Nightmare Beach
Nightmare Beach
R | 01 September 1989 (USA)
Nightmare Beach Trailers

In Miami, Florida, biker gang leader Edward "Diablo" Santer is about to be executed for murder when he proclaims his innocence and vows revenge from the grave. When a mysterious biker comes to town during Spring Break festivities, leaving several teenagers electrocuted to death, some begin to suspect that Santer has made good on his promise.

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Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Dan Jarron

Yes, I find it interesting that the first review I saw for this movie called it a feel good slasher flick. Well roll me is flour and slap me in a skillet...ah musta missed that part of the movie.What this movie has: Sarah Buxton, John Saxon and Michael Parks.What this movie is missing: Action, suspense, tension, and much of anything associated with slasher flicks, including the all necessary sleaze factor.A biker affectionately known as Diablo is put to death in the electric chair for the murder of a young woman. A few days later his body ends up missing from his grave, unfortunately at the same time spring break week begins for this beachside town. Thousands of tourists and a potential killer on the loose spells unfortunately does not spell entertainment.This is not the worst slasher flick I have seen, there is plenty of competition for that title already, but what it predictable. It aimlessly wanders about its story with John Saxon, well...being John Saxon, Michael Parks being assured his career has sunk this low and a killer with an amazingly obvious identity who couldn't scare a timid cub scout let alone inspire chills in anybody watching this who succeeded in staying awake through it.It does succeed in telling its story from beginning to end, but it does not succeed in providing a very threatening killer or much blood and sleaze as one would expect from a slasher flick.

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Welcome to Spring Break (1988) * (out of 4) Notorious Italian director Umberto Lenzi traveled to America to make this slasher film, which is one of the worst out there. A biker gets sent to the electric chair but he swears he was framed by a local cop (John Saxon). The biker screams he will return for vengeance and after his death it just happens to be spring break. Soon a maniac on a motorcycle starts electrocuting kids to death. Has the biker returned from the dead? Who cares? Lenzi wasn't the only Italian director to travel to America to try and cash in on the slasher craze. Both this and Ruggero Deodato's Body Count are among the worst of the slasher period because it seems neither director knew what made this films so special. Both directors, known for their violence and gore, took all of that out of their films and we're left with boring movies without anything going for them. The murders here are all poorly done and the characters are obnoxious and it's impossible to care for them. The mystery surrounding the killer isn't of any interests either. Both Saxon and Michael Parks are wasted in their worthless roles.

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There isn't a great deal of entertainment value to be found in these here parts. This one of those goofy slasher movies which lacks those elements that bring cheesy entertainment and isn't even any good on a so bad its good level.Following the execution of a bikey leader a mysterious biker goes a killing spree during spring break in Florida, dispatching his victims mainly by electrocution. The whole movie is badly executed and almost all scenes fall flat resulting in no laughs, suspense or excitement. The acting is absolutely terrible even by the standards of dreck like this. The younger actors, including our blander than bland leads, deliver their lines like kindy kids in the end of year Christmas play. I do not exaggerate when I say that the actress who plays the biker girl may well give the worst acting performance in the history of film. Even the old hands like Michael Parks and John Saxon don't exactly distinguish themselves, phoning in poor performances.The whole movie just trundles along each scene trundled through in a workman like fashion by the directors and actors with no flair or style right up till the Scooby Doo style plot resolution. Even the exploitative elements fail to disappoint; there is little gore other than in the lame and fake looking deaths by electrocution and for a slasher movie set a spring break it is remarkably chaste. What is left over is bad actors going through the motions in the paint by numbers plot and a lot of padding, involving spring break hijinks, some of which I think was meant to be funny and filler subplots like the one involving the bikey gang, which isn't even properly resolved. If a movie like this can't even get the lowest common denominator elements right there is not a lot of point to it.

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Over-aged "Spring Breakers" are being terrorized by a biker who enjoys electrocuting his victims. The "acting" is atrocious! The hair is big! The music stinks! The heroine/bartender is puffy-faced & stiff. Lots of loose ends. What became of the sun-dried "breaker" (who looked about 45!) who was stealing everyone's money, the Reverend's slut daughter, & the redneck cop dragged off by a motorcycle? Did I miss something? Not very scary (a few fried corpses) & not much fun. (Spring Break films worth checking out, minus the "horror": "Where The Boys Are", "Where The Boys Are '84", "Girl Happy", "Revenge of The Nerds II:Nerds In Paradise").

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