One Summer of Happiness
One Summer of Happiness
| 17 December 1951 (USA)
One Summer of Happiness Trailers

The young high school graduate Göran and the 17-year-old Kerstin get to know each other on the estate of Göran's uncle Persson and fall in love. But their relationship is watched suspiciously by the jammed adult world. While Persson has an understanding of the youth, Kerstin's parents and the pastor of the village rant against the alleged immorality of the young people. Despite all the malice, Göran and Kerstin decide for their love. But this love should last only one summer.

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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I saw the movie in Hungary with my girl friend in 1955. I was 21 years old and she was 19. My girl friend was a simple little girl who never was yet in love with anybody. She loved me very much and I started to love her after the ending of a previous affair with a girl who left me for a wealthy man. She was so similar to Kerstin. She became my Kerstin. I even called her in my mind Kerstin and those who knew us and saw the movie also called her Kerstin. (It was a very popular movie in Hungary and many people saw it). The movie had the greatest impression on us, ..even more so on me.. The story of true love. I fall in love with my Kerstin and married her a year later....49 years ago. I still love my Kerstin. I would love to buy the movie in DVD or in any other format. Could anybody help? Is it available?

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This is a simple "boy meets girl" "parents/adults don't understand us" film, but a very well done one. Ulla Jacobsson is captivating in the lead. I like her performance here better than in "Smiles of a Summer Night", although the latter is the better film. I also found "One Summer of Happiness" interesting for what it said about post-war Sweden. Well done.

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This film was upon it´s release subject to much attention, not only in Sweden, but across most of Europe. This perhaps not due to any particular cineastic greatness but rather the rather candid nude swimming scene (perhaps the first in a non-adult feature film making it past the scissors of the censors) which sparked somewhat of an outcry amongst morality watchdogs.In short, this film acted as sort of a springbord for a new wave of filmmaking in nothern Europe.

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I saw this movie the first time yesterday. I´ve had the tape for about two years, but I was not so interested in it. But now I´m very glad about having watched it, because it is a great, old-fashioned love story containing a warm kind of romance, you cannot find in actual movies. The story is quite simple: student from the city falls in love with girl from the country. She is not allowed to love him, but nevertheless they do...The scene, showing both naked taking a bath in a beautiful swedish lake, caused 1951 a scandal. Funny, about what harmless stuff people got annoyed in former times... 9/10

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