Diamonds Are Forever
Diamonds Are Forever
PG | 17 December 1971 (USA)
Diamonds Are Forever Trailers

Diamonds are stolen only to be sold again in the international market. James Bond infiltrates a smuggling mission to find out who's guilty. The mission takes him to Las Vegas where Bond meets his archenemy Blofeld.

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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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Very best movie i ever watch

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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How sad is this?

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With a gap of one film, Sean Connery returned to the role of James Bond for the last time (as part of the official series), and what he gets is certainly action packed, thrilling and completely entertaining, but seems to be minus the spark and the likability. He's on the case of a diamond smuggling ring run by another white cat carrying villain (Charles Gray) where there's more to the story than just diamonds. Along the way, Bond goes through a crematorium, car chases in Las Vegas and takes on two tough kicking women's gymnasts. Then, his encounters with Gray appear confusing thanks to the multiple lookalikes he has, several meeting some fascinating if gruesome demises.Gray in drag makes Gene Hackman in "The Bird Cage" look like Marilyn Monroe, but fortunately that's just a quick blur. I wasn't crazy about the Bond girls in this entry, with an obnoxious characterization by Jill St. John and an unmemorable performance by Lana Wood. The two fast moving gymnasts may be challenging partners for Connery but I really wanted to see them get more than they ended up getting. Gray does make a fascinating bad guy, and there are some moments where you may be biting your knuckles may be sore from biting them. But many of the twists and situations are weak and unconvincing, and that makes this less likable. Still, there's another Shirley Bassey song to get the action started, indeed one of the best themes.

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"Oh, James..." becomes a joke here. Middle-aged Connery (offering the first glimpse of his oncoming paunch) appears bored, tired, rather over the whole Bond thing. Jill is lovely but just provides the eye candy and the last gasps of the T & A jokes for this genre. Poor Lana Wood reaches the pinnacle of her career here only to be tossed off a balcony into a shallow pool without her top on. How any one of their careers survived this film is amazing!? Sean purposely killed Bond off in this one although one could see the blase weariness crawling over him in the previous 'You Only Live Twice'. Unfortunate for the films that follow in this series that forever more Bond becomes a parody of a spy--a cartoon man. Lazenby was too pretty, Moore too old, the others just a yawn. One went to see them only for the special effects. This particular film does not age well especially because of the boobie and fag jokes popular at the time. One can almost feel the liberation movements of later years rising in the background like a drumbeat. "Your days are numbered." The Bond character here would be equally at home on the Vegas stage of the time with Sammy, Dino et al boozing and broading their way into early bloated deaths. Goodbye James! Nice knowing you.

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That's exactly what this movie is,a disappointment.After the great On Her Majesty's Secret Service,everyone(at the time)was disappointed,there was no Sean Connery!So even though Sean didn't want to return,money convinced him,and,we got Diamonds Are Forever.Let's start with the pros,I like the opening,it does a great job of continuing from the events of the last,you feel genuine anger in Bond,but it ends very anticlimactically.There's also a great fight scene in an elevator,that is very well choreographed.I also like the Bond Girl,she's tough and doesn't take any crap from anyone,and the score is great as usual.It's also cool how this movie makes fun of how pop culture was at the time.My last pro is Blofeld's henchmen Mr.Wint and Mr.Kidd,they're creative villains and are creepy and entertaining to watch.Now,onto the many,many,cons.The tone of this movie is awful,it feels like a bad parody of the franchise and has many unfunny scenes,in fact,most things that happen are just to make lame jokes,the secondary Bond Girl,who's in the movie for like 2 minutes,serves nothing to the plot and is really just there to look pretty and have Connery joke about her name.Speaking of the plot,it's all over the place,and very convoluted.And the action,it's really uninteresting,besides the elevator fight and driving a car on two wheels.Blofeld is not intimidating at all,and quite boring.The last con,Sean Connery,he feels bored,lazy,and too relaxed,which I guess works for the tone,but it is still a bad performance for Sean's standards in the franchise.All in all,Diamonds Are Forever is a disappointing follow up to a great movie in the franchise,although it has a few good scenes and characters,the rest of the movie is unfunny,too campy for Sean Connery's Bond movies,and lacks excitement.

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Python Hyena

Diamonds Are Forever (1971): Dir: Guy Hamilton / Cast: Sean Connery, Jill St. John, Charles Gray, Jimmy Dean, Lana Wood: Average 007 James Bond outing. This one regards greed, which is the ambition of every Bond villain. Here we have a useless villain who can duplicate himself as well as present duplicate voice devices so to manipulate his world domination plan further. We also have a couple of devious nerds called Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd who are involved in a defeat so stupid that it warrants ridicule. Director Guy Hamilton made one of the best Bond films with Goldfinger. Here he creates an entertaining film with a diamond smuggling plot but the humour is misguided terribly. Sean Connery returns as agent James Bond after sitting out the previous film. Here Bond is nearly killed several times including cremation and buried alive in a pipe line but he makes a getaway in a moon buggy. Jill St. John is easily the worst and most annoying Bond girl at this point. She isn't sexy and one may wish that she was heaved out a high rise into a pool along with another girl named Plenty O'Toole. Lana Wood portrayed that creatively named death sentence. Did I mention Jimmy Dean as an over the top Presidential type figure who has two hit girls named Bambi and Thumper? Despite the foolishness loyal fans will enjoy the action, glitter and glam of the production. Score: 6 ½ / 10

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