Last of the Living
Last of the Living
NR | 03 May 2009 (USA)
Last of the Living Trailers

A contagious virus is turning everyone into zombies, and the only hope for survival lies in the hands of three couch potatoes.


Sadly Over-hyped

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Great visuals, story delivers no surprises

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An action-packed slog

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

I bought this movie under the assumption that it might be a zombie comedy that had something to offer. And especially since there has been a couple of very noteworthy zombie movies rearing its decaying head from Australia, New Zealand and that general area.However, I managed to get only 30 minutes into "Last of the Living" before I had to give up entirely and find something else to watch. This movie failed to captivate me and failed to grasp my interest in the most horrible way. The movie was just so uninspiring and anything but interesting.The 30 minutes that I watched offered no comedy, very little action in terms of zombies and the stuff usually Associated with the zombie genre. Though the characters did seem to have been thoroughly thought through and given stories. But it just wasn't enough to keep me interested.And from what I saw of zombies in the 30 minutes, then the zombies were nothing more than low-budget zombies. You know, the type where the faces are powdered a grayish color and blackened around the eyes. I saw no special effects or anything that would usually be much welcomed in the zombie genre in terms of make-up and special effects.If you are looking for a zombie comedy, then your money, time and effort are better spent on movies such as "Shaun of the Dead" or "Dead Alive", to mention but two of the more established movies in the zombie genre.I have no plans to make a return trip to "Last of the Living" in order to finish watching it. No, it just didn't appeal to me in any way. So this movie will now quietly fade into oblivion on the shelves of the movie collection.

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Sure it was a cheap film, but it was a cheap ZOMBIE film, so its fine. :)The main characters were interesting enough to keep you entertained. It was definitely setup that these guys are the same guys you probably went to high school with, not some former navy seals or special ops, just your average zombiepocolypse survivors making the best of it. It did start kinda slow, but built up, and by the middle of the film I had a moderate interest to see how it all ended up. The effects were a little cheesy, but I've seen much worse from other zombie flicks with much larger budgets.All in all, if you're willing to stick it out through a slow beginning, the film is a fun way to kill 88 min.

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Paul Celano (chelano)

his movie is not as crazy as most zombie films that you see. It is a low budget film so they cannot use tons of CG or amazing make up. This was just some people who had a great idea and made a movie. Because it lacked a lot of the excitement from a normal zombie film, it was hard for me to get into it. But I respect them for making it. The view is more real life like. These three guys are just sitting around playing video games and eating. I mean most people would just do the same. What could you really do if the world was covered in zombies. The dialog is decent and actually entertaining at times which is good. The cast was fine, I couldn't really get into their characters, but they were not horrible. They manage to use a little bit of special effects to the points that count. The ending was not that good. I wanted more from it, and I did not get it. I will admit the film had a charm to it that I seemed to enjoy a little bit.

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Renaldo Matlin

I'll admit it; the fun looking DVD cover fooled me into thinking I would love this. Well that and the fact that I normally worship anything with zombies and count George Romero as my God. Add on top of that the fact that "Last of the Living" was made in New Zealand, the country that brought us cult-classics "Braindead" and "Black Sheep" and I was soon hoping this could be one of those rare low budget zombie flicks with originality, real heart and soul.Sadly I was mistaken.Don't get me wrong. As far as low budget zombie romps go this is an OK time filler, but with a few major complaints: the characters are just plain uninteresting. With the exception of nerdy Ash the characters come off as paper-thin and downright boring. The film opens with scenes of 'Morgan' and for a while seem to focus on him as a type of "main" hero, which I couldn't get, since he seemed like a first-rate selfish prick, not to mention a bully to his friend Ash. Then there is the annoying soundtrack, a mix between public domain Apple software sound bytes and tripe rock music probably made by some friends of the director who he is doing his darnedest to promote here. The plot is so weak that not even a pimped up old Ford Cortina helps, although I'm sure the idea of such a car seemed awesome on paper. However, for some reason the shoddy directing, cinematography and overall production quality seem to greatly improve in the last 20 minutes. The film suddenly goes from slow-moving to fast-paced, even including some charming scene transitions! What happened there? Was it the sudden increase of an extra 40,000 dollars in the budget that the IMDb trivia talks about???One piece of warning to the people behind "Last of the Living": It's impossible not to notice a tag line on the DVD comparing it to "Shaun of the Dead". Woha, big mistake! By doing so you are automatically setting yourself up for one hell of a beating, and some helpful advice to the filmmakers: you won't gain any fans when you start off by insulting the greatest zombie comedy ever made! Where "Shaun" was laced with originality, first-rate acting, inspired directing and classic comedy moments, "Last of the Living" is dominated by an unoriginal plot (if you can call it a plot), so-so acting, average-at-best directing and only a couple laugh-out-loud moments (which both include fart jokes). But again, meh... being a sucker for zombie movies in general I'll give it 4 out of 10 stars thanks to the last 20 minutes and at least one credible performance from Ashleigh Southam as 'Ash' (but Bruce Campbell he ain't).

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