New York Waiting
New York Waiting
| 25 April 2006 (USA)
New York Waiting Trailers

Sidney is a warm and deeply quixotic man who sends his lost love a plane ticket to New York along with a letter asking her to meet him at the top of the Empire State Building. With a vintage Polaroid camera in hand, he takes to the New York streets, stopping occasionally at tourist attractions and coffee shops. Along the way, he unexpectedly meets a distraught woman who left her boyfriend that very morning after discovering that he had been unfaithful. Like Sidney, she too is drifting around Manhattan, as she waits for a flight to take her back to San Francisco.


good film but with many flaws

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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This romantic film, tells the stories of a 20-something man & woman. First, Sydney, who is waiting for his free spirited ex-girlfiend to meet him and he hopes, rekindle the flame which he still pines for. Second, Amy, who has broken up from her loveless, self obsessed boyfriend. Thirdly, the story of Amy and Sydney when the pair meet by chance and agree to spend the day together in each other's company enjoying NY in the Summer.The camera focuses on the dialogue between Amy and Sydney. There is judicious use of inter-dialogue landscape shots and a folksy musical score. The conservations are not as intellectually stimulating or abstract as in Linklater's "Before Sunrise" nevertheless, the feelings of loss, love & hope don't just simmer under the surface, they burst out towards the end.

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I love this film and I am hoping it gets a wide release. For anyone who loved Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, I highly recommend this film. If any of the cast and crew read this, I want to thank all of you. I'm an aspiring writer who has been in a funk lately, and this movie has brought me so much inspiration. This film has convinced me to finally go to film school and chase after my dreams.Writer/Director Joachim Hedén's script has a lot of strong dialog-driven scenes and the performances were great. Chris Stewart carried the lead role very well in a confident yet subtle performance. Annie Woods was utterly charming and adorable, while the seductive Katrina Nelson provided surprising depth to her character.The cinematography was amazing, highlighted by a very creative pool and rainstorm scene. The music was incredible, and I am dying to know some of the songs that were used, especially the ones in the trailer.My only disappointment was that I didn't get to meet any of the cast members. I wish everyone who was involved in the film all the luck in their future projects.

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I saw a screening of New York Waiting at the Tribeca Film Festival, and I was completely captivated by the film. Director Joachim Hedén tells a romantic love story absent of cliché plot turns typically found in American films. His characters are charming, his story poetic, and as an audience we're given the opportunity to respond emotionally to his film without being manipulated into a prescribed reaction. He uses the camera with conscious restraint and places a strong emphasis on dialogue, reminiscent of Richard Linklater's Before Sunset. Hedén's choice of music adds a wonderful texture to the film, and I hope that New York Waiting is picked up by a distributor and shown to larger audiences. Many people should see this lovely film. Bravo and well done.

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I just saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival. It was awful. I will elaborate but it was just awful in every way. The characters were shallow to the extreme. Found out nothing about them and could care less. It was interesting in the style of Bergman, ie. people talking little and lots of relationship stuff in Bergman style. Also interesting in that it tried to be the antiBergman-no despair, suicide, angst but love conquers all. (All this about Bergman because it is a Swedish film) The filmmaker was there for q and a and everybody was polite and did not criticize the movie but it was so sophomoric-could have been made by a high school film student except that high school relationships are more interesting. New York in the title but nothing about it was unique to New York. Polaroid camera cant take pics out of cars and you cannot get film for old, or new, Polaroid cameras any more. Sent an e-mail that was printed out but not read? The main character has a retarded emotional IQ.

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