Men in Black
Men in Black
PG-13 | 02 July 1997 (USA)
Men in Black Trailers

After a police chase with an otherworldly being, a New York City cop is recruited as an agent in a top-secret organization established to monitor and police alien activity on Earth: the Men in Black. Agent K and new recruit Agent J find themselves in the middle of a deadly plot by an intergalactic terrorist who has arrived on Earth to assassinate two ambassadors from opposing galaxies.


Waste of time

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So much average

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Redundant and unnecessary.

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Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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This is the 1st part of the series and comes with an interesting story. There lies a parallel wing among the US army that works secretly and so do the agent J&K. Will Smith shows his interesting humour and wins heart but this execution does not seem to be up to mark. The fight with the alien and theft of galaxy was an good sequence. Overall fun to watch.

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You know what the difference, between other sci-fi buddy action-comedies and 'Men in Black'? 'Men in Black' make the genre look good. That was until the 2002 & 2012 sequels came out, but that's that is another story for another day. Yet, in the summer of 1997, this film about two secret organization agents, K (Tommy Lee Jones) & J (Will Smith) having to stop an alien invasion from happening, while hiding their existence from ordinary people, could do little wrong. Even if Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones was playing, fictional versions of themselves. They are still great in their roles. Not only that, but surprisingly, both share, really good chemistry with each other. Smith's laid-back boyish charm does match, well against Jones' grump mentor, straight-man persona. They do make a good team. Nevertheless, the best acting in this movie, has to go to Vincent D'Onofrio as the extraterrestrial roach-like villain, Edgar the bug. He really went beyond the call of duty, with his performance. Not only, did he researched watch a lot of insect documentaries, spent hours in make-up with legendary, special effects artist, Rick Baker, but he also put on, knee braces to get the feel of Edgar's restricted movement. That's commitment. I also have to give mad props to animatronic effects from Baker & the visual effects by Industrial Light & Magic for making the aliens, in the film, seem real, even if some of the CGI hasn't really hold up, that well, over the years. In the end, it's still impressive to look at. Another thing that still works for me, is the music score by composer, Danny Elfman. It's fascinating how Elfman was able to make an orchestra sound like crickets and hornets buzzing and chirping. It really adds to the visuals of the title sequence. As for the other music in the film. The rap tunes from Will Smith are just as catchy & memorable as the day, it first came out. 'Men in Black' song really does stand out on its own, to the point, that many people forget that the beats was a sample of 1982's 'Forget Me Nots' by Patrice Rushen. As for the humor for the film. Most of the jokes, physical, and verbally are still, laugh out loud, funny, even if some of them are often recycle, throughout the film, somewhat dated or even not complex. Don't get me wrong, as much as I would love more, well-though out sophistical jokes that mirrors, author, Douglas Adams's 'the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' novel; the lighter, cartoony, out of this world, simpler tone of 'Men in Black' works better for the general audiences. Plus, it's a lot better than the much darker and dryer bleak tone that authors, Lowell Cunningham and Sandy Carruthers had in the comic book series of the same name, in which, this movie is loosely based on. Don't get me wrong, I still like the cynicism & more grounded nature of the comic book, but a boogeyman like version, 'Men in Black' fighting the supernatural & brainwashing people to commit mass-school shooting, might not, be the right amount of family-oriented science fiction comedy, this film really need to be successful. After all, it will be really hard to root for, a selfish organization, wanting to secretly control the world, rather than trying to save it. Thank goodness, director, Barry Sonnenfield went with the right direction, by making them, 'the Men in Black' heroic than self-centered a-holes in the action scenes and the case work. Nevertheless, the movie still has a few problems with some of the judgment calls, the agents do, throughout the film. Without spoiling, most of it, I never truly, understood, why, Agent K would neuralize J after meeting him for the first time if he was just going to recruit him the next day? Even, today, it really does bug me down. Regardless of that, the plot-holes in this movie are mostly pretty minor. They're not too jarring, not to enjoy the rest of the film. After all, I quickly forget, that the giant bug alien somehow, fit with Edgar's body, because how entertaining, this is. That's how, watchable, it is! In the end, No neuralyzer will be powerful enough to make you forget this theatrical experience! It's a movie that's worth travelling millions of lightyears for. It's worth probing, after!

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Nadine Salakov

Getting straight to the point, Men In Black 1 is a perfect Science- Fiction Comedy, it has an evenness of science fiction/comedy and seriousness, the sequel and third movie are too over the top comedic to the point of insulting the viewers intelligence, Men In Black would have been more epic if they had not gone there with the sequels.

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The general idea is a prodigy of simplicity: to turn a whole set of successful science-fiction dramas or romances or adventures into a full-blown comedy and make all these frightening things that make you dream of a world that will never exist like in Star Wars or in Star Trek hilariously funny so that the audience just never stops laughing. Steven Spielberg adds to that a direct allusion to Back to the future but within the science fiction space adventure genre and it becomes phony more than funny, with me grown up meeting me four years old.The first two films are really funny because they remain within one layer of time. The third one becomes something different, nostalgic, sentimental even, and that breaks the fun to turn it into fear: the fear the negated past or the traumatized past may turn the future which is our present into a nightmare, a PTSS case of time travel trauma, something like PTTTSS, Post Time Travel Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Welcome to the asylum for deeply disturbed minds and brains.The most attractive and fascinating aspect is the phenomenal palette and variety of extra-terrestrials you are navigating among. Obviously all of them are just the figment of the imaginations of a band of deranged probably young people generally called artists though there might be a few older ones who are more perverse than deranged, or perversely corrugated. You cannot find them serious. They are all of them just impossible mixtures of all kinds of living gadgets, except in the last one where one of them is well hidden in a human body and is deadly frightening, not funny at all. The next element that is striking is the role of the Black man in black, just recruited in the first film, trained and excellently performing and competent in the second film and growing melancholy and sentimental in the last film when he sees himself when he was four, when his father was killed under his adult eyes and when with a magic flash the little boy will only remember his father was a hero. And of course it is his partner who erases the truth from the little boy's memory, the partner he meets again in the present some seconds later at the end of the film. That episode brings the saga to an end because the fun has been drunk right down to the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup.We all, absolutely all of us, have rebuilt the image of the father we had, in pink or in black, in celestial blue or in fiery red, but what we remember of our father is nothing but a mental reconstruction, a Lego reconstruction. All the pieces are true, real and absolutely precise, but the pieces have been reassembled in any creative or traumatic way and that's the image we have of the man we call our father. That's normal. That's natural. That's the truth if there is one under the sun. Our memory is selective. In fact, we remember everything without fault but our conscious memory is the Lego construction I have just spoken of. You may have in some drawer, or in your pocket, something that is attached to your father in a way or another and that reached you when you were three or four. This thing is attached to you and you are attached to it in an unbreakable union and yet you don't really know why you're attached to it and it is attached to you. It might be a sentence that comes back regularly and that makes you sick with fear or happy with instant bliss, and yet you do not know where it comes from, except that it comes from a long, long time ago and you still have it in your mind because it was a positive or negative trauma, and, mind you, there are positive happy traumas that have the same power as negative ones, except that this power makes you excel and not run away and hide under your bed.If you want to have some fun in an environment of extraterrestrial monsters, with some dangerous situations and beings and many happy just in time right in time epiphanies and salvations, you have to let yourself slide into these hairy and over-twisted stories and forget about your bills and the fact that the heating does not work. You'll survive since these crazy characters did survive.Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU

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