| 05 October 2013 (USA)
R100 Trailers

Ruthless dominatrixes pursue a mild-mannered salesman who wants to get out of his unbreakable contract with a secret bondage club.


I love this movie so much

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This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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One of the best films i have seen

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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R100 is an exceptionally weird movie, but then I wouldn't expect anything else from Japanese cult cinema (and, truth be told, I'd be disappointed if I got otherwise!). The story sees a middle-aged businessman visiting a dominatrix bureau, where he signs a contract that will see him randomly beaten and abused by a succession of beautiful women over the course of a year.The premise is as preposterous and nonsensical as it sounds, and yet it's mighty funny at the same time. Watching this poor guy walking down the street before being half kicked to death by a leather-clad lady is certainly memorable, and if the narrative seems repetitive then that's part of the intent. Still, the stakes are raised as the story progresses, leading to a half-mad climax full of cheesy action and attacks from a giant westerner. Warning: a strong stomach is needed for the lengthy spitting sequence.

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In the opening scene we see a woman applying makeup in a restaurant bathroom; she then goes and sits opposite a man who starts talking about Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy'. The next thing we know she stands up and kicks him in the head! He leaves the restaurant but is attacked again. We then learn that this man has joined the 'Bondage' club. Its rules are simple; membership lasts for one year and cannot be cancelled and during that time the member may be attacked or humiliated at any moment and he may not resist in any way: protagonist Takafumi Katayama is one such member. He expects to be attacked when he is out on his own but becomes worried when the women start turning up at his work and approaching his family; humiliation in front of strangers is one thing but work and family (including his young son and comatose wife) are different. Things get even more dangerous for him, and a lot weirder, when one of the women has an accident and dies and the club seeks its revenge.This is one of those rare films that will leave the viewer wondering what they just watched; it was that weird… but in a surprisingly fun way. The viewer will often wonder if what they are watching is meant to be really happening or if it is just a twisted dream. The washed out colour, almost black and white at times, adds to the sense that it isn't quite real as it might be. The random nature of much of what we see makes the film funny, disturbing and in one scene even disgusting. It also means it isn't a film that will be to everybody's taste; some will find the weirdness a delight but I'm sure plenty will find it so weird it is boring. Overall I'd say give it a go; you might like it.These comments are based on watching the film in Japanese with English subtitles.

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Gustaf Ottosson

As in "Symbol" Matsumoto leaves you philosophically baffled after having finished the movie, and not in a David-Lynch-weird-just-for-the-sake kind of way. "R100" will stay with me for a long time challenging me to decode what the message really is. No matter what answer I will come up with it is rare to find these kind of movies, that offers the diametrical opposite of Hollywood movies that gives even the most ignorant person answers to all his questions.I could give you a number of reasons why you should watch this movie, but if you, like me, is one of those people who doesn't necessarily need a linear plot in order to enjoy a movie, but rather evaluates quality by the directors capacity to surprise you, you will already want to see this movie - and you should.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

This movie was weird, even by Japanese standards.I enjoy Asian cinema, and it is only rare that a movie turns out to be not worth really spending time on watching. And I must admit that "R100" turned out to be one such movie. I managed to get through two-thirds of the movie before I had to give up out of sheer boredom.The storyline was unfathomably lacking appeal and anything interesting. It is about a man who join an exclusive club in which he is committed for one year, without the chance of breaking his contract during that time. The club, which is a gentleman's club, provides bondage services, and the dominatrix women start showing up at odd places, abusing the man.And that was basically it. It was just one step away from being softcore pornography. Sure, there is an audience for this particular movie, but wow was I bored.The above-mentioned storyline was just ridiculous and unappealing. As you sit there and watch the movie, you can't help but think "what is the purpose of this movie?".The scene with the Queen of Saliva is without a doubt one of the most disturbing filmed sequences I have seen in a long, long time. Not that it was bizarre or horrific in any real sense, but the way that it was shot, the contents of the scene, and the use of repetitive shots, it just culminated in something really, really out of the ordinary."R100" is not one of the brightest moments in Japanese cinema history. I didn't even make it to the end of this movie, and I can honestly say that I will not attempt to give this movie a second chance and try to make it to the end. Watched, bagged and tagged...

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