See No Evil 2
See No Evil 2
R | 21 October 2014 (USA)
See No Evil 2 Trailers

A group of friends pays a late-night visit to the city morgue to surprise Amy on her birthday. But the surprise is on them when the one-eyed corpse of brutal psychopath Jacob Goodnight unexpectedly rises from a cold sub-basement slab, turning their wild party into a terrifying slay-fest.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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That was an excellent one.

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Working on the graveyard shift, workers at a birthday party at a local hospital morgue find the hulking body that was just delivered is a still-alive serial killer responsible for a recent killing spree and sets out to continue killing forcing them to stop the madman.This wasn't all that bad of a sequel and definitely had some solid moments at work. This one here is mostly enjoyable when it stays on the simple-minded track of being what a good slasher should be where this certainly gets some solid work in here. The first attack of his resurrection, where he approaches the humping couple off in the side-room by turning off the lights and then appearing behind them when they finally score a light-source on is a fine suspenseful sequence, as well as the multitude of stalking the party-goers inside the hallways of the hospital where he sets about getting some rather nicely-handled stalking scenes against them. From the rattled panic of trying to find one of the endless rooms to hide in or the absolutely amazing scene in the bathroom where he traps two in different segments and must try not to alert him to either presence yet still try to get out alive which is quite the fun and impressive sequence as well as the fun pitched battle at the end where he begins throwing them around the hospital and generating some solid action that makes fantastic use of his imposing size advantage within the cramped setting. There's some solid work here as well with the few small details in the kills where it showcases the aftermath of the different kills here which gives this one some rather nice kills and graphic moments coming across their mutilated remains. Though that does come off nicely, it also highlights the first of the film's flaws here in that really start with that one feature. Though we do get some really graphic kills here, most of them occur off-screen and only feature the group stumbling upon them later, rendering them to such throwaway status that there's barely anything that can be taken from them. They mostly just seem to gloss over them and simply cuts away before the big moment leaving only a few minor pieces of blood-splatter on-screen rather than getting to the actual shot here. As well, the fact that this becomes all the more apparent due to the film's surprisingly low body-count where it doesn't really have a ton of choices to begin with here so the timing of this one does feel a little off here throwing the deaths into small spurts and then not going through on it's best work at that point, which leaves the kills all around pretty unsatisfactory with a small cast getting bloody and brutal deaths for the most past off-screen. The last problem here is the ending, which scores nicely with the surprise death and the big finale brawl around the hospital resulting in an appropriate and grisly death, but the final shock moment blatantly ignores what happened moments before merely to get a cheap jump that won't work based on the actions that just occurred moments earlier. It's a lame and unsatisfactory ending that leaves this with a sour impression, but is otherwise still a fine enough slasher.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and mild sexual antics.

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David Arnold

See No Evil 2...such an apt title because this film should be just that...not seen.This film is truly awful in every sense of the word, from the story (and I use the term very loosely) right through to the directing. Even the usual slasher film clichés are used much more than normal. See No Evil was a below average but bearable & watchable slasher horror with some nice atmosphere. See No Evil 2, however, is a completely different story.I described the first film as a "trip back to the good ol' fashioned no brainer slasher genre" and "a modern day Friday the 13th type of film". Well, this sequel is still along those lines, but throw some Wrong Turn 4, 5, & 6 into the mix too, because this film is not much better than any of those disasters.What made the prequel better than this pile of trash was mainly the atmosphere and the imposing figure of Glenn Jacobs as Jacob Goodnight. His lines were kept to an absolute minimum the first time around which was the right thing because his sheer size & presence was enough. This time we see his acting ability when he is given lines, and let me tell you it's not good. All the good things I mentioned above go right out the window as soon as he starts his WWE acting & line delivery. And as for the face mask Goodnight wears (sometimes)? A definite no no in my opinion.The rest of the cast isn't much better either, especially considering who some of them are.The cinematography & direction is just as bad also, especially when you notice things like Goodnight's bad eye switching from his left one (the correct one) to his right (and no, it's not the mirror scene), so I guess bad editing & continuity can be added to the list too.There is honestly nothing really going for this film at all and it comes as no surprise that this garbage was shot in only 15 days. I actually find it very amusing reading reviews that praise this film, but hey-ho...each to their own.Don't say you weren't warned.

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Nitzan Havoc

Many theories and doctrines of discourse have been proposed in regards to "the 2nd film" in every duology, trilogy and anthology. Some say it ups the stakes and the raft, while others say its doomed to be a disaster, a falling from grace compared to the first successful film. Was 2006's See No Evil a success? I personally enjoyed it, as a fan of the classic Slashers. Whether or not the classic Slashers could have been deemed successful without being classic - is another debate.See No Evil 2, in my opinion, took all the good things in the first film and made them better, while simultaneously taking the bad things and making them worse. The killer is absolutely profound, and not since the legendary Jason Voorhees have I seen such an excellent use of size, sheer force and brutally undeniable screen presence. Glenn Jacobs, better known to most of us as Kane, doesn't even need to talk in order to be horrifically threatening. Talking actually damages his character, if you ask me, and I believe there was no need for his obviously forced lines in this films (after saying 3 words in the first film). The acting divides into the good, and the annoying. Main actress Danielle Harris and actor Kaj-Erik Eriksen play their awkward romantic interest just the way it has always been meant to be played, while performing their character's role just the right way. Chelan Simmons and Katharine Isabelle, on the other hand, are annoying to a fault. I realize they were supposed to be the stereotypical cowardly not-too-bright ex- teen bimbos, but damn, talk about overkill... Even without Jacobs' excellent character I would have rooted for the killer to finally rid me of their painfully annoying presence. If that was indeed their goal - well bravo.As for the bad things, as I've mentioned, this film capitalized on all that has always been bad about Slashers... Killer walks, victims run, killer always gets them... Killer happens to know exactly where victims are hiding... Killer is inhumanly strong and damage resistant, yet victims keep repeating the same mistakes in that regard over and over again... And my personal favourite made famous by aforementioned Friday the 13th - Killer can't die. Cut off his limbs, stick a metal hose in his eye, shoot him in the head - it only gets him angrier and deadlier. The only suspense in this film was maintained thanks to the innovative number of survivors in the first film, which serves to slightly confuse the audience in regards of expectations. Just slightly though.All in all, I'm not sure how ti judge this film. As an above average Slasher or a below average ordinary film? So I settled for the middle. If you liked the first film because of Kane - definitely watch this, you'll get your share of violent brutality. If you're looking for quality horror - sorry, wrong place.

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Michael Marcel

After the first movie came out in 2006, I took a liking to it. It was a great source of mindless violence to get lost in for 2 hours or so, which is OK, sometimes you feel like watching something mindless. Thus, I was expecting great things from this movie, or at the very least, of it to live up to it's predecessor.However, this movie flat out disappoints in every way possible.The predictability is crushing, the facepalm moments are plenty, and I found myself shaking my head for the majority of the movie. It is the typical 'killer knows where everybody is, all the time- and manages to beat everybody to every destination- meanwhile the characters make stupid and convenient decisions for him" scenario.But wasn't it the same for the first movie in 06? Yes, and no. This one is orders of magnitude worse.This movie was on my top "to watch" list, and I am sad that it did not do better than anticipated, and by the looks of the other reviews, and the rating, it didn't live up to anybody else's expectations.

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