Midnight Son
Midnight Son
| 04 March 2011 (USA)
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MIDNIGHT SON is the story of Jacob, a young man confined to a life of isolation, due to a rare skin disorder that prevents him from being exposed to sunlight. His world opens up when he meets Mary, a local bartender, and falls in love. Tragically, Jacob’s actions become increasingly bizarre as he struggles to cope with the effects of his worsening condition. Forced by the disease to drink human blood for sustenance, he must control his increasingly violent tendencies as local law enforcement narrow their focus on him as a suspect in a series of grisly murders.


Perfect cast and a good story

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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MIDNIGHT SON is an ultra low budget obscurity about a mild-mannered young man, hanging out on the streets of Los Angeles at night, who comes to discover that his rare skin condition (he burns in sunlight) is actually vampirism. The film follows two separate paths, following the guy's coming to terms with his real nature alongside his developing romance with an equally damaged drug addict.For a really low budget film set within an overworked sub-genre, MIDNIGHT SON is a surprisingly decent little movie. It helps that the script is smart and literate, but it's the likable actors who really make you pay attention to this one. Zak Kilberg is fine and sympathetic as the newly fledged vampire while Maya Parish is heartbreaking as the object of his affections.Although romance plays a big part in MIDNIGHT SON, the story is so dark and brooding that I didn't mind. This is much, much better than the big budget nonsense of TWILIGHT, filled as it was with silly scenes and bad acting; MIDNIGHT SON is much more realistic and downbeat. I particularly liked the evocative soundtrack, full of held notes and distorted sounds which add to the sense of growing unease.

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(Credit goes to IMDb) The story of a young man called Jacob who is confined to a life of isolation, due to a very rare skin disorder. His world changes when he meets a local bartender and falls in love. Jacob's condition worsens and forces him to drink human blood for sustenance - leading to law enforcement suspecting him in a series of grizzly murdersI saw this one a while ago. I came across it in the now defunct video rental store I went to. I really wasn't expecting anything from this movie, I rented it because there was nothing else to rent. I had no idea it would elicit so many feelings from me. This isn't a vampire film for teenagers, this one is frighteningly real, and extremely bleak. It's about a sequestered human being forced to live a life of loneliness. Watching Jacob's condition worsen throughout the film was rather disturbing, but riveting at the same time. It even throws in a love story. Jacob and Mary were two unique souls, making their relationship saddening and likable. We get some really gross gore bits, gore hounds should be happy. To be honest, I was filled with too many emotions to concerted on it. Zak Kilberg is fantastic for such an unknown as Jacob. Maya Parish is his match as the drug addict Mary. I'm not gonna spoil much more, see for yourself. Don't avoid it because not many talk about it. As it pertains to vampire films, this is one of the best you'll possibly see. At least in my opinion it is. Make sure you're in the right frame of mine to appreciate it8.7/10

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Making an absorbing drama film in this day in age is a tough job, let alone a Vampire drama.In an age where the mainstream craves for constant action and visual effects, or shallow drama's with their favorite teen stars, Midnight Son is a burning example of an emotional and captivating drama.It isn't flashy, it isn't filled with actors you would know, it is instead filled with grounded performances, and people, instead of caricatures.First, i want to address the comparison to Twilight. Don't worry, this is NOTHING like Twilight, and i wont spoil anything, but i have to admit, the setting is pretty similar, even the main character looks eerily like Jasper.In Twilight, we have Edward, a vampire masquerading as a teenager to fit in, in which he falls in love with Bella, beginning 4 novels of shallow wants and needs, without ever showing what it means to be a vampire.In Midnight Sons case, its the same premise, except without the fake glamor, and watered down drama. It focuses on the transformation, and the slow realization of the impossible happening, as well as the consequences.Midnight Son for the most part, is a character study on its lead,Jacob.Jacob is an outsider.He sleeps in the day, works the night shift as security. Since young, he developed a disease in which sunlight hurts his skin. As a result, loneliness became his daily function. For the bulk of the film, it isn't just an exploration of the vampire lore, it explore the people behind them.On one of his nights, his rare conditions starts acting up, he seeks help, after exhausting common methods, he goes for more drastic measures.A slow realistic buildup is the name of the game here.Midnight Son never feels false, Jacob is entirely self aware of how ridiculous being a vampire sounds. So he proceeds with caution. Upon a chance encounter, he meets a local bartender, who is just as broken as he is.The performances all around are brilliant, with a strangely personal performance by Zak Kilberg, Jacob. He balances dread, danger and sincerity flawlessly, and becomes the films driving force. Pacing is strong as well, we never delve too long on a plot point, and the story never stalls.The supporting cast is uniformly strong as well, from the love interest to the smallest roles, the craftsmanship here is impressive, and not just from a low budget perspective.Again, the less you know of this film, the better. Jacobs journey is one of both warmth and sadness. The tones switch masterfully, due in no small part to its atmospheric score, and the love plot has a constant danger to it, something the entire Twilight series lacked. Filmed in a documentary style, this is a no nonsense, at times brutal approach to vampire lore.Its mature serious atmosphere is reminiscent of other greats like Let The Right One In.There aren't much flaws to this gem, other than the fact its a small scale film, and the realistic art style isn't the most attractive, and visually, it could be more inventive, as its the only aspect that comes off as low budget. Though it does lend to the films realistic tone.Other than its visuals, its low budget aesthetic never distracts.In a perfect world, this would be the cultural phenomenon that Twilight is. If you want an adult drama about real people, with real emotions, consequences and danger, pick this one up. Even if you aren't into vampire lore, the drama here is certainly for anyone who can stomach it.Hopefully it finds the right audiences and is appreciated for the mature, sincere adult drama that it is.Highly recommended.

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I think all the positive reviews have been from people who worked on the film.Anyway, we have yet another movie where the once noble vampire is turned into a pathetic sissy-boy. Our hero is a young security guard who can't stand sunlight and has a taste for blood, preferably human. It oddly never occurs to him that he might be a vampire.He meets a hot cocaine addict whose nosebleed triggers his vampiric tendencies. He then proceeds to attack people while a rather bumbling detective is on his trail. He gets involved with a punk hospital orderly who is willing to sell him blood.Some of the ideas are interesting, too bad no one involved could actually act.

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