Lost in America
Lost in America
R | 08 February 1985 (USA)
Lost in America Trailers

David and Linda Howard are successful yuppies from LA. When he gets a job disappointment, David convinces Linda that they should quit their jobs, liquidate their assets, and emulate the movie Easy Rider, spending the rest of their lives traveling around America...in a Winnebago.

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Crappy film

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Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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betty dalton

"Lost In America" is a subtle comedy portraying all the troubles that will rain down on you, once you decide to drop out in a campervan and start roaming the united states of america.The midlife crisis jokes are true to life. Many married adult, grinding away at his boring job will find recognition in this story about wanting to break free from all the shackles that the daily boring routine presses down upon us.The humor of director, writer and actor Albert Brooks is probably only suited for a smaller audience, who can appreciate subtle midlife crisis humor. Younger people who long for a fast and straight funny movie might find it boring.

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this is often seen and reviewed as a mid-80a update to the culture shock and general societal alienation manifested in the early 60s; nope; it's mainly one of the first post women's lib male emasculation movies; short take- a couple of airhead CA types decide to sort of bail on the big bucks and the system; crossing the country in vegas the simpering, cutey-pie wife morphs into a hysteric who loses all their money at the tables; then she berates him for being mad about it, for even mentioning it; she becomes so peeved she also gets into a car and goes off with another guy; nice; but the almost eunuch pursues, is beat up by the new guy, and simmers as she laughs at her husband for his general ineptness and cowardliness with her boyfriend of the minute; now a full eunuch brooks finally gets them to nyc where he takes the same old job with a 31% salary cut, and still with the simpering wife who lost all their money; it's all brooks, which is sometimes brilliant, sometimes needing an editor; but no way it's a lighthearted long, long trailer type trials and tribulations as lucy and desi find out what's most important

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Didn't see it when it first came out in the 80's, but was interested when shown on TCM a couple of nights back, thinking I had missed something not following Brook's career closer, since the little I had seen of him had shown quite an intelligent comedian. And being a sucker to abandon-modern-life-go-back-to-simpler-way-of-life stories, was actually quite excited about the premise, but then the couple mentions going to Las Vegas and I thought: No, it can't be, it would kill the story right there. Guess what! It was! What a wasted opportunity for adventure and to explore America a la Easy Rider...I can't believe this is in AFI's top 100 comedies...Also I can see now why Brooks never developed much of a career.

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Mild chucklefest about a bored ad exec approaching 40 who talks his wife into abandoning their jobs for life on the road. Your typical Albert Brooks offering, which of course, is not for all tastes. Some can take to his light style of humor like addicts to coke, while others will scream how mediocre this film is to be held up as an example at screen-writing classes.Most of Brooks' humor in his films come from his characters being utterly flummoxed by life or his grinny observations about everyday people. You get that usual array here, but unlike some of his other efforts, this Brooks screenplay seemed oddly malnourished. He gets caught up in this whole "Easy Rider" nonsense and places the film's more humorous and intriguing moments at the front. The business with Hagerty and the casino happens so quickly, that it a) uses the best device too fast, and b) seems too out of character for her. Brooks needed more time spent on the road meeting goofy locals and emptying his RV's chemical toilet that would eventually prompt Hagerty to do what she does early. And therein lies the film's bigger problem: they only really have one predicament. Once they hit their financial nadir, they look for jobs, work them for one day, and the film ends with a cop-out minutes later.Sorry to forward-project, but I was a GREAT admirer of Brooks' "Defending Your Life". It had his usual breezy, near lulling atmosphere on display, but with the life-after-death exploration as a great backdrop, that filmed worked better. "Lost in America" just sort of coasts along with random vignettes before breaking down at the side of the road.

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