Lunatics: A Love Story
Lunatics: A Love Story
PG-13 | 08 February 1991 (USA)
Lunatics: A Love Story Trailers

In the seedy part of Los Angeles, a man who writes poetry has spent six months without leaving his apartment because of his paranoid delusions involving sadistic doctors, rappers, and spiders. A woman who seems to jinx things by wanting to help is dumped by her boyfriend and finds herself penniless on the streets, and soon runs afoul of a local gang. Due to a telephone glitch, the man calls her at a phone booth trying to dial a "talk line" and invites her to his place. There they must help each other to overcome their respective problems.


Well Deserved Praise

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Truly Dreadful Film

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Sadly Over-hyped

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The first must-see film of the year.

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