Kill Buljo
Kill Buljo
R | 12 May 2009 (USA)
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Jompa Tormann and his guests and family are brutally gunned down during an engagement party. Sami- and women-hating police officer Sid Wisløff is put on the case. Together with his colleague and a Sami guide, Wisløff tries to find the guilty party, but Tormann survived and he wants revenge!


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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Captivating movie !

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Oh my.Well I did read the reviews so I was warned. I thought let's go and challenge good taste, and I wasn't "disappointed". Rolling my eyes so many times they almost fell out of their sockets, I still didn't find the sense to stop the film. I made it to the end, but I don't know if that's an achievement one should be proud of.The low budget look is okay and the bad acting is just... bad acting, but this can be part of the "charm" in these type of films. Sometimes bad acting replaces or enhances humor because of the goofy look.My conclusion is - what comes up when a group of people get seriously drunk and then one says let's make a film and all go haywire with ideas. The outcome is hilarious while you're boozed, but next morning you just moan and wince at the thought of it. Here, no one had the guts next morning to be the one pointing out that they'll better leave it.Some "jokes" seem to be taken straight from the walls of a lavatory in the wrong part of town, just thrown in for the sake of it and where they couldn't think up something witty.Mostly I winced. I laughed loud once (!) but sadly I can't remember where it was... the shock of this sudden spark in my numb brain blocked my memory completely. And I won't go boldly again to where no man has gone before to find it out.Some reviews say you have to be Norwegian to "get it". Sorry but I can't accept this lame excuse for this humorous landslide of a film.If you want to laugh about dialects and the prejudices people to their e.g. Northern or Southern landsmen, watch the french comedy "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis" (Welcome to the Sticks). The humor was even able to be comprehended and found funny in Germany, in German dubbing (I haven't seen it in English, though).2 stars for the "good" intentions. By the way, the road to hell is paved with these...

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Anton Brondz

Kill Buljo is the story of a sami whose friends and family is killed during an engagement party. The storyline follows the Kill Bill films more or less, with the only the location and people being different.The parody is good at times and it definitely includes some funny elements, but the film in general is poorly made and the acting is terrible at times. It got so bad at times, I started wondering whether this actually was a film production or just something for a film project at school. Kill Buljo also left me wondering whether it's actually necessary to add extra nastiness to make a "good" film.. I guess so.I didn't really have big expectations, so I wasn't disappointed. Watch it only if you have nothing else to do.

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Why am I the only person that loves movies that other people hate? I watched this in the back seat of the family van, while going to a 4th of July party, and I thought it was incredibly hilarious! I should have watched Norwegian comedy a long time ago. The film spoofs Kill Bill. A man named Jompa Torman is reluctantly about to be married until Tampa Buljo, Crazy Beibifeit, Dr. Kjell Driver, and Bud Light kill all of his family and try to kill him. After he wakes up from his coma, he is a man with nothing to lose and takes the law into his own hands. Hot on his trail is a dumb and mean-spirited cop named Sid Wisløff and his partner, Unni Formen. Sid wants Jompa behind bars, but Unni begins to realize that he is innocent. I literally laughed until I cried! I highly recommend KILL BULJO!!! p.s. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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This film is great! Some people took the crappy film Kill Bill, and made a genius parody. Don't get me wrong now. Tarantino is an excellent director, but Kill Bill was a flop. But Kill Buljo is funny from the first second, till the last second. With a budget of only a million NOK (about $200.000) they managed to make a brilliant movie. Yes, it's an amateur movie, but I'm glad it made the movie theaters, and DVD. Had to buy it when it got out.Sorry my English. I'm not very good at it :PIf you want to see a real comedy, how it should be, watch Kill Buljo! It's the BOMB!!!!

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