| 07 April 2006 (USA)
Simon Trailers

A mild-mannered gay dentist and a womanizing bar owner rekindle their unlikely friendship when, upon meeting by chance after a decade apart, the latter turns out to be severely ill.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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I found this movie to be extremely entertaining. It has been a long time since I've laughed so many times watching a movie. Apart from the splendid Amsterdam-style humor (which I've also had the pleasure to experience in real life) I also found this movie to be of great inspirational value. Specifically, Simon is a very positive and relaxed guy who goes through life in a cheerful and carefree way. Even when his death becomes imminent he remains mostly upbeat and full of humor. I think that is something of value we could all take away from it. It will be hard to swallow for moralistic people as it contains many controversial topics. Watch it as just a comedy, don't be bothered about the controversies too much. I don't know what is more extreme, this movie or most others that are full of killing, shooting and violence.

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When compared to well made, e.g. English spoken movies, probably all Dutch movies are very hard to grade for mainly two simple reasons.1. Way too many Dutch actors simply cannot act. (this is not supposed to be funny nor an exaggeration). Almost every line of script that is muttered by this group of actors, just sounds too unnatural and overacted. Compare it if u will to acting in cheap US horror movies or soap commercials. Being a Dutch person, I have contemplated often on why this is. Some believe we simply lack the proper language to deliver natural acting, but I believe it to be a curse.2. (almost) All Dutch movies contain way too many unnecessary scenes carrying pointless nudity, sex or otherwise. E.g. where in any other language based movie 'the female corpse on the coroner's table' is shot from an angle which would perhaps only show the chest, the Dutch, without exception, would not pass on the opportunity to take a nice shot of the dead person's privates as well. It's almost like a gimmick. Just see any Dutch movie and u can wait for it to happen leaving u dumbfounded as to why on Earth they do it. The same goes for the totally out of place sex-scenes from which the typical dutch movie made in the 70s and 80s suffers.Both these elements are highly annoying and distracting when trying to watch Dutch movies, especially when it contains serious and sensitive content like in the movie Simon.Why does this movie have such a high voting?Simple; this is because Simon, on the balance, contains a minimum of bad acting and the 'unnecessary scenes' actually serve a purpose in this movie. Above all, acting aside, Simon deals with a very compelling and touching story and finds a perfect way to give it closure.But to me, seeing any movie in any language with just even one horrible actor in it, can and most probably will ruin the film for me. Simon in that respect is alas no exception.Is that being harsh? No, I don't think so. Why would I be lenient towards just Dutch movies in this respect? This movie simply came highly recommended which was the reason I saw it. But normally I would skip them knowing fully well that I'm just going to be highly annoyed followed shortly by embarrassment.Overall, Simon absolutely delivers and on the balance it is by far one of the best Dutch movies ever made. But, like someone wrote, it also suffers from the inheritance of poor (unnatural) acting albeit less in the face as it tends to be. But if u can see past that, which to my regret I simply can't, then you certainly have a small gem.

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We just saw this film at the Palm Springs International Film Festival. Yes, we are Americans and tend to be less evolved than others when it comes to certain things. But the audience - young, old, straight, gay - stood and cheered at the end of the film, and for good reason. This was one of the finest movies I have ever seen. I enjoyed the characters, especially Camiel and obviously Simon (how could you not like him?), and the conversational aspect of the movie was fantastic. It tackled some issues that we don't always feel comfortable with, but it certainly wasn't "in your face" material. I'm hoping to be able to see it again someday, maybe even find it somewhere on DVD.

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I saw Simon in the cinema and it was a fantastic experience. Simon is a summary of Dutch culture and especially the Amsterdam subculture. The actors are all standouts in this movie and have the performances of their careers. I agree with previous comments that Cees Geel's performance was Oscarworthy. I watch movies everyday and I must say Simon was the best I have seen in YEARS! First of all, Simon is about Holland. Holland was once famous for windmills, cheese, tulips and wooden shoes. These days we (the Dutch) are famous for gay marriage, euthanasia, legalized prostitution, legalized marihuana use and islamofascist murders. In other countries themes like these give people the feeling of a modern Sodom & Gomorra.This movie sets the right mood from the start. It is a commercial for modern, Western liberal countries where everyone can be their full self. Simon is a drug dealing, swearing, unemployed guy, who sheets on his girlfriend. Yet, you cannot dislike him! He is charismatic, funny, good at heart and completely original. His friendship with Camiel is somehow weird, as he is a gay, shy dentist student. Their friendship suffers a setback and they meet back after 14 years. Camiel and Simon team up with their entire group of friends and offspring to give Simon the best last days of his life.This movie is important, because it reflects exactly what people in the '90s wanted Holland to be. I can cry at what my country has become of these days, but I can also smile at the warm intentions of what it once inspired to be. People all over the world, watch this movie! It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but it will also make you think.Eddy Terstall thank you for this fantastic achievement. This movie will be remembered someday and be seen as an international classic.

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