Attack Force
Attack Force
R | 05 December 2006 (USA)
Attack Force Trailers

Marshall Lawson is the commander of an elite military unit. Marshall Lawson loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack, and he takes it upon himself to investigate the attack, with the help of his girlfriend Tia and his friend Dwayne.

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Great visuals, story delivers no surprises

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The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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ATTACK FORCE is the latest in a long line of straight-to-video trash movies from Steven Seagal, the action star who once wowed audiences with a string of hard-hitting, pull-no-punches thrillers that offered tons of entertainment for his dedicated fan base and beyond. Nowadays, Seagal is something of a joke in industry circles, and fans of the former Hollywood star tend to watch his films with a sense of amusement rather than excitement. This movie does nothing to break the downward spiral and indeed it's even worse than some of his more recent fare.Like most of his films made in the 2000s, this one was filmed in Eastern Europe – Romania, to be precise – and tells a fumbled storyline about Seagal and his buddies tracking down people with superhuman powers and killing them. Of course, there's some martial arts action, but Seagal is doubled as always and usually appears in the shadows to hide his massive weight gain. There are some familiar cases in the cast, but that's only because the actors have starred in B-movies before, although there are a lot of British ex-soap actors here from the likes of EASTENDERS and DOCTOR, for some reason.It's not that these are really bad films or unwatchable, just that they sort of pass over the viewer, leaving them with a totally unexcited, 'eh' feeling. It's nearly as bad as watching paint dry, although not quite. This film's worst offence isn't the bad directing, editing or acting, which makes a change: it's the storyline. Halfway through, it is said, the producers of this decided to change the storyline from being about vampires to being about a new strain of drug. The problem is, it's obvious that the baddies are vampires, even if shots of pointy teeth have been removed. There's a fair bit of splashy gore as throats are slashed and even some creepy eye effects as well as people being chucked through walls and the like. If the producers decided against the vampire storyline because they thought it would make their movie too unbelievable, it didn't work.The major problem this decision brought was that half of Seagal's dialogue changed, but he couldn't come back for post production to alter it, so he's got a voice double as well as a body double. His voice double sounds nothing like him, so listening to this film makes for a bizarre experience. As for the action, it's over-edited into blurry nonsense, although I got a kind of masochistic kick out of the 'baddie's lair' climax. For the main, ATTACK FORCE is on par with the equally poor SHADOW MAN from the same year.

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Phil Shaw

So to continue my mammoth Seagal season I just finished watching 2006′s direct-to-DVD Attack Force. I IMDb'd the flick before watching to see what I'm in for and was greeted with a measly 2.4 rating. I thought to myself "it can't be that bad, I love terrible movies anyway!" I was, on the whole, wrong.The premise is good, it's an atypical Seagal revenge flick full of dead bad guys, bullets and blood. Everything I look for in a movie but the narrative, production and overall execution was the worse I can ever remember seeing!There are numerous times in which Seagal gets his voice dubbed by someone that sounds nothing at all like him for no apparent reason. I'd suggest it's poor recording equipment or a crap editing. Other flaws include very obvious set decoration, stones moving in the breeze by the wind, **ahem polystyrene**, stunt doubles of a different ethnic background and the aforementioned atrocious post production work. The editor needs to be shot!Seagal was actually OK to be honest, no Oscar winning performance but conventional and entertaining. I don't like bad mouthing Seagal but if I were his Steamroller Productuons team I'd have pulled this off of the shelves years ago.I gave it a 3 out of 10 and would only recommend watching this if the only thing on TV is X- Factor, otherwise give it a miss.

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This is without a shadow of a doubt the absolute worst movie Steven Seagal has ever made. And that says a lot. Don't get fooled by the rating, it's way too good. This abomination hadn't even been worthy of a 0/10 rating, if such a thing existed. Absolutely no plot Worst action scenes ever, and there aren't too many of them either Seagal doesn't do anything himself, including the fighting, talking (lots of dubbing), and so on. As always. Seagal is fat, lazy and couldn't care less about this movie. Something which is very obvious all the way throughTake all the other garbage DTV movies Seagal has made, multiply them with each other, multiply this with a thousand billions, and all the badness you then get won't even describe 1 % of this absolute crapfest.

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As with all of you writing here, I'm in dismay at what I've just seen. I have worked in television for a long time, and now teach on a Media course. As such I am well used to the many cheats we have to do to improve any project, be it in adding SFX (sound effects) ADR (additional dialogue recording) or Gating (taking out unwanted sound (wind noise, traffic etc) during pauses while no-one is speaking. In fact I even tell my students that television (and film for that matter) is all about cheating: Making people believe the unbelievable.BUT this has to be the worst example of my trade I have ever witnessed. As someone already mentioned previously, I too replayed the beginning several times, because I figured that there must have been some problem with my recording. The lip sync and dubbing (not the same as straightforward ADR) was diabolical to the point of comical. And it doesn't seem to get much better throughout the whole movie. Surely even the guys responsible must have thought at the time, that this was a bad joke to play on their potential audience! The same thing also occurs with the lovely agent Tia too. Especially when she is on the phone to her baddie boss. It's as though she must have thought that her lines were just so crap that she got someone else to say them for her! Truly dreadful on every level.Oh dear, oh dear.John Walsh, TV Studio Manager, Media Arts Department, Royal Holloway University

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