Ninja Death
Ninja Death
| 01 January 1987 (USA)
Ninja Death Trailers

Tiger is the owner of a brothel who moonlights as a kung fu artist under the watchful eye of "Master." They run into serious trouble when ninjas inexplicably show up and jeopardize Tiger's prostitution ring.


Load of rubbish!!

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Ninja Death is the first in a series of three films that seem to have been made at the same time. It begins as it means to go on with a truly crazed fight between three good guys defending a baby and a princess against a gang of ninja assassins and their evil overlord. It's a demented affair with an eye gouging, a suicide and men being kicked several metres along the ground. It gives a pretty good indication of the film we are about to see, as Ninja Death is quite clearly a very committedly ridiculous film, with characters such as a man in a gold all-in-one suit armed with a couple of hammers and another sporting a demon mask who pirouettes through the air. It's chock full of entertaining fights that are sometimes camped up to the max. Events seem to revolve around a bouncer at a brothel who is at one point attacked by a man disguised as a female prostitute.Essentially, this is a markedly better than average slice of chopsocky action. Its entertainment level is much better because it is more fearlessly ridiculous than most others and doesn't get bogged down with tedium like most in the genre do at some stage. Fast, frenetic and daft as a brush – that's this film.

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Warning: This movie is so intense that it will cause severe psychological (and possibly even physical) trauma for those who are unprepared. There are three movies in the Ninja Death series. In reality, it is one long movie split into thirds (this explains the previous reviewer's claim that there is no end battle; I assure you there is one, and man is it something). This was a responsible move on the part of the distributors because few possess the mental fortitude to handle it all in one shot. Before you watch this movie there are three movies you MUST see first in order to prepare yourself:1) No Holds Barred 2) Remo Williams the Adventure Begins 3) Invincible ArmorNinja Death holds claim to the following titles:* 2nd best exit from a fight scene (1st place goes to the jump through the wall in Invincible Armor) * Best entrance to a fight scene (no contenders) * 2nd best decapitation scene (1st place goes to the decapitation-by-sled in Jack Frost) * Best self-inflicted head-trauma scene (you have to see it to believe it) * Best outfit worn by a bad guy * Most intense end battle ever *** Greatest finishing move ever conceived of by man (no exaggeration)I won't ruin the movie by divulging plot details. I must concede that Ninja Death II is a bit slow at times, but I assure you, it's just the calm before the storm.

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This was the best entertainment value I have ever experienced. I paid .99 for this movie - it was in a bin in a computer store of all places. I have paid a dollar for things that have paled in comparison to the laughter, loud exclamations, and pure joy that this movie brought to myself and a group of friends that gathered 'round to watch it with me.If you ever find this movie - don't rent it.. Buy it.I can't really figure out if the movie was intentionally poorly edited, and I'm almost positive the lead character's voice actor changed from an American to a Brit midway through the movie.... However, you can't help but wonder at the insanely long "sex" scenes and I felt more as if I were watching a direct pipeline into the director's boyhood sexual fantasies rather than watching a kung-fu flick.The fighting actually is pretty good. Most kung-fu movies can be divided into "intro", "training sequence" and "boss fight / revenge battle", but this one breaks the mold. It's more like "intro/training sequence", "long training sequence", "pointless sex scenes" and then NOTHING. There is no proper end to this movie. There is no boss fight. It's really, really weird.I loved it.

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This movie was given to me as a birthday present that someone had found at a gas station for $5. The movie in itself is a joke, the dialouge is either badly translated or was done in a brilliant style of dubbing ala "What's Up Tiger Lily" and "Kung Pow: Enter The Fist." The DVD has one special feature, scene selection which is divided into 4 equal parts without titles. There are no credits, no introductions or conclusions this movie is a gift from the heavens. If you see this, buy it. I have never laughed so hard at movie that was intentionally or unintentionally funny.

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