| 27 August 2016 (USA)
Knucklebones Trailers

A group of bored college students unleash a murderous demon while playing a dice game made from human knucklebones.


Lack of good storyline.

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Stephen Abell

I am unsure as to what this movie is trying to be as it takes in a few of the horror subgenres, including Nazi Splatterpunk, Supernatural Slasher, and Laugh While You Kill... the trouble is it just feels too sycophantic and pompous.The idea of Knucklebones is a great idea; I've always been a sucker for Daemons. Like all Daemons he has to be summoned into our world this is done in the form of an ancient Sumerian Incantation - this was one of my biggest irks of the whole film since it appears that everybody can read and write Sumerian (I know it's one of my favourite dead languages!) - and the casting of severed and fleshless metacarpals into a pentagram. Though, the best bit of the summoning is Knucklebones's arrival as he literally rips his way into the world through one of the summoners. Plenty of bones tearing through flesh.However, it's the rest of the story which kills the film, as well as the "Thirty-Something" teens and their mediocre acting skills. At the start of the movie we have a group of Nazis conducting an experiment on a topless blonde, this is just to show the audience the evil Germans connection to the Daemon. Then we move to the USA in the '70's where something or somebody is killing the nightshift at a clothing manufacturer. Finally, we end up in present day and though we've been shown the connection the audience is then told of the connection in a little more detail making the two opening sequences redundant and pointless. I do hate a waste of time when it could have been used to better assist the story or help to create better killings.Then there's Knucklebones himself who appears to be Freddy Krueger minus skin - the gruff voice and dark humour one-liners are very reminiscent of good ol' Fred and that is a shame; with a little more work he could have had his own character. At least his look is pretty good. I did like the skull with tattered flesh hanging loose, though at the time you could tell it was a rubber mask. This could have been handled better with a different camera angle and moodier lighting. One thing in the film's favour is the lighting as the director doesn't rely on darkness to try and scare you. He makes sure you can see everything - this I appreciate greatly, I am not a fan of too-dark-to-see movies.Apart from a couple of times with the bad guys mask the special effects are okay. Though you've probably seen similar done better they are pretty good for a low budget flick.This is not a brilliant film and it teeters on being poor to average but I would recommend it for horror lovers as there are a few good ideas and scenes in the film. However, if you're thinking of getting into the genre then do yourself a favour and watch the original Nightmare On Elm Street films (but only up to part five) - then when you've caught up with all the good stuff out there, then give this a go - just to satisfy your dark cravings.

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What would you do if you died for six minutes and then came back to life? Check out eternity, or maybe see if heaven and hell really do exist? Knucklebones starts with a girl trying to get over a suicide attempt. Neesa (Julin Jean) is taken with her friends to an abandoned warehouse out in the backwoods of Texas, where they chill out, play games and then ask her why she tried to kill herself. I didn't try to kill myself responds Neesa, I did kill myself - for six minutes.That spooky revelation will come back to haunt some of them as this down-and-dirty horror movie kicks into gear. The five friends start playing a game of Knucklebones having heard of the warehouse's past as a place where munitions were prepared for the war effort against the Nazis. But when their game is interrupted by a horrific incident amongst one of their number they quickly realise they have unleashed Knucklebones himself.This is a horror film, not a sobering meditation on Nazism, hence the gore, sex scenes and nudity. As for Knucklebones the monster I found him a good deal more convincing than Halloween's endlessly tedious Michael Myers. The leads are okay, apart perhaps from Kate Bosacki, who has a striking resemblance to the equally tedious Paris Hilton.But as the teens go on the run in the warehouse trying to find an escape route from Knucklebones, more people arrive at this impromptu riot, namely a bunch of thirty year-old's on the lookout for things to steal from the warehouse. This particular scene leads nowhere and seems merely an excuse for Erin Marie Garrett to get her clothes off before riding naked on her boyfriend as you-know-who creeps up on them. It does not end well.Cutting back to our less-than-resourceful teens, who are being picked off one-by-one, the gore count rises considerably when Neesa takes extreme action to try and get rid of Knucklebones. The more squeamish might want to look away at this point. As the monster heads out of the warehouse looking for family members of our not-so-fearless teens, a desperate Neesa concocts a new board to play with in an effort to save her little sister from the demon's clutches.There are more twists to come, and it's worth sticking around for a memorable scene involving Kate Bosacki. The blonde one might not be much of an actress but she shows plenty of leg when leaping over a sofa to escape Knucklebones, only for the monster to take a sharp spear and ram it straight up her very shapely bottom. It's what she would have wanted, I'm sure. Enjoy.

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This was a low budget horror that I took a chance on and it was fun and cheesy.Story is a horror, a bunch off teens/young adults decide to have a bit of fun in the standard abandoned environment and hell ensues.They unleash an Nazi demon??? called Knucklebones. There was some nice shots and sfx used to show the demon. Much of the movie he was kept in the dark and rarely seen fully which was great.The acting was a lot of fun. Either it was bad acting or intentionally terrible line delivery. This is a movie you can re-watch and laugh at bad lines and so on.I will give it a good bad movie rating of 7.5 out of 10.

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If you think this movie is some sort of underground piece of art you have dug too far. With the strange acting, massive plot holes, and simply bizarre happenings all around. If you want to have a couple drinks and laugh your asses off at a one of a kind film this is it. If they had fixed the plot a little and cut nearly all of the story building in the beginning I would love to have this movie on disk to watch over and over again. Once Knucklebones is out and chasing all the randy teenagers the movie is super fun, fast paced, and the ending isn't half bad either. Otherwise this movie is packed full of perfect one liners and hilarious moments and if you can ignore all of the poor plot and silly characters you are sure to have a great time!

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