What makes it different from others?
... View MoreCrappy film
... View MoreThe best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
... View MoreThe story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
... View MoreRakeysh Omprakash Mehra made waves by telling the story of independence revolutionary Bhagat Singh and his fellow rebels through the eyes of jaded college kids struggling to believe in a country they saw as broken. Rang De Basanti resonated with audiences because it urged action and thought over passivity and disdain. 10 years later, we look back at what makes the film so inspiring
... View MoreLet us start by quoting Movie itself, the Character DJ played by Amir Khan Speak in the movie: There are only two ways to live life: Tolerate things the way they are... Or, take responsibility to change them."This line portrays beautifully what this movie wants to convey to The Youth of India, that it's time for a wake up call, it's time to work against the injustice, the system, the corruption and the social and economic problems faced in our country.Rang De Basanti is a story of an English woman who embarks on a journey to find talents in Delhi University to film a documentary on Indian Freedom Fighters, and she finds friendship through the six actors of her Film. The struggle for freedom is relived on screen and off screen simultaneously.The movie portrays various problems faced in this Incredible Country India like: Social Injustice to various particular sections of society, the problems faced by a foreign woman in India, the Political system, need for introspection by the Indian youth. This movie led to Awakening of Indian youth which affected the Jessica Murder case investigation which was going on while the release of the movie, the movie actually led to candle marches and demonstrations for justice at India Gate. There is no limit for the lines to quote from this Movie but I would like to quote another dialogue: "I think sometimes a person can be pushed so far that they reach a point beyond fear; a place where you find a strange peace, where you free yourself to do the right thing; because sometimes, that's the hardest thing to do."While the movie plays a part in awakening the youth of India, the movie itself is well made and very well acted with an ensemble cast, the movie pretty much Flows like Poetry and is an example of sheer brilliant film making.The Direction of Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra is exceptional and the acting of every actor outshines the story line. The clever way of Storytelling is also used brilliantly by showing the scenes from documentary in the first act and how it changes the actors' character and in the second act the society is shown and the director has tried to show that we are still being oppressed like Colonizers used to.With extraordinary Music by none other than A R Rahman, this movie scores high in every category. To finish it I would like to quote few lines from the song Rubaroo of this movie: "Aandhiyon Se Jaghad Rahi Hai Lau Meri Ab Mashaalon Si Bhad Rahi Hai Lau Meri"
... View MoreSue is a pretty young British lady who wants to make a film about the Indian uprising of the 1920s. This is because she's read through her grandfather's diary and although he was a British officer, he had great respect for these Indian patriots. But her bosses have no interest in such a project (perhaps because she's in the UK), so she takes off for India to do the film herself...with no funding. But because there is no money, she decides to use some college students instead of professional actors. There is a huge problem, though, as the students are mostly very spoiled young people who are more interested in becoming like Westerners than doing a serious film about their forefathers. Can she get through to these jerks and get them to realize the great price that was paid to create modern day India....and thus get the film made?Like most Indian films, this one is quite long--nearly three hours. And, like a typical Indian film is shows a lot of fun-loving young Indians singing and dancing. I liked the film but think they overdid this aspect a bit. The students should have been oblivious to their past but making them annoying jerks seemed a bit too much, as it was very hard to like any of them during the first portion of the picture. A bit more subtlety would have been nice. Fortunately, through the course of the film, the students did improve in this regard and began to take the project more seriously. This later portion was much better and poignant, as the students start to realize that even today in India there is corruption and repression that must be fought and it's a close parallel to the story about the Indian revolutionaries of the 1920s. I am pretty sure the Indian politicians did NOT appreciate this film and its condemnation of brutal police tactics to squelch protest! Overall, despite being uneven, the film is quite good and interesting as it seems to encourage what might be perceived as terrorism! A very compelling film despite the slow start.By the way, the MiG-21 crashes which made up a significant part of the latter portion of film have apparently been a serious problem in India. And yet, the film says at the beginning that it's a work of fiction...interesting. Also, for Westerners not used to Bollywood films, you might be interested to hear that corruption (particularly police corruption) is a relatively common theme in Indian films.
... View MoreI haven't felt so compelled by a movie in a long time. I watched this just because I wanted to revisit Bollywood in 2006. I used to avoid this film because the title track played too often on TV commercials and in promotions. I didn't have high hopes for it. I thought it was just another movie where Aamir Khan played a revolutionary. I wanted to revisit that time period, and watched this when I saw this as the one Hindi movie on Netflix from then.At first I was annoyed by the English girl directing her documentary. I had to mentally cringe through her bringing the basis of the actual movie together.Once DJ and his crew were introduced, I knew there was potential for something interesting to come of the movie. I thought it was going to be as simple as they helped make her movie while being rowdy in between and learning to appreciate India's history.Late into the movie I started making jokes to myself about how these are actors performing a script and that the intensity of the movie was silly to me. But by the conclusion I snapped out of that mentality. I was shocked by what the movie turned into and needed to let it sink in.The movie definitely reminded me of 2006 where a lot of teens were looking for a crew of friends, and among them they felt a need to be rowdy because in general they felt lost. I think this movie was very definitive of that.Without spoiling the movie, I would just say that how well this movie portrayed the way of the generation and youth really hit me. Back then it was a very concentrated feeling. Between online media and cell phones the youth wanted a real, tangible presence in the world, but felt it slipping away. That feeling of a lack of identity and meaning is still here today, but watching this movie really got me to pay attention to how striking it was back then.I could relate to the movie really well, and imagine others in this age group can too. Just because it's one of those eye-opening movies that got me to start thinking about my life, I have to give this a 10. I would recommend it to anyone who is a young adult that wants something to connect with or relate to with regard to identity and being confronted with injustice in a movie.
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