldn't have bumped this one up a single star.

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The writing was amateurish. That's assuming it was written ahead of time and not pieced together on the fly. The special effects were less than "special". In fact they were worst than a high school play (Why in such a bad storm is the sun always shining?). Casting was an embarrassment. The actors should be ashamed of themselves, especially Ming Na who is capable of much, much more. As for Nicholas they casted this part was a complete mystery. The Global Asylum is known for low budget films. This must have been one of the lowest. This movie is so bad, as to appear planned. And that's where I have to disagree with "ipiercexpo", but only on one point. This movie somehow also failed to be as bad as "Plan 9 From Outer Space".

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By 10 and brilliant I mean as a comedy. I stumbled upon this gem and I have to say I cried hysterically throughout the entire film. It was non-stop laughs from start to finish. The worst writing, acting, visual effects and music I have seen in my entire life. Totally ridiculous plot with twists that will make your head spin. The rain and fire effects and the complete disregard for continuity are unreal. They must have known how funny it would be to make it this bad. Nobody makes a movie this bad by accident. The car scenes are great; a bunch of actors at rock bottom bouncing around in a car that isn't moving pretending to be in the middle of a super storm when it's clearly like 80 and sunny outside. Absolutely priceless. The end scene where a bunch of idiots jump like 4 feet into a pool that's supposed to be a boiling ocean was a highlight for me. They just flail around in the water yelling while the magma heated ocean cooks them, fantastic. Should have won a Golden Globe for best comedy. A brilliant mockuscifithriller. I highly recommend this film. Bring your tissue box though, you will cry tears of sheer joy and amusement.

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Please make it stop... So bad... So stupid... Can't... process... the badness... Noooooooo!I wish the 10 lines requirement was not in place because this movie is so bad that 10 lines are completely unnecessary. I would have to pad this with a lot of redundant adjectives. Any further commentary would suggest a level of depth that simply is not there. I figure a 12 year old with a video camera could come up with a movie half as good as this. That's right, this movie is on par with what a 12 year old could come up with. And not even a talented 12 year old. Should be required viewing in film schools on how NOT to make a movie. Yes really, that bad. 10 lines yet?

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