NR | 29 March 2009 (USA)
Solitary Trailers

Sara (Amber Jaeger) suffers from agoraphobia, an obsessive fear of open spaces that renders her a virtual captive of her own home. When her husband, Mark (Kieron Elliott), disappears unexpectedly, Sara unravels emotionally and begins to panic. Turning to her estranged sister (Kristine Sullivan) and a psychiatrist (Andrew Qamar) for support, Sara soon begins to wonder whether the doctor is trying to help her or is plotting her demise.


I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Sabah Hensley

This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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I spent 2 hours trying to make sense out of a story that made no sense. It misleads the viewer over and over again and makes the characters look as stupid as it makes the viewer feel. It is poor science fiction but is not labeled science fiction up front. The director helped write the story so I understand why he was involved in the making of it. What Ican't understand is how he found some apparently talented people to work on it. I was left with the feeling that I had wasted my time and that there must be more to the story. I want to say something good about the movie. I guess the actors did a good job with what they had to work with and it was free (with my satellite TV package.) If you are not a science fiction fan, skip this one.

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Wow.... I just happened across this yesterday on the Direct TV channel "Chlller" and I thought.....Oh Ho hum another boring movie to fill in two hours..." This one blew me away. I did NOT see the surreal twist at the end coming and it was totally off the charts. It was confusing and convoluted and you actually had to follow the plot......but they payoff at the end was well worth it. It left you scratching your head and wondering what was real and what wasn't...and what you would do if you were faced with that same situation...Locked doors, empty rooms and frightening scenarios from beginning to end. My biggest complaint about the movie?? The title does NOT do it justice. It needs a better title, a hook that will catch your attention. This one is worth watching, paying attention to and will leave you wondering what is real and what's not.

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This film belongs--more or less--to the genre of the, "I'm already dead" film; probably the most well-known of which would be "The Sixth Sense." (See my review of "Donnie Darko" for a fuller list of moves that use this device.) What makes this movie a bit different, is that our protagonist is not exactly dead--she's in a coma, fantasizing her entire life and it's seemingly inexplicable oddities and terrors. Moreover, her psychiatrist in her fantasy is in reality the doctor presiding over her life support. The movie goes in for a bit of sci-fi, in that the doctor has some kind of techie wizardry that allows him to witness and participate in the patient's subconscious. The point of this "mind reading" is for the doctor to bring the patient to an understanding of her situation, so that she can choose either to stay on life support and live a dream life for the rest of her biological existence, or to die and move on. The rationality here is that it is the patient--not her loved ones--making the choice.Sort of cool. But it's a dead steal from a science fiction story written at least 40 years ago, which used this exact same idea. The film makers could easily be sued for plagiarism if the original writer ever found out about the existence of this film. I don't remember the name of the story or it's author or even whether I read it in a magazine or a book all those years ago. But it just goes to show there is nothing new under the sun.

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This is not a great film, but it is far, far better than the 5 average it has received. It is a mystery with a bit of science fiction added, and I suspect it is the science fiction part that is bothering some of the viewers. But even if you hate science fiction, you should give this movie a view because it will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Who is good and who is evil? You will not know until the very end, and the ending will be nothing like you have seen before. You will be left breathless and it will make you think. The acting is very good, and the timing and discontinuities are very well designed to keep you guessing. Don't miss this movie if you have a chance to see it.

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