R | 04 June 2010 (USA)
Splice Trailers

Elsa and Clive, two young rebellious scientists, defy legal and ethical boundaries and forge ahead with a dangerous experiment: splicing together human and animal DNA to create a new organism. Named "Dren", the creature rapidly develops from a deformed female infant into a beautiful but dangerous winged human-chimera, who forges a bond with both of her creators - only to have that bond turn deadly.


Please don't spend money on this.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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A pretty well done , low budget sci-fi film. It is always a bit more interesting whe sci-fi doesn't head right out of our own solar system or time period. This one relates a bit what actually goes on right now here on this planet. Research for drug 'n such comes from all kinds of thing we probably don't really want to know about. This is very much about that. This was worth the few bucks I paid to own my copy.

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Yes, another movie of the category hard core fans of the genre will like it or at least they accept it as an average movie and that's it.The characters are not in a way specific and most what happens in predictable. There were one or two minor surprise turns, but in the end as there is a story that does not give to much potential for any highlight, you can guess how it ends.The characters were stereotypes. The academics and the girl.... well in a way also she was a stereotypeIf you love the genre and you are bored, you might want to watch it. But if you value your time, pick a different movie.

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Some people hate this movie for reasons I do not understand because I think it is great science fiction. It's mad scientist sci-fi if you like that (and I do), but the scientists aren't mad, just ambitious and very talented. The acting is superb, especially the interactions between Sarah Polly & Adrien Brody who are sometimes acting as a perfectly synchronized team and other times are completely aghast with one another. Delphine Cheneac (and Abigail Chu as the younger version) play their unusual character perfectly. David Hewlett plays a convincing ambitious bureaucrat, and Brandon McGibbon is very convincing as the cooperative, but worried, junior colleague.It's a movie that starts fast and maintains a high pace of plot development throughout. You won't be bored.

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I like part of movie. Vizuals and CGI (and sometimes practical) effects are pretty good. Colors and stylization are awesome. Vincenzo Natali (Cube, Cypher) is great director, but script always feels like something from B-Movie. Shots are always look wonderful, but there is never message behind them. It's good to look at this movie, but there are too much plot holes and clichés to really love this movie. Seriously why would somebody named science lab NERD? And why Dren changed gender for last 10 minutes? I really like drowning scene in lab. (well shot, with great emotions) and scene where we first meet a Dren. I didn't like a soundtrack, it seems to me i heard it a lot of times before. It feels so stereotypical. I enjoyed movie, but I don't have any idea why i should want to see it again.

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