Sad Movie
Sad Movie
| 20 October 2005 (USA)
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These intertwining stories about romance and separation follow a firefighter who can't find the right time to propose, a shy theme park worker who falls for an artist, an estranged mother and son, and a man seeking to regain his lost love.


Brilliant and touching

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Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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Well, this drama has a very simple basic premise: it tells love stories of four couples with their own paths. Though it initially seems everything is OK, finally all their stories come into sad endings, just as the title indicates, 'Sad Movie'. I've been admiring Korean dramas for their fresh and original ideas, and this drama is no exception. Though some finds similarity with western movie (especially for its multiple storyline), it has been quite successful to develop its own distinctive feature, strong idea. Most casts are well-known actors (at least in Korea and Asia), and it surely delivers, they add significant points for this drama with their nearly flawless acting. And one more: great music, especially for emphasizing the 'sadness' factor in the last part.So, why don't I give it a 10? The reason is, there should have been more scenes. After finish watching this movie, you may wonder if there are missing scenes. Indeed the storyline is well developed and rather easy to follow, but quite possibly, you need to see this drama more than once (or read the spoilers) to perfectly understand the whole plot, for instance: 'how could she become XXXX' or 'how suddenly he XXXX' (I don't want to give spoilers, so I just write XXXX). This drama would be perfect if produced in a mini series (like Winter Sonata), but since it was produced as a single-episode drama (through noticeably plays longer than average single episode) some scenes were forced to be deleted, or never shot, where it could leave you clueless for a bit... And with all due respects to Korean cinema, and without decreasing my admiration for their brilliant ideas as I stated above, this is one problem I've found in most Korean movies I've seen: great ideas and storyline, but often lack proper (and often important) scenes to qualify for perfection.Simply said, if you like Korean (or in general, Asian) romantic drama and you don't mind the not-so-good ending, give this one a shot. Despite its flaws, it's still worth watching. Not the best Korean movie I've seen so far, but it still deserves two thumbs up. It will not waste your time and money. And even if you have to watch it over and over again, to fully understand the plot, like I've said, you will enjoy doing it. Trust me.

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"Sad Movie" is like the "Amores Perros of South Korea". But make no mistake, Sad Movie is a masterpiece. A visually stunning work of art. The movie started out a mild-drama with comedy moments, but after the 1st half, the movie became sad as in sad as hell. Usually, I cried on movies that started out happy and ended up sad, that's why this film really moved me. The soundtrack was also one of the best, it really helped especially on the last few minutes of the film. The cinematography was great, the actors are great ad the script was very well written.Sad Movie is very lovely, touching and lastly, sad.9/10

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When i started watching this film i wondered to myself what part of it should be so sad. The atmosphere was very lighthearted; no problems in sight. But man, i was so extremely wrong.The reason why i give this movie a 10/10 is because it accomplished to succeed in many aspects. First of all it was very well shot; lightning, camera ... really beautiful. And then there is the the smooth and touching music, which has very nice themes. The essential aspects are the story (or better stories) and characters. Especially the characters are really strong here. The cast did an amazing job in making you feel what they feel. And it was really elegant how this movie was directed. You will never feel a disruption or something similar; very fluent until the very, very sad ending.I guess people, who like Korean dramas in general will love it. And if you are a first-timer watching Korean dramas: watch it! This is a very nice example here.

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Quite possibly one of the best dramas I've seen in general, this movie definitely manages to tug at all aspects of your emotions, that can bring you to tears in laughter and also in sadness.What struck me most about the film is that the movie consisted of all the essential elements to make a great romantic comedy. The separate plot lines of several characters is strategically done to keep audiences from becoming bored, and the fact that all plot lines eventually converge or somehow is related to one another, makes the audience appreciate the characters even more - as they can watch them grow and develop.Don't be fooled by the first 3/4 of the film tho - even though the comedy is light and fluffy, and when it seems all the characters seem to be overcoming their obstacles, the movie manages to rip your heart out with more difficult and unthinkable obstacles that makes you cry out in tears, "WHY?! Why did THAT have to happen?!" In fact, the sadness comes roaring at the end, full throttle - and it becomes pretty overbearing - you become so emotionally frustrated because it just doesn't seem fair to the characters you've come to know and grow with throughout the movie.The star-studded cast however, has incredible chemistry with one another, as their emotions appear so genuine and real, that you can't help but feel the emotions they experience in their lives. You can feel the puppy love sensation of the girl who is too shy to express herself to the cute boy; you feel anguish and depression, but also hope for the boy who tries so hard to get his relationship back together with his ex-girlfriend, you feel the sense of guilt and worry for the girl whose boyfriend has a neck-risking job; and you feel the love between a child and his/her mother.What manages to strike the audience at heart is the fact that the characters in the movie become so likable, that you can relate yourself to them if you've ever fallen in love, but can't find the words to say it; if you've ever been emotionally trapped in a self-made prison, and you can't find the strength to break free; and if you've been in a situation where you're at the brink of giving up, but you still gather up courage in the most unlikely of places.Most importantly, this movie reminds us how precious time and life can be - and how jaded humans can become about their loved ones, and the fragility of life. It also reminds us that we're human - no one is ever perfect, and sometimes life itself isn't fair. Definitely living up to its title, "Sad Movie" is a sad movie indeed. But that shouldn't stop you from appreciating this fine film. I just don't know if it's one of those movies that you can watch over and over again. Because each time you watch it, nothing better will happen :( Give it a shot though - you won't regret it.

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