Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday
| 10 April 1998 (USA)
Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday Trailers

A ship captained by the father of the leader of Delta Force is taken hostage by terrorists. As might be expected the force is sent in to stop them.


Don't listen to the negative reviews

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.

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It has a hijacked submarine, a hijacked ocean liner, a hijacked missile base, a Shakespeare quoting villain not to mention the eponymous Delta Force. Is it good? Well, it's OK. The villain has a complicated scheme to obtain disappointingly lots of money and Delta Force are put into action and win the day. The action is OK, the acting is OK, the music is OK. The explosions are good and it is fun to see the villains mown down in slow motion with the heroes hardly getting a scratch, like a video game, but it eventually starts to pall. The film is however much too long. It could have done without the initial sequence of the Delta Force rescuing a prisoner from Iraq and gone into the main plot straight away.

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... well, not that good either. But compared to a lot of shoddily written tripe that gets top billing just because of bigger budgets, I'd say this was quite above average. Some rather impressive action scenes, albeit overshadowed by some really awful dialogue... but then again, intra-personal relationships and conversation isn't why you wanted to watch this film in the first place, is it? And a good thing too... Having said that, if you want snappy dialogue and razor sharp delivery, you're occasionally in for, if not a treat, then some truly appetizing morsels. There are many intellectual film villains, but few so deliciously literate and exquisitely brainy (and truly eeevil) as Flint Lukash (J. Kenneth Campbell; brilliant and dazzling as ever!). I'd go so far as to say this bad guy puts several other baddies to shame. (James Bond could have done with more adversaries like this... Now there's a thought!) A pity the good guys aren't quite up to scratch. Still, they tried... A good evening's entertainment; decent plot outline, lots of big explosions, nice stunt work, and no problems identifying who's on which side during the fight scenes (a common 007-flaw, I might add). Relax, have a good laugh, cheer for the heroes and boo at the baddies and just enjoy the cruise... And get Mr Wein (director) a bigger budget and better dialogue next time! Could be fun...

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...IF you can get over the dire acting that's on display, for seemingly no apparent reason the producers have brought in another bunch of actors to play the delta force who are even worse than the original - The action on the ship seems pointless and the bad guys are pretty lousy - they couldn't shoot on target if they tried - they make the good old U.S.A seem better than they were. OK, that's the bad points, The film has a pretty good story concerning a group of nasty Russians (as usual) taking a cruise liner - for reasons if i told you might spoil the movie - so the Delta Squad go into action.Not bad..The action is virtually non-stop so if You - Like me love loads of gunfights and explosions then you will be reasonably satisfiedI prefer the Original to this, due to a more tense story and it had better acting.To date Followed by a further 3 SEQUELS!My Rating 6/10

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If there is one thing in movies that i am sick of, it is that american lives are so much more worthy then russians and others. This movie proves that all to well. The Delta Force Team look invinsible, they kill hundreds of iracis to save TWO americans and only TWO of the team members are hit and both survive just fine. But the acting is actually good and the plot is also very good.

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