R | 12 October 2007 (USA)
Sleuth Trailers

On his sprawling country estate, an aging writer matches wits with the struggling actor who has stolen his wife's heart.


Excellent but underrated film

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A Major Disappointment

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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This remake is nothing but a showcase for Kenneth Branagh's gigantic ego, namely, to him nothing is sacred. The original SLEUTH, written by Anthony Shaffer, directed by Jo Mankiewitz, with Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine was, as far as the art of cinema is concerned, "perfection", if such a notion can be defined. It was a masterpiece of a play, ingeniously adapted to the screen by its author, and directed with great elan by Jo Mankiewitz, coming to this two hander, fresh out of having directed Cleopatra. It is obvious that there is absolutely nothing sacred to Mr Kenneth Branagh when it comes to his gigantic ego, and he really does not care what he rapes, as long as he can put his own stamp on it: in this case, that of perfect mediocrity.

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This movie is not even good enough for a ten line review. All it is is a waste of time of a guy showing another guy that has slept with his wife to breaking into his house to steal something out of his safe but really making it look like he has a reason to shoot him and kill him.This is the worst kind of movie anyone could want to watch. Really, are there that many stupid people out there that like this stuff? Michael Caine, should be ashamed of doing this remake. Even if this is his kind of take of the original.These movies are boring as hell. I should of killed myself after watching this. That is how bad this thing is and I have to waste more time to just say how bad it is on this site.

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Yes, this 2007 film is a distinct departure from the original. Some plot twists (many of the best) disappear, and a new twist or two (rather trite) are inserted seemingly solely for the sake of change and shock value. The vide surveillance aspect seems of no purpose other than to remind of modern times (as if this fact has plot value). Even had the changes benefited the plot, Caine is no Olivier and Branagh is no Mankiewicz. Caine's performance and this film fall flat and bore. Law is over the top and stagey, and Caine simply lacks all energy. Most lines fall flat - as if this were an early read-through between the two and background scenery were added late. The original was far superior. This film is predictable, one note and disappointing.

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This film came recommended to me by a good friend who knew I was into revenge type films, a bit of a slow start (I found it quite arty-farty ) I watched it to the end hoping there was some kind of epic twist to make it all worth the wait, very disappointed, literally the only nice thing about this movie was the house it was filmed in.If you are in to movies where everything is based in 1 spot, with very poor attempts of using witty 'English' language to make an already boring plot more interesting...Then this one's for you.To sum it up, it's like a musical but without the singing.rated 1/10

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