Project S
Project S
R | 16 August 1996 (USA)
Project S Trailers

As a crime wave sweeps through Hong Kong, the police call Jessica Yang (Yeoh), a rising star in the ranks, to help stop a notorious gang of thieves! What Jessica doesn't realize is that her boyfriend - recently discharged from the force - is the leader of this ruthless crime ring!


Best movie of this year hands down!

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Good movie but grossly overrated

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Absolutely brilliant

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I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

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Firstly, the script kicks ass! It's a local story, authentic dialogs, fast paced, straight forward and realistic, yet entertaining. Most of all, it got lots of authentic local cultures in it and it stands out. (Plz don't make movies just for the foreigners markets, draw foreign markets with your local culture - remember the success of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Mr. Vampire series, & recently Pang Brothers movies???!!!)What stands out is the time frame of the storyline is longer than most movies out there in the same genre and yet you don't feel bored or awkward. All the actors and actresses' performances' are so natural and believable. Don't know why, but it makes it so much relaxing to watch. Even the cameos all ditched in and made the movie better bit by bit.Thirdly, the director is very smart in the sense that he acknowledged that he didn't have the luxury of getting the support from Jackie Chan's stuntmen group. Thus, you can't stuff the whole movie with those crazy stunts. Instead, he created a lot of exciting action scenes from various authentic settings - shoot em all scene from the worn down factory building, the underground banking, and the HK underground subway systems.It's jam packed with action, drama, terrific fight scenes. In all it's a great movie because everyone in the movie knows what they're doing and did very well. It may not have the Hollywood production $$$ but definitely more entertaining than their recycled story lines & movie stars. It's a celebration of HK movie during the 90s era! Top notch real S!#$% hk police action crime movie!!! 9/10!!! A must see! Go rent it today!!! (I bet Banlieue 13 stole some ideas from movies like this one =)

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This film is being billed in the USA as a Jackie Chan flick. Don't buy into the hype - Jackie has a short (2 minutes approx.) cameo in a scene that makes little sense and is hardly tied in to the rest of the film. His presence in drag is unexplained, and worse still his voice has been dubbed by somebody who apparently spent two hours at the dentist's before filming, and was still under the effects of the anaesthetic - or at least it seems that way.The rest of the film is passable - some good shots of Hong Kong and Guangzhou, but some glaring plot holes as well. Nothing to write home about, but a fairly good performance from Michelle Yeoh at least brings this up to a 5 out of 10 effort.

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I thought it was a decent movie. Michelle Yeoh did a good job with the acting and the movie itself was a nice change from the action-packed HK movies we've grown accustomed to.I was, however, just a little disappointed in the way that Jackie Chan was hyped as being in the cast. I expected him to take a role of the Hong Kong police guy he was in Supercop again, but all he does is one scene as a lady. Kind of a letdown.

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Crediting Jacky in this film at all was probably just a PR stunt. He's only in one scene, and that looks as though it was pulled from another film. To top it all off, he's in drag (personally, I liked the Chun Li Jacky from City Hunter better...). That being said, if you didn't know that when you rented the film, you probably haven't seen the poster. This is a typical Michelle Yeoh film: great Kung Fu/acrobatics/stunts, high melodrama, and a plot that falls apart in the last 20 minutes of the piece.

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