Strip Nude for Your Killer
Strip Nude for Your Killer
| 24 August 1975 (USA)
Strip Nude for Your Killer Trailers

After a fashion model dies during a botched abortion, the doctor stages her death to exonerate himself but is murdered by a mysterious assailant who soon begins hunting down her agency colleagues.


I love this movie so much

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Great Film overall

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Despite the crassly exploitative title, which offers up unimaginable sleaze and depravity, STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER is actually a rather straightforward and down-to-earth giallo yarn, albeit one littered with nudity and gory violence. The plot kicks off with a nasty abortion, followed by a woman's body being dumped in a bath (!?!) and soon enough a string of graphic slayings are taking place. The killer this time around is an asexual figure in a motorbike helmet who slashes their usually naked victims to death. This work of trash is directed by Andrea Bianchi, best known for his zombie epic BURIAL GROUND, working with a bigger budget than usual and displaying a certain visual flair not seen in his later work.As is usual for the genre, the dubbing is unbelievable and the characters rather cheesy, including an obese womaniser who only finds love from his blow-up doll! The acting is unmemorable but the cast attractive, especially the female performers who spend most of their scenes in the nude. Edwige Fenech takes the leading role, giving the film a female protagonist for a change, and makes quite an impression. The use of a fashion house as a setting for the murders recalls Bava's BLOOD & BLACK LACE but this is far from the intricate masterpiece of that movie; instead, this is an occasionally confusing but mainly solid giallo enterprise offering plenty of exploitation and a minimum of intelligence. The gore effects are cheap but plentiful. Fun for genre connoisseurs, unfulfiling for others.

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Scott LeBrun

"Strip Nude for Your Killer" is one Giallo that lives up to that lascivious title. To say that it's trashy is an understatement. Yet, it's also as stylish as any in the genre, even artfully done, with great use of lighting.The story deals with brutal murders of those connected with a modelling agency, after one of the models dies during an abortion. A charming sleaze ball photographer, Carlo (Nino Castelnuovo), becomes determined to unmask the killer, who wields a mean knife and wears a motorcycle helmet (as does the killer in the American slasher "Night School" six years later).Director Andrea Bianchi, whose story was the basis for Massimo Felisattis' screenplay, sure gets down to business right away, as we get delectable nudity RIGHT as the movie starts. After that he continues to deliver the sleazy goods, especially as the stunning Femi Benussi as aspiring model Lucia Serrazini does the full frontal thing for an extended amount of time.Granted, this movie slows down a little too much at times and lets some scenes go on longer than necessary, in particular the scene where bumbling, corpulent Maurizio Montani (Franco Diogene) tries to coerce Doris (Erna Schurer) to have sex with him. However, in one critical scene where Magda Cortis (Edwige Fenech) is terrorized at the agency, Bianchi keeps the suspense going and going, to the point where some of us may be screaming for Magda to move faster, but also to the point that when the killer pounces, it does come as a genuine shock.The movie is also appreciably played with a bit of humour, a lot of it coming from the pathetic Maurizio. It works pretty well as a murder mystery, with the identity of the killer not readily predictable. The ladies are all absolutely ravishing, from Schurer to Amanda as Gisella Montani to Benussi to Solvi Stubing as Patrizia to Giallo superstar Fenech, who's compelling as the photographer who does have what it takes to be a model.Overall, this is a solid example of the genre that does, at the very least, appeal to all of us in a very sordid way.Seven out of 10.

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One of Andrea Bianchi's first attempts to make a giallo and he succeeded in many ways. Maybe this isn't his most famous flick, I guess Burial Ground (1981) will ring a bell but this one is nowadays re-released on DVD and Blu Ray. An ideal time to pick it up again. It is in fact a giallo but it do offers a bit of sleaze too. The opening scene is already one not to forget and you know immediately what you will get from Andrea, nudity. All of the girls in this flick do go full frontal and in the most gratuitous way you could think. Due that it extracted the viewer a bit away from the story because sometimes it even goes a bit over the top like the scene were a fat bloke is trying to seduce a girl but fails by cumming to early. Guess what, ones she leaves he's going for a plastic doll to make love. Also in the beginning one girl is being taken to a sauna were she's being undressed by a photographer. She doesn't mind even as he's a stranger to her. Once she sees that his camera doesn't work they are making love, could it get more sleazy? For a giallo it's a bit low on gore and even red stuff and that's were this one failed a bit for me. Don't think to see a Dario Argento giallo. Still, if you have seen Hostel 2 (2007) then this is one to see because Edwige Fenech, the main role here, plays an art class professor in Hostel 2. She's still busy in Italy in series and in flicks, but she did perform in a few Italian giallo's. She was hot back then together with Barbara Bouchet and performed together a lot. La Moglie In Vacanza (1980) the biggest one. Don't be fooled by the title because there is no stripping going on but admit, it's a cheap teaser. Still, famous and loved by giallo geeks, for me a bit low on gore and sometimes a bit boring.Gore 1/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5

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The sleazy giallo picture here known as "Strip Nude for Your Killer" (1975) is misleadingly titled (no victim of the crazed killer is ever forced to strip; they're usually 3/4 naked to begin with!) but still manages to convey the film's two main selling points--sex and violence, dished out in fairly equal measure. The movie might more accurately have been called "Who's Been Killing the Entire Staff at Milan's Albatross Modeling Agency?" All we know for sure is that it's a leather-clad figure with a biker's helmet, a Darth Vader-like respiration problem, and a fondness for knife slaying. For the ladies in the audience, the picture features Nino Castelnuovo, so fondly remembered from 1964's "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg," still looking hunky here and sporting a perfectly round butt; and for the men, another exquisite appearance from the Queen of Giallo, Edwige Fenech, short-haired here but still quite dee-lish. "Strip Nude" has been directed in a nonstylish, nonflashy manner by Andrea Bianchi. Its plot does hang together, despite the seemingly unavoidable red herrings, though the killer's motivation ultimately proves to be unconvincing (don't even try guessing who the killer is!). There are any number of genuinely suspenseful scenes, though, and the soundtrack, by one Berto Pisano, effectively mixes Euro lounge jazz with a funky theme that suggests the Temps' "Papa Was a Rolling Stone." Of the half dozen or so Edwige Fenech giallos that I've seen recently, this one is by far the bloodiest and sleaziest (just wait till you see the 300+-lb. guy with his blow-up doll!), but still nothing compared to what filmmakers get away with today. The folks at Blue Underground should be thanked for a fine-looking DVD of a true Italian rarity; still, I'd be thanking them more had they supplied some subtitles rather than the lousy dubbing. And oh...was it just my imagination, or was that indeed an anal sex joke that Nino pulls on Edwige at the film's tail end?

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