Lost Voyage
Lost Voyage
| 23 October 2001 (USA)
Lost Voyage Trailers

Twenty five years ago, the SS Corona Queen disappeared in the region known as, "The Bermuda Triangle". Now, it has returned. Seven people go on board to learn the truth behind her disappearance but the ship did not return alone...


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Rich Wright

You'd think if a ship went missing in the Bermuda Triangle for 25 years, and mysteriously reappeared with near everything intact minus the people they'd be more global interest than from a crappy, cheap cable show, but never mind. Our intrepid explorers, complete with the son of two of the original passengers and a salvage crew board the long-lost frigate... and promptly start dying one after the other in 'strange' circumstances. Could the cause be something to do with the supernatural? My guess is: YES.Watching this is akin to drinking Diet Coke: It quenches your thirst, but has absolutely no distinction and doesn't leave any impression whatsoever. There are some reasonable special effects, no-one is so irritating you want them to perish immediately and I couldn't detect any daft decisions made... which is unusual in this genre. It's just you want MORE than mere competency, a fact hammered home by the lack of anything resembling a climax. The film is content to sit there... wallowing in it's own mediocrity... with the predictable couple surviving and barely any fireworks throughout. Not even a damp sparkler.Some may be content with this. I wasn't. 4/10

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So this cruise ship that was missing for 30 years suddenly turns up, and at the flip of a switch its lights go on. In the galley there is a bin of potatoes looking as fresh as ever. In the one passenger cabin that we get to see, a wallet and pocket change are where they were left 30 years ago, undisturbed atop the headboard of the bed. For that matter, the bedclothes show not a wrinkle. The only sign of disaster is that all of the passengers and crew are missing.Do the TV and salvage crews who visit the ship find anything strange about this? Nope. They're so profoundly stupid that if they could actually hear the cheesy "evil" music and voices that are repeated endlessly in the background of this movie, they probably wouldn't think there was anything strange about that either.Our "hero," the pudgy Judd Nelson, makes it clear from the start that he eschews superstition and sensationalism. He is a scientist! After all, he has brought along scientific gizmos that detect ghosties and ghoulies.Well, it isn't long before really strange things begin happening, and people start getting killed in horrible ways. Even people as stupid as these characters begin to suspect that all is not well. And before you know it, wonders proliferate, and the movie ends with a fireworks show made up of zooming and soaring demons.The thing about belief in ghosts, demons, and the like is that if you believe in them, you end up believing in anything. Leprechauns, vampire, werewolves, angels, Virgin Mary visitations, banshees--you name it. Wonders indeed proliferate, and before you know it all sense goes out the window.The acting is so bad that by the end of the first scene I started to groan. The special effects were anything but special. And that ship! It was supposed to be a cruise ship, not quite the floating city of today's cruise vessels, but still... They must have gotten the use of a freighter to film this. You never see the common areas that any cruise ship would have--the dining room, the promenade deck, the entertainment facilities, the swimming pool, and all the rest. And what you do see, down in the bowels of the ship, looks pretty grungy. We do get to see one "stateroom," which could have been filmed in any motel.This one is a real stinker.

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This low-budget cross between GHOST SHIP and EVENT HORIZON has a motley crew boarding a long-missing luxury liner during a building storm in the good old Bermuda Triangle. The ship has been missing for 25 years, yet appears as new as the day it disappeared. No one is on board, but the salvage crew hears weird noises practically from the moment they set foot on board. They also find a rocking horse that rocks all on its own -- until a cameraman from a local TV station sees through his lens a strange-looking child sitting on its back. Then one of the salvage team is killed in gruesome fashion by an unseen hand. I think you can guess where this is going. A very hairy Judd Nelson plays an academic and part-time ghost finder whose parents were aboard the liner back in 1972 when it disappeared into the mist. Lance Henrickson, God bless him, plays the leader of the salvage crew and is his usual irascible self, much as he was in AvP, HELLRAISER: HELLWORLD and a dozen other mostly bad horror flicks of recent vintage. He simply sails through this one, no pun intended. The rest of the cast is TV-generic, although the guy who dies first and the cameraman get to deliver the best lines in this cliché-ridden script. Some decent special effects involving the liner and a rescue helicopter do not save this made for video flick, but it it is worth watching for the first half, which builds up a little suspense along the lines of the Kubrick version of THE SHINING or that Treat Williams magnum opus about a giant, man-eating creature aboard an abandoned luxury liner. Heck, we even get shadowy figures occasionally passing across the foreground from time to time, as if Jason were back on the loose. LOST VOYAGE unfortunately goes to hell in the second half. Literally and figuratively. Having Nelson explain to Henrickson what has been going on late in the movie, which is right out of EVENT HORIZON, only makes things worse. Last week's episode of GHOST WHISPERER, involving a vengeful ghost aboard a luxury liner, was better than this.

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well, rent this film only after you've seen every other horror film in your video store. even then, consider expanding your tastes to as many other genres as you can before returning to lost voyage. still tempted? how about picking up a nice book, or going out with your friends, or perhaps simply hammering your genitals to a board with an old nail?why do i do this to myself? why did i think that anything good could come out of a made-for-the-tube film about a ghost ship starring judd "washed-up-since-1985" nelson? you know why? session 9. i blame session 9. every now and then, after sifting through the ever-thinning ranks of my olde video store i decide to rent a movie that screams "complete loser" in hopes that it turns out to be somewhere between "mildly loserish" and "ok". and sometimes, just sometimes, one of these low expectation picks turns out to be a bit of a winner, like session 9. well, the makers of this film (and my video store) can thank david caruso's scrawny white ass, because session 9 restored my faith that not all obscure low-budget horror films are stupid and brainless despite all the alarm bells that sound when you read the box.unfortunately lost voyage IS stupid and brainless, a cheeseball excuse for a bunch of roughly sketched characters to run around the corridors of a ship accompanied by a relentless horror movie soundtrack. sure, it's got its jump-out-at-ya moments, but so does my fridge after i forget about a half-eaten ham-n-cheese sandwich that's been sitting in the back for a week or three.it's just that the plot is so lazy. there is so much that could have been done with the bermuda triangle yet they way lamed out. um, so, mr. writer-directory-guy, what's your theory on the triangle? "well, it's a gateway to HELL!" so, where have all the people on the ship gone... "well, they've been sucked into HELL"! so, um, why has the ship reappeared? "well, there was this storm, just like when it disappeared, so it came back... back from HELL"! alright, but why is the ship trying to off all these weak-ass characters now it's returned? "well, it's collected all this evil energy because, well because, well, of course it wants to off everybody it's been in HELL"!damn i wish i could get a few paycheques for coming up with brilliant plotting like that.ok, vented enough. goodnight.

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